
return to 'The Writings'      

A substract of other info (from the reference book) related to 'economy' will appear later (obtain Trust 20i)

                   below the  'raw' material  of 'The first Supplement'


   Time invested provides "the right to use"

refer to What is new too


First Supplement   


        : On this edition                            (editor)


        : A-DA-I.                                       (secretary)


        : Exam and other matters              (First Forum ECU)


        : The Tpoint-Labor-Contract         (the secretary)

        : The Calendar of YOLE                 (First Forum NIYE) 

        : U_ZA_I      Organ gram                (the secretary)


            Images on forms/Expired Tpc's. as Udai-Ka application form.  

1:      'We understand things that concern our and  your limitation and ask nothing else than your willingness to elaborate the      information as addition to your own conviction of life. See to it, that your reflection brings a comprehension, using the previous editions as reference, but take your time for this.  The proper production and sequence of all publications sofar are  (italian) Manifest/ Udai-za-T folder/Edition 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14-may.oct'93/ E#1,Brochure,E#2,15,16,17,18,oct.dec'93/ Book of Udai -mar'94/ 1-st Supplement- sep'94

One might say that this edition asks for 'carefully reading' and it is recommended to read it more than once, to be able to grasp the 'message' which lies between the lines. While the initiative is carried by volunteers, part-timers,  students and others, and since the budget for this kind of publication is kept low; to allow us too, to rent a location for an introduction and a train-ticket for a CI, we simply ask you to make your own foto-copy, before you pass this on to a friend, or someone else. In any case, we ask you, once you have read it, not to keep this edition for yourself, but to recycle it further.

      'UDAI-YANAI-SA' is an initiative against discriminations and searches recognition as association with the objective to realize the Civilization of YOLE, by means of The Art and system of Udai.                                                       

                                                                                                         A donation is most welcome ( IBAN: NL69INGB0009416120 )

       A-DA-I.  {the international new word set}                                                                                  - * -

   The Exam and other matters.                                                                                                          (Secretary)         (▲ top )

After an introduction an Udai-KA obtains the right to carry the 'T', that is to say, it belongs to his or her potential to collect a number of people into a specific target, set by this -KA. (Of course) The forum-members know about this target and consent /participate in it. After a by CGI and Nkita decided and accepted by 'P and O' period of time, the-KA could ask /or be proposed to/ an exam, which for the time being_ relates to: 1. the international new word set  - 2. a mental stability-test, observing a quantity of images pictures/ visualized situations choosing one of five/ seven answers to be the correct one. These questions relate to - a: the local language  and - b: referendum questions. Passing the exam an Udai-KA can apply for a 'YUGO' and obtains the right to vote. The YUGO (see image) is handed over in the presents of a CI/CGI and has a registration number. It is an individualized thing, related to the pi-number which extends after becoming -KI with a sequential number. Changing from the KI to the KA file (see 'introduction') doesn't change this sequential number within one year, after this change. A YUGO is handed out once. If nothing indicated the intention to return to the -KI status, the sequential number is set to 00 (;taken of the pi-number) _after the year_ and a new exam is required, to obtain the right to vote again.  Udai-KI are  authorized of 'becoming informed' about all principle Udai-matters. The Tonegi-service (;'O') provides  verbal information or (on the base of Tpoint-use) printed information concerning a (local) referendum-question upon which the forum wants to make a collective decision. 

'Vote-delay'.    A theme talked about on (example) Tuesday between 15.00h and 15.15h is to be voted about, after a next 3T4 under theme number 19. Absent -KI can find information at the Tonegi before than. Vote-delay may not trespass seven days. The CGI can represent a theme once he feels too few participated in the vote. He is the only one who can do so. The short-form communication between Udai-KA/ -KI and a forum (see the article about forms, further on) is something to get used to. You could try to show your intelligence in accepting this explanation.  If you meet a member of the forum in the corridor of a building, you should realize that the person represents only a fourth of the forum and when you try to convince this forum member in a three-quarter of an hour attempt to dominate with your opinion, the person is kind of limited to a three-quarter of an hour memorization of your words, to bring it into the forum, if he/she feels that you are right. You can't expect or ask this from a forum member. The short-form communication leads to a formalized attempt to objectivity.  All forum-members have access to these forms and one can propose to another to invite you to specify your points of view at 'the table'. A forum member can decide to invite you to his KA-ZA, but cannot take decisions concerning the SHO-ZA independently.  

'KA-ZA'. Mentioned on page 115 of the first Udai-book '..there are three places: SU-ZA, SHO-ZA and UDAI-ZA'. The First Forum of the Circle of AFRI shared the opinion of the First Forum of the Circle of AME, that there should be a definition of these words on the mantrax that is to say, in a practical sense. The Counsels of NIYE and ECU took it up and it was communicated in October 94 to the First Forums of all Circles that the word 'SU-ZA' relates to the number 5 and  is connected  to the spiritual-part of the first building of YOKO, being also indicated as 'the centre of a Circle'. In a sequential order, the first is situated in the Circle of NIYE, the second in the Circle of AFRI, the third in the Circle of AUST, fourth in the Circle of ECU and  fifth in the Circle of AME. There can be a small or larger building situated near -that is less than seven kilometres from- a tower, being the physiologic residence of the members of the Counsel. Tribunal as well as First Forum can situate in the same facility, yet in separate rooms / halls. Communication between the institutions is to be organized by terminals/ fax/ couriers, yet all communication finds access to a computer memory system, labels indicate date and subject. These constructions need to be 'autonomous' that is to indicate auto-supportive on the level of water / electric power supply and basic food supply, for the period of expecting a local harvest, necessary to replace the basic food stock. A SHO-ZA is also a facility with architectural aspects. In principle it is a place, where three male of the same age-group regularly meet, in the presents of a  woman of that age-group. The male search for a synchronization of their individual 'will' related to the 'need' expressed by the woman. Once things start on the level of local productivity (See the article on Tpoint-labor contract/ DSP, Brut-SHO-ZA product) somebody (male/female) can be asked to the A2 position of the forum in the role of MAN-YA. As mentioned on page 230 of the first Udai-book, a forum with some-one on the A2 position can incorporate 'art' and with someone on I2, physiological training groups. In a hierarchic sense the MI-DEN (someone organizing art/music/ dance in a SHO-ZA) resorts under the MAN-YA, as the Tonegi and Uragi resort under 'O' (or FI). Parallel to the MI-DEN is the position of KOI-NI occupied with collecting local/ traditional/ additional knowledge on 'health', female position, where the target is set to reduce intoxication with chemicals. Task of this (MAN-YA) role lies in the market-survey as 'user/ consumer /adviser'. That is to say, set in a communication-line, the Nkita 'needs something' yet, she will not address the NOEN nor the NOAH nor the TONEGI nor the URAGI, but the MAN-YA, who as such doesn't produce but informs about what is available. Knowing this Nkita can address CGI, PA and FI in a forum-meeting concerning this need and CGI,PA and FI will decide (triple AI) whether it can / cannot be taken care of or what should be set in motion, where, to take care of it. Resorting under CGI is the YU-MAN (;I2 position in the forum). Under this masculine role, the role of BO-GI, (physiologic, non competitive training groups). MI-DEN and BO-GI could organize together for example gymnastics, aerobic or bio-dancing. Tai-chi is accepted by the Tribunal and merely Aikido is recognized _in Udai_ as an activity that sets towards transcending of dualistic thinking, in motion. Parallel to BO-GI is the position of NO-MA.  Comparable with KOI-NI. NO-MA collects information on 'knowledge' as patents/ methodological-ergonomic studies/ traditional techniques in construction / agriculture. Task of the YU-MAN lies in the Efficiency- studies (-Compare the MIKI-institute of the land of YEN-) and 'output' relates to 'P'(or PA), NOEN and NOAH. The right to veto isn't connected to the MAN-YA  while it a service concerns. Yet, the MAN-YA can inform the Nkita about the scruffy-looking, un-hygienic and ecologic  not-recyclable pamper and it's likely that a decent Nkita will make use of her right to veto the presents of such a thing in the SHO-ZA, even though it was produced by a work- group resorting under NOAH. The KOI-NI has the right to veto under the aspect of vote-delay, exclusively on guidelines given out by Nkita concerning health/ birth-control-regulation/stimulation/medication propositions and such'.  This 'vote-delay' will invite the NO-MA beside the KOI-NI to the conversation held by CGI,PA,FI and NKITA, in which all -but CGI- vote and where CGI has the right to veto. The YU-MAN advises PA and can veto NOEN and NOAH. In a practical construction this can be illustrated. NOEN wants a fence around his salads to avoid rabbits  eating things meant for the kitchen. Informing NOAH doesn't make it 'formal' and will not get it done, yet NOAH knows 'informal' about NOEN's intention, and can start to think. NOEN has to inform PA about this and PA can sit down with NOEN and NOAH, to search for the triple AI, with which it  will be decided and where NOAH knows what to do to make a fence around NOEN's salads. It is considered as vote-delay and -as said- vote-delay may not trespass seven days. PA has time, to ask advise to YU-MAN, which can ask NO-MA to assist but doesn't have to. This is determined by the size of 'the problem' and whether or not YU-MAN and PA can find an agreement. If they cannot, NO-MA is invited first, yet NO-MA is likely to present only alternative solutions based on a variety of possibilities.  Being 'in three' an executive decision could be taken. If it isn't, a second 'vote-delay' is added, of which PA informs NOEN and NOAH, and which -by it's turn- may not trespass seven days either. CGI is invited to vote within that meeting yet, can invite NO-MA, NOEN and or NOAH to -that same- meeting or invite them separately over a period of maximal seven days after, to T-ema the matter. Consequence is that the executive decision about NOEN's fence is taken  within 21 days  and NOAH  knows of which materials/ by what method/ and within which time-delay the thing should be there. In this example of a fence, it is rather long, yet in more complicated matters the system works as was described. YU-MAN may walk through the vegetable garden, seeing someone mixing excrements with sand. He can tell them to stop it. The NOEN will tell the Udai-ki to stop it because YU-MAN has the right to veto NOAH and NOEN. This matter will be brought to PA. YU-MAN does not have the right to veto PA  but can take PA with to CGI who can veto both PA as well as YU-MAN. On page 35 the organ gram of an U-ZA-I is inserted, with all names and veto-lines. Though emphasised in this, the veto as such shouldn't obstruct a flexibility and a joy of collaboration. It needs to be put down somewhere, how this is, once things 'stagnate'. These local veto-lines deal with the functionality of the U-ZA-I and the hierarchic line of Udai as association starts at the First Forum, where it is taken by the CI, to the CGI to end/ and return/ in the Udai-ki (;voters). Four levels in the hierarchic line. More words and many personalities,  but four levels.

The SHO-ZA has been described in a physical compare also as 'factory-hall'. It is a place relatively isolated from climatologically influences. Other aspects about it are elaborated by your own forum. The UDAI-ZA isn't connected to architecture. It is simply a place outside, like a park, beach, a hill-side of a valley a sport field (or something else) and serves  mass-encounters, festivals and other activities that cannot accumulate the interested in a building.  The 'T' is  taken from the SHO-ZA, to such an outdoor place, to make it an UDAI-ZA. Apart from that, the NOAH is the one to organize amplification, stage, light-towers, toilet facilities, a transport of materials and people and other things (like the 'impeccable' cleaning up afterwards). Once 3T4's grow to the size of hundred participants a month an addition under the role of NOAH is made with the TRA-ZEN, occupied with transport of people and materials. Parallel to a TRA-ZEN is the MAR-MAN under NOEN, occupied with the agricultural products and their presentation on 'the market'. In the presentation of the 'T' in a small village in the north of Italy, where Yanai continued his studies during 1994, the observation was made that there was a need to define another place. The remark of page 115 of the first UDAI-book would have to be re-edited to 'there are four places, SU-ZA, SHO-ZA, UDAI-ZA and KA-ZA'. This concept of KA-ZA relates to 'the conducting number', being raised from two (NI) to three (SAN) in February 93. Everything related to this 'conducting-number' should be studied carefully while it is something new in the history of men and relates to our future.  The conducting number one (Itch) is given to a place where 'apparent intelligent life' has been observed, yet no other than a material intervention is justified. (..'Drop a wheel to those that don't know what it is and observe, whether they try to kill each other with it or start to use it'). Two (Ni),where a conflict between GA (identity) and BA (behaviour) was registered. Intervention in these places is justified in the shaping of ethics by means of  teachers, prophets and/or messengers. Three (San), where the will to HAIE is manifested by those chosen to come to the point. Intervention in the form of 'assistance' could take place, under certain conditions.  In our case these conditions relate to 'the HADA-questions' and to whether the representative of the Counsel are respected. Things indicated by the Counsel are to be executed immediately, without delay. Yanai was disoriented without KANAI and remarks of the Greater Counsel   concerning what should be done have not been respected.  The conducting number four (YU) and five (GO) will be taken into consideration to be reached in time to come. Not now.  Unfortunately the conducting number two (NI) corresponds with  the biological unity in the primitive civilizations. That is the man-woman relation, mainly characterized by greedy creatures hiding in caves, offering intimacy and or sex, as reward to someone sent out of the cave to fight. It is within this relation, that the concept of KA-ZA was added. KA-ZA is for the time being defined as 'house', consisting out of three bathrooms, six garages and a swimming-pool or consisting out a single room without toilet. It is the man-woman place.  Likely to become re-defined in the future but now recognizable as 'house'.If an Udai-ka goes to a KA-ZA it is 'normal' that he meets a man and a woman. An Udai-ka-o could take another Udai-ka-o or an Udai-ki-i  with to such a KA-ZA, to make it Udai. Same counts for an Udai-ka-e, taking another Udai-ka-e or an Udai-ki-a with, where the  -ka-o/-ki-i relate to the man, the  -ka-e/ki-a  relate to the woman. Re-defining of KA-ZA to 'niche / recess (without door) in a SHO-DAI' / 'double-bed in a SHO-ZA' can be once these facilities will be constructed, likely once the BA-AI-phase comes and the 225 (or more) MUNAs will be.

Mentioned on page 224 of the first Udai-book is 'SHO-ZAs may swell to enclave yet, should stay organized on the level of 'nomads'...'. Let us return to 'guide-line to you centre' and encounter a few of the Udai-words, used above. Assuming you live in a flat in one of the suborn of Koln (Germany), third floor of a long (monotone) street with few parking spaces and two trees at the street corners in use as place for local dogs to urinate and you read these lines.

After a couple of months you might say to yourself ..'why not ?' and make a 'T' with the description given in the book. You don't know exactly who to relate to yet, but that will come. Don't forget to make (or buy) a T-stand and an O.D.S.P box. They are the 'base' of the 'T' and important for the developments to come.  First thing your friends and/or environment will say is 'you are crazy' and as of than we welcome you as associated mentally (not practically). You've started to expose yourself to the reality of our society and civilization and wish you a revealing path in insisting, to overcome yourself and problems created, where you can grow in the  comprehension of the 'truth' and upon which you hopefully encounter happiness. Re-enforce your sincerity with    simplicity and persistence. You ought to be prepared that some of your _'considered_' dear friends will start to avoid you. Don't worry, if not immediately than after, they will be substituted by other persons of different characteristics, definitely worth getting to know as well. If this belongs to the possibilities of your apartment, empty one of the (bed) rooms out, and deposit a carpet on the floor with 'T',T-stand and O.D.S.P.- box, in the left corner (opposite to the - opened - door). If this doesn't belong to the possibilities of your apartment make two square meters available for carpet, 'T' stand and box.  (or find yourself a larger place to live).

....Done ? you have a KA-ZA, where you watch television, sleep and eat and you are authorized to change the name of you (former) bed-room to: SHO-ZA.  You could insert a school board in an other corner in such a fashion that it looks like a class- room.  You have 18 chapters in the Udai-book, where 3,4,5 - 12,13,14 - 16,17,18 could be condensed leaving you 12 'lessons'.  The supplement on the first Udai-book (the thing you are reading now) can serve as 'lesson' 13, 14 and 15, which can be presentedin a cycle of three till four months, every seventh day, as volume to your 3T4, where you would have space to shift a little after your own 'insight'.  Those that participated in all lessons did 'the introduction' in Udai. Report yourself to a CI otherwise you'll be forgotten. (In the ECU-Circle you can call: 0(031)599651661 (till august 2008)

In the little dialogue -below- you can grow an idea, about  some things concerning a perspective in or of Udai. - * -

(KII):....What ?. (KAO):...and that thing ?.  (KII):....Ohhh, that thing; is called a 'T'; for the one who will tell us, what we're going to 3'T'4. (editor: 'tomorrow')...he should be here between three and five this afternoon. (KAO):...why should HE tell us ?. (KII):..You always with your mechanic 'why ?'!; can't you respect A3..?,after HIS (;CGI's) words it is THEN !; your conclusion and your act....See you soon.        - * -

After a cycle of lessons, you can start a new cycle. Logic, and don't hesitate to simply make P's,S's,D's and O's into your yourself. The visualized example of doing will be followed by some, but never interfere intellectually in their acting. Just do it yourself and leave them alone.  An opinion is not more than that. An act has different value.  In your SHO-ZA, you can invite thus persons interested in the lectures (readings) of Udai and those that become new friends could become nominated to a try-period, to a role. Such a try-period is five months. If someone thinks he is able to the role of NOAH, he can do his best. You cannot nominate yourself to CGI, a CI can do that. All you can do is pine-point a date as 'official opening' of your SHO-ZA as of which 'the first year of it' starts and after which an election is to take place. Before that, you may consider yourself CGI and search to find people for the roles. The moment may come where seventy persons regularly visit your SHO-ZA (unlikely for practical reasons to be still situated in your apartment by than).'Seventy' is not a fixed number but an approximate indication. It transcends  45 by 25.The 70 are organized in 20 roles, 15 -KI's and 35 -KA's. The T-group starts to grow 'too large', that is to say, anonymous reappears among members and growth starts to stagnate. The clausal of 'Issaino' is executed, that is; the group is split in two groups of 35 each, with the objective to reach (transcend) the number 45, again. The group staying and the group leaving yourSHO-ZA. A stable group of 45 participants is indicated as U-ZA-I. Those that leave, can start a SHO-ZA in the apartment next door, or (geographically) relocate three, five or seven kilometre from your SHO-ZA in another SHO-ZA, with a new 'official opening date', another (potential) CGI and so forth, and so on. Contact in the sense of cooperation regarding NOEN and NOAH activities, exchange program of volunteers, -KA's and joint manifestations related to 3T4's. Suppose you're the one that brought the first 'T' to Koln (Germany). The geographical position (address) of it is (relatively) fixed and the SHO-ZA's create themselves in a (;max. seven kilometres) wide circle around that position. The SHO-DAI consists of such an (central) position, containing 3x7 U-ZA-I and one of the CGI's (among the 21 CGI's of these U-ZA-I in this SHO-DAI) could candidate to the role of SHO-DAI-KU; a CGI  thus of an 'enclave'. The SHO-DAI exists of 3x7x45 is 945 persons. Recommended by the 1st Forum is to change U-ZA-I  each third year, to get used to 'moving' as preparation to 'the Shift'. SHO-DAI-KU should preferably have studied, lived at and/or participated in a kibbutz. (; Settlement in the land of TORA; Israel). 70 SHO-DAI-KU can elect a MANU and, 11 MANU can elect a MUNA.

The civilization of YOLE can realize itself once we manage to bring 225 MUNA's together, representing people that will take a boat or train, to a specified area on the planet. It  will require something and you should realize that we'll never reach this number, if you do not stay. So stay;  month after month after month.  And make yourself useful  for a 3T4, the NOEN or NOAH, study something that can help the NO-MA or the KOI-NI and endure the critics around you.   Yanai thought about his friends from the land of YEN, than he has one. And he wrote for a PAMA-SHI-KE a little thing,  that is inserted here.                  

Read it as a child.

'The Muna knows, the Muna knows.  

 The Manu tells, and all can ask,                  

       the Manu says, and all can hear.         

 The Muna knows, the Muna knows,              

       his glory grows, his glory grows.          

 The Muna tells, and non can ask,             

 The Muna says, and all will do'.                 

 - From 'the empire of 225 MUNA-s'.   (Yanai'94).



    The Tpoint-labor-Contract.                                                                                                                          (Secretary)        (▲ top )

A Tpoint labor contract represents several key-statements from Yanai, founder of UDAI, and can be found in a plurality of initiative groups, such as there is Udai-LAB, which searches to transform 'teachings' to a sign-able contract. Udai-LAB resorts under NO-MA (in the forum) and 'produces' forms/Uragi-(computer)-programs/printed vote-delayed info/keeps with and for the Uragi-service an administration of listed -KA and -KI, their pi#, mutations in votee codes  and administers the YUGO-registration numbers. It is a role- service, all roles can relate to, participate in, and the 'output' is brought by the forum into the SHO-ZA if unanimousy in the forum about additions was reached. Contracts are 'commitments', made by individuals that are willing to 1. Unite willpower - combine knowledge and investment. 2. Organize in a decision-protective (;-hierarchic-) way. 3. To realize    - product - project - defined objective. 4. As output     - result  - measure - prove.    towards a  Standard of living.  - quality of life -  full fridge.                              The Tpoint labor contract is not a contract in a classical sense. There are no 'law enforcements'(; punishments) foreseen once people do not live up to the contence of it. A 'commitment' of collaboration however needs : prove,as reminder that a commitment was made. Furthermore, a verbalization of the method, the conditioning towards the unification and distribution of force/investment and means.  A -ka/ -ki can be invited to demonstrate him/herself in a  short-term contract. Consequence of 'not-living-up' to the contract results in a 'expulsion of invitation' to a next contract (with the same project-initiative-taker/leader). The limit of inscription (;the project-leader doesn't need more than (say) nine collaborators) selects labor to the quality of laborers. The project-leader doesn't punish, you exclude yourself to further invitation. Tpc's (; Tpoint contracts) circulate within the U-ZA-I;the SHO-ZA, which are _for the time being, in the majority of cases_ created in the spare- time of all those collaborating in it. It is an attempt to furnish an additional economic system, that relates to (good) will investment as volunteer and starts to measure your availability and time in things done at / for the SHO-ZA. In some occasions you may 'claim' a third of the (labor) time, that you were forbidden to work, by the KOI-NI or the Nkita if they recognized that you could not work due to a physical problem. This depends on the notes in the Tpoint contract and how it was incorporated by the forum of the SHO-ZA where you are active. Now let's go to Koln (Germany) as in the previous article. The translation to the local (;German) language of SHO-ZA would be 'Gemeinshafts-Raum'. Okee; with one visitor apart from yourself, you'd better go elsewhere to find somebody interested. In three, you can start to play Tchiyo (;3DP) and get to know each other. Trying to make 'non-productive' (yet valid) Tpoints. Once a (serious/reliable) person can by 'nominated'/ found to the role of Uragi, this individual can start to 'administrate'  the Tpoint(s) made. In larger SHO-ZA's the procedure to 'Tpoint-announcing' is combined which the potential provision of prove. That is; there are always two witnesses that you can indicate, with whom the Tpoint(s) were made and  between 'making' and 'announcing' lies a maximum time delay of 3x24 is 72 hours. Consequence is, that if you made 8 Tpoints on AMI-DA (Friday) and you finished at 16.00h that day, you have till 16.00h  MYO-DA (Monday) to announce this at the Uragi- service. If you forgot; the Tpoints are gone and are not registered. The time that individuals were sent (alone) into a forest to cut a tree and were given an occasion to sit there rolling their thumbs or poking their nose, claiming after six hours the job couldn't be done because of an un-explainable problem belongs to the past. Individuals are never sent out 'alone' to do something in YOLE, nor in the NOEN, nor in the NOAH divisions. Three persons would go to that forest. One that knows which tree and two to carry it, where these two can alternate in carrying, with the one that knows how to walk back to the SHO-ZA. If the Uragi gets to know you as exaggerator, he can ask, with who you made your labor hours Tpoints. In even larger SHO-ZA's the NOEN and NOAH transfer (by terminals) their executed working schedule’s directly  to the Uragi-service, with the pi# (numbers) of the -KI and -KA indicating a quantity of earned Tpoints. There you obtain _instead of 'announcing'_ a 72h time-right to inquire after the growth of your Tpoint- 'credit', at the Uragi-service and protest, with witnesses, where the Uragi has 24 hours to contact the role/project-leader to find a confirm on your claim/ correct the data. If this is not done by the Uragi- service, you can sign in a form, addressed to 'O' (FI). This matter must than be taken serious by the entire forum and might result, in the addition of your claim to your credit, the publication of this affair by the Tonegi-service/ Udai-LAB as a theme, upon which the U-ZA-I can create an opinion about things. Such an 'internal incident' in a SHO-ZA may not ask more than 3 vote-delays (21 days) before it is 'sorted'. The maximum that could happen, is that CGI assigns somebody else to the role of URAGI.

So, there you are with a piece of paper, to mark that you made a Tpoint today, while Martin doesn't feel like doing a thing for your SHO-ZA and doesn't want to become Uragi. -Be patient in your insisting and really give people time-. First objective is to substitute your former bedroom to a really large facility, in which you can create a Werkstatt, (German word for 'Workshop'), where you can saw, paint and hammer. If this doesn't work you can assign your garage as such, thus creating a SHO-ZA in your bedroom and a place to produce in your garage. ADA-I for 'workshop' is: 'DEN'. Spread your time between carpet, workshop and the research for 'interested in the introduction'.  Third objective is a 'Shop'; a place where you can sell things. Better would be to have _in fact_ this 'factory-hall', to create these three elements (geographically) near to each other, yet separated in visual and acoustic ways. That is to say, in entering your SHO-ZA, the 'T'/Tstand/O.D.S.P-box and table 'strike my eye' and on an inquiry I can discover the 'DEN' and the 'BUYIDO' (;shop). Yet, you could also place a long shelve on two supports in front of your garage, as they do on the market, and present things, you've made in your DEN. There you'd have to pay attention. In most European countries you are submitted to all forms of regulations being an effort of 'the collective' to steer itself in a _known_ economical system.  The Tpoint system is likely to become recognized as exceptional un-interesting by tax-collector, maffia and avidity-conducted, mainly because this Tpoint    system is based on 'the sincerity of effort' connected to 'the right to use', while the classical economical system is based on 'the want to have' connected to 'cannot pay'. In the BUYIDO both these economical systems meet. FI ('O', of the forum) can tell the Tonegi-service to supply NO-MA with information about all these local regulations, so that YU-MAN can give the best advise on how to respect and proceed. As was mentioned, YU-MAN can veto NOEN and NOAH and take PA to CGI. In the same fashion YU-MAN can veto TONEGI and URAGI. In this, he doesn't take FI to CGI but to Nkita. Nkita can veto FI as well as YU-MAN, which can then turn to CGI. There are no 'lawyers' in Udai, the CGI's are there. Problems / frictions between a U-ZA-I and the local environment are studied as an aspect of T-ema-craty, where the Tpoint labor contract searches to incorporate good-will, towards productivity / activity for and at, the SHO-ZA/ DEN/ BOYIDO. A fourth objective is a 'dormitory', a place where travellers or exchange -KA from other U-ZA-I can sleep. A fifth objective a 'mensa' that is: collective kitchen. ADA-I for dormitory is 'NANA' and for mensa: 'NINI'.  As mentioned in chapter 15 (book), labor here resorts under the TONEGI, as well as the roles of NANA-ME and NINI-MA. The NINI-menu is programed, a week in advance by the Nkita, KOI-NI and NINI-MA.  Your CGI knows, where this size of SHO-ZA's can by found in your Circle. In 1994,not in Koln (Germany) yet. There Hans (active as NOEN) convinced some potatoes to expose themselves on a shelve, in front of George's garage. We don't 'sell' in Udai. We 'expose to interested'. There are therefore 'no prices' and an 'exchange of articles' is conducted by 'the feeling'. That is: On the shelve, a box; a plain ordinary 'money'-box. Someone comes and smiles at a carrot. Seems to be interested in 'the carrot'. The conversation would run approximately like: (BA-o): 'How much do you want for these carrots ?' (Hans): 'We're not authorized by the commune to sell here, so we show, what grew in the vegetable garden of the SHO-ZA.' (Georg) 'If you want some you can make an addition to the box here. It will be used for the replacements of seeds and tools'. (BA-o): 'Ahh, you are... volunteers or... something ?'. (Hans): 'No, we helped to grown this product with others'.  (BA-o): 'And I can determine the price myself because you are not authorized to sell here...?'. (Georg) 'We ask for your help, and ask you to return something. The initiative is worth it'. (BA-o): 'I give you two Dmark for five kilo'. (Georg) '....We wait for somebody else'. (Hans): 'The market value in money is something like 6 Dm' (BA-o): 'That's not true, I could get them for 1 Dm a kilo' (Hans): 'Is five Dm for these... okee with you,...Georg ?. (Georg) 'I feel seven would be better.  Remember what the Nkita brought forward as target for this month'. (Hans): 'Yeah...yeah...' make the U-ZA-I rich' ...they said. (Georg) 'To cover the financial problems of the SHO-ZA of where these products come from, we can ask seven. (Hans): 'If you give him 5 Dm, I'll give you the carrots'.   - + -  (KA-o): '...Nice painting'.     (Georg): '..You like it ?' (KA-o): '..It's okee, who made it ?'.    (Georg): 'As far as I know it was made by Nella, an Udai-ka-e'.(KA-o): '....can give you thirty'.   (Hans): 'If you feel that is enough'.   (KA-o): '...thirty-five feels better. (Georg): 'Than that's what it is'. (Hans): '...No...give it to him...he's in charge with the money. I'll wrap it in a piece of paper'.  - + -  (Hans): 'Did Nella tell you, as of when you could let her painting go ?'  (Georg): 'As of 25 Dm.....why ?'. (Hans): 'Than thirty would have been enough, wouldn't it have been ?' (Georg): 'We're supposed to make the SHO-ZA rich..... Remember ?'. (Hans): 'Yeah,... I know'.   - * -

The BUYIDO is conducted by the same principles. Georg and Hans could produce and accept 'second-hand' things. Products coming from a barn or the attic donated by Udai-ki and incorporate this on a shelve, search these 'recycle-markets'  with things produced at the DEN or brought in by other KA or KI.(as 'given away' from 'having too much'). In the beginning of this activity, quality can't be taken into consideration. It will play a role later, in the BUYIDO.         

The money-box (;ADA-I word: 'BABA-NE') will be brought to FI (or _as delegated_ to the URAGI), the contence divided by two and registered as 50% to S.- and 50% to the P.-entrance of the O.D.S.P-box.  Hans and Georg 'announce' the amount of time  (correspondent to what they feel as 'just') they have been occupied to prepare, expose and take shelve and leftovers back to the garage as six and a half hours thus 6.5 Tpoints. Hans's pi# is 418-0939-1441 (Indicating 4 for ECU-circle.18; the Muna circle. 09; the Manu circle 39; the SHO-DAI-KU; 14 the CGI; 41 the -KA number). The KA relates to the last six digits (39-1441), the Uragi-service to all. If Hans passes the exam, another two-digit number is added as 39-1441-32.  32 relates to the sequential number of voters under CGI 14. Hans his YUGO-registration number would be: 418-0939-1441-32. This number will never change and indicates, where someone did the exam. 'Moving' has a consequence to the pi#. It doesn't move with the person but is set to non-active by adding a zero in front of the 418. The Uragi has a 'vacancy' under 0418-0939-1441-32. Hans can ask the Tonegi-service of another SHO-ZA (anywhere) if there are 'vacancies'. That service finds, in their Uragi- service, the number 0221-1061-1931 and tells Hans a vacancy is there. If there is no vacancy, the last two digits determine whether Hans could find a place in that SHO-ZA. The last two can trespass 45 up to 70, before the 'Issaino clausal' is executed.  If the last two digits are less than this _by the SHO-DAI-KU_ determined number, that SHO-ZA can 'incorporate'. Hans goes to Africa. (Tpoints made a train available). Arrived  there the Uragi re-activates the number by disconnecting the zero in front and an eventual exam-sequential number from the tail, adding a new sequential number (16) to it. Hans his YUGO proves him to be votee, receives number 221-1061-1931-16 from the Uragi-service in Africa and relates to his new pi#-number 61-1931-16. The Uragi in Africa relates, with the help of the YUGO-registration number to the Uragi of 418-0939-14..-.. to find two things. 'Was the votee number disconnected ?' and 'how many Tpoints brings Hans with ?'.  A second YUGO-registration number is written under the first, being the new pi# + votee number received. This is done by FI, in the forum. Parents, travellers, children born in a SHO-DAI; all have a pi#. Exchange -KA, from a nearby SHO-ZA or travellers use Tpoint- collecting sheets. The 'sending' SHO-ZA subtracts from the file -say- 30 Tpoints and writes them on the top of a form. (This requires fax traffic between Uragi-services concerning reliable signatures / Para pHs).  The 'helped' SHO-ZA adds / subtracts to this individualized Tpoint collecting sheet, which are taken in by the Uragi of the 'sending' SHO-ZA, once changees 'return' and Tpoint amount remaining / grown is administrated to their pi#. Hans announced six and a half hours equal 6.5 Tpoints. The Uragi can ask for the plastic coated card containing Hans pi# and reads (_with a scanner_) 39-1441-32, that will provide a pi#-sheet on a terminal.  6.5 is added to Tpoints-total. The plastic coated cards are produced by Udai-LAB. The -KA and the Uragi-service receive both five, after the Udai-KA- form (see introduction) was filed. If the -KA lost all his five cards, he can obtain the other five, from the Uragi-service which subtracts 0.5 Tpoints to this pi#, invites Udai-LAB to re-produce another five, to replace the ones  from the Uragi-service. Printed vote-delay from the Tonegi- service subtracts 0.1 Tpoint for each A4 (the paper size) sheet. (;10 pages of information than: 1 Tpoint). BABA-NE are in Udai-activities 'all over the place'. An indication how much a A4 information sheet would cost however is not made.( Don't make it 'repulsive' ). The contence of these BABA-NE is booked as 50% S. and 50% P. The D. (of the O.D.S.P.-box) as well as the O. are booked separate. Both . and D. relate to the 'T'. The 'T'-carrying and the carpet. FI relates to the O.D.S.P-box as the Uragi to Tpoints. CGI and Nkita can decide about the D.(Donations), whether _what part of_ it is used, to raise the DSP-product, whether to transfer a part to the KOI-NI, the PAMA-SHI-KU or another role, whether to obtain tools / materials / seeds / equiptement for NOAH or SHO-ZA 'outlook' improvement. CGI and Nkita are occupied with the D.  Mentioned in the book, the O. (Offering) is transferred to the Uragi-uwan-service. (IBAN: NL61INGB0009416120). The S.& P. (plus an _eventual_ part from the D.) make the 'Brut-SHO-ZA-product'/'DSP' of the U-ZA-I.  The 'DSP' is distributed each fourth week. 12% of 13th distribution is transferred as O., to organize 'the festival of Udai'. Once the calendar of YOLE is introduced, the 8th of August is the 'un-counted' day of the year. It leaves 364 days, thus 12 Mimatsuri's (,the 13th corresponds with the festival), 52  3T4's and 13 'blocks' of 4 weeks of DSP-distribution. In leap-years, the 5th of May (MAI-GO-TI) will be un-counted as well. It will be 'the mondial (global) day of YAI'.(The day of joy and friendship and the desire, to proceed, towards the future.)  (see notes on forms [ below ] for more Uragi- info )

The Counsel/First Forum/Tribunal   'earn'      2.5 Tpoints/h.  

 CI,CGI,Nkita,PA,FI and the PAMA-SHI-KU      2.0 Tpoints/h.  

 All other role-assigned (NOEN,KOI-NI etc.)    1.5 Tpoints/h.  

Labor-starter/project-leaders (Udai-KI)           1.4 Tpoints/h.  

Translaters (Resort under MAN-YA-service)    1.3 Tpoints/h. 

Non-role-assigned (Udai-KA and Udai-KI)       1.0 Tpoint /h.  

CGI and Nkita can 'raise' -KI's/-KA's earning from 1.0 Tp/h.  till 1.3 Tp/h, after PA/ FI proposed this to a forum vote.  

In a small SHO-ZA the situation will rise, that Georg did things alone......Knowing each other, we can also learn to trust each other. Now suppose ,there are four volunteers in Georg's SHO-ZA. On Tuesday (OKA-DA) Georg goes alone to a vegetable garden. He earns 1 Tp/h (Tpoint/hour). ISU-DA (Wednesday) he goes there with two volunteers. Georg could 'identify' as labor-initiative-taker' and earn 1.4 Tp/h, where the volunteers earn 1 Tp/h. The next day Georg translates for three hours and earns a total of 3.9 Tp. Although not elected, he's the one to carry the 'T' to Koln and reads on a YAI-DA one of the 'readings'/'lessons' for nine interested. He takes two hours to read and two to add comment,  may identify here as CGI and earned 4x2 is 8 Tp. Near the election Georg prefers to candidate for YU-MAN. For one year, Georg 'earns' 1.5 Tp/h in each activity (be it with other Udai-KA in a project for the NOAH, as translator or in other activities than for his own 'assignment'.) A GABA-SHI that wants to lend a hand but is afraid of reporting / accepting Tpoints while s/he believes there might be negative consequences or other forms of 'cheat' can be thanked with a meal, for the productivity performed. There are no 'jobs' in the SHO-ZA, but projects, run by Tpc's.                                                                    The DSP-distribution is rather simple. The total amount of BABA ('money') is divided on the total amount of Tps. For example 26.524 Dm 'DSP' divided by 5.358 Tpoints. 1 Tp is (this month !) 4.95 Dm. Georg 'earned' 310 Tpoints and is  invited to accept 310 Tp x 4.95 is 1535 Dm. Carla 'earned' 192 Tp x 4.95 is 950 Dm. Hans 'earns' 63 x 4.95 is 312 Dm.  

In this context a few remarks are useful. In a full-grown T-group of 45 people, 5.358 Tp would be 119 Tp per person (based on 1 Tp/h; a number which goes down once the roles (1+x Tp/h) are incorporated). An average of 4 h/day in 28 days. Same in weekends. -Spare-time-. Looking at a casual person, the rhythm in 24h is based on 8/h sleep, 8/h work,  8/h spare-time, of some 50% is used for shopping, eating, travel from and to places. Some 50% is used for.... television, lonely-ness, and other -sometimes empty- creativity. In this case 119 Tp x 4.95 is 589 Dm. Convincing evidence to statement 35 of the Udai-reference book 'efficient cooperation can produce a standard of living on a higher level'. This for the self-interested and greedy in the sceptic division.  The 589 Dm out of empty spare-time as 'extra' a month may be a motive for someone, to do the introduction in Udai. -What a pain these people !-. It is not an objective in Udai !. (For Christ sake !...where is the 'T' ?!.....I want to take a walk !...) -  - Okee, two more interested....     Georg could make much Tpoints, also because he is 'unemployed'. ( Apart from making a lot of poor people, the classical  economical system makes also a lot of un-employed people )..... Anyway the Tp-labor system can find a start, also in Koln (Germany). The situation may rise ( year) there is a SHO-ZA there maybe even (already) a NANA-ME (_than there's also a NINI-MA_) and you get this traveller on the carpet that says: 'Just give me a bed and something to eat and I'll be happy'. In ECU there are men, able can deal with such a situation. An inquiry in 'is the person serious ?' is rapidly made with a reaction test to an Udai-KA-form, for the introduction, and needed as a by the person given signal to accept a pi#. He enlists or doesn't. Selecting oneself to the introduction, another future and a different way to participate in society.  If he couldn't find the 55 ECU (110 Dm) for this, it is likely he cannot find the point either and might never know, where the 'T' is. Such 'stiffened opinions' or judgements don't do any good to Carl; the traveller. He could become invited by PA and FI, to explain his motives. They (PA and FI) bring a 'request to Tpoint sheet' into the forum. They know which Tpc's 'live' by NOEN,NOAH/TONEGI. Carl (even though economy / accountant or (ex-) banker) can not assist the URAGI without the KI-status.  A protective measure that can be switched off later (;when children in age-groups 1,2,3,4,5 don't know what BABA is, or where this ADA-I word has been re-defined as 'using without right'). The forum decides about Carl and permits a 3-5 or 7 month- sheet. Now Carl can find a place to sleep and 'goes on anti-credit' (even though Carl made an S. to the O.D.S.P-box of 300 Dm). His 'using' becomes registered on the Tp-sheet (0.3 Tp/breakfast, 0.5 Tp/lunch, 0.8 Tp/dinner and 1.4 Tp/ night in the NANA), each time he 'announces' his Tps.  There are also two witnesses required on Carl's claim he did not have dinner (the day before yesterday). Since NANA-ME and mainly NINI-MA need to know in advance, what the situation will be like that (+ the following) day, Carl better announce foreseen absence to them or their first assistant.  Then he has found already one of the two witnesses needed to support his claim that he left: one dinner and a night. (.Okee, no excitement ..maybe he went to a KA-ZA). The Uragi may 'extrapolate' a line of 'likely used' afer a month. That is, each week somebody 'studies' Carl's stability in using meals and dormitory. If, after four observations, a stable statistic pattern presents itself, it may be taken as an indication for the next month. The 72h 'announce' is something, that 'moves' with Carl, and to which Carl will have to learn to relate. When this pattern didn't present the first four observations are compared with the second four observations. Based on a 12 week observation, a quote (Carl uses 39.5 Tp/'DSP' on food and 33.6 Tp/'DSP' in the NANA ('DSP' would be 'per month')) can be established. After these 12 weeks, Carl's three months Tpoint sheet expired and he is or listed under a pi# in the computer where some patterns are inserted as 'quote', or starting the next three months Tpoint sheet, or ... Now what GABA-SHI is the U-ZA-I, the forum, supposed to do when Carl didn't help ?, Couldn't associate, had no 'controlled' initiative, burps at meals and doesn't want to take a shower after being active in the forest ?. What are the Udai-ka and what are the Udai-ki supposed to do ?. It is THE problem of our civilization and our society. Are we to 'throw him out ?', It would be: the old story; power used for discrimination. Yanai said 'NO'. So, in Udai we might. That is, the CGI and the Nkita could inform Carl, he did not pass a try-period, and ask the Tonegi, for vacancies in other U-ZA-I. Carl is supposed to prepare his departure within a week, also when no vacancy is found. FI makes a premature, individualized 'DSP'. It provides Carl with some BABA, where the Tps are taken out of the computer. 'Fast calculators' could deduct the traditional economical consequence of this. There is little DSP in the beginning of a 4-week cycle. Premature DSP calculation would be based on the first week only, thus causing a Tp-value crash. Instead of 4.95 Dm/Tp, the calculation would bring 1.24 Dm/Tp and Carl's 'savings' are gone. CGI and Nkita could use some D. (Donation), in helping Carl two months ahead...Carl leaves...even I am sorry. In all the 'think-tanks', forums, in all the priests, social workers, prophets and EVEN in all hansho's...there is this problem again. An old problem  ..that bugged Moses, Buddha, Jesus and probably your CGI too;...let's leave it this time   ..unspoken;  Search for the feeling, what is meant and be grateful for the word ..Touch..- -...You may laugh, it's a manifestation of Touch..(  ) is one ..and we ?; we are three.  ..Carl is gone. Enough is enough and too much is too much.

This 'THE problem' is a 75% female educational consequence; As long as a girl selects a boy on the will, 'to fight for'  the girl, encouraging to 'take her in protection', our civilization is considered BA. The reproduction selection of an intelligent race is not connected with the stimulus to  destroy, but with the one to add. Needed is a higher ethics, no matter what age-group you are in and no matter in what age-group your forum-members are, learn slowly, to relate to the CGI as 'your second (;sociological) father', beside a relation you may have, with your first (;biological) father, and to the Nkita as 'your second (;sociological) mother, beside a relation you may have, with your first (;biological) mother. A bit silly in the beginning maybe, but needed and achievable, and, in YEN they can do this with simplicity ....Maybe ECU-children will learn to be friends with YEN-children in the future.....if they would be able, to understand each a language.....

Couple of days after Carl's departure, another traveller wants a Tpoint-sheet. CGI's advise to replace (pre)-judgements with try-periods is executed. After 5 months, Ruben (Traveller 2) is 'integrated' in the Uragi-service, works mostly as stage constructor with NOAH, in the open air for large 3T4's. Ruben is a bit peculiar. Has most of the time a cigar (Havana) in this mouth, that he doesn't light. 'To stop smoking' he says. Inside the SHO-ZA is 'non-smoking' thus the Tonegi-service asked the KOI-NI. 'Cause it isn't   burning it can be', she said.  The PAMA-SHI-KU asked Nkita earlier, found it a 'not good' visual sign, working on the minds and memory of age-group 1, with un-predictable consequences. Nkita told the PAMA-SHI-KU, she'd asked the forum to let her execute her right to veto the cigar. FI agreed but PA didn't. CGI asked time to think, putting it on the agenda for four days later...It seems he even contacted a CI about this matter. CGI referred to CI's words with 'The male expresses his willing, but not towards a woman.  The woman expresses her needing, but not towards a man.'. CGI  said, that Ruben was to be informed about Nkita's worries, that the cigar was an attribute of Rubens willing and that Nkita could not veto 'attributes' as expression of a need, yet, as representative of 4 (space) she can relate to 'matter'. In the 'No is right is BA goes down, Si is left is GA comes up', four is more than three, thus ..... the woman can express an order in A3 ... Nkita could veto 'attributes' as expression of 'not need' ... You are on A3, FI, what do you    say ?. 'No smoking'.'(PA): It looks you're trying to come to a jurisdiction inspired by the Circle of NIYE. As long as Ruben doesn't light it, it's okee with me. If 4 is space, he can have some. NOAH is pleased with his work ... so'. Nkita: 'I want that cigar out of the SHO-ZA !'. CGI: 'FI'. (FI): 'The vote relates to rejecting the cigar ........ AI'. (PA): 'No'.   Nkita: 'AI'.   CGI: 'Instead of pronouncing a veto, I don't vote. Clausal 2/3 is active. ( ed: The clausal of 'The forum needs a 2/3 majority',ref.59 )  (PA): 'I'll tell him to put it inside the SHO-ZA in his pocket'. (FI): 'Very well'.     Nkita: 'Arigato gozaimasta'.

As excellent laborer, Ruben shares many Tp-contracts with NOAH, which proposed to PA to vote for a 1.15 Tp/h in the forum, for Ruben. These 1.15 Tp/h appear on Tpc's made by NOAH with Ruben, not in other.  There the 1.0 Tp/h stands. It happened in the beginning that Ruben told some project- leaders that he made 1.15 Tp/h with NOAH. The project-leader of Udai-LAB told him, he (Ruben) could change his attitude or go back to NOAH, that Udai-LAB knew there was not much to do for NOAH, the next four days and that Udai-LAB lanced a Tpc of three days, to attract 16 -KA's in an exhibition project for the DEN ..... Ruben signed that Tpc. If your Tp-contract expired, go to the carpet of the SHO-ZA or ask if you can take the 'T' out for a walk. Healthy is also to dive in the city for a few hours, to find a friend.  Ruben doesn't do that often. Says he's fine at the SHO-ZA. Depending on the 'DSP', PA and FI can ask Nkita to express herself to the CGI with 'I need more'. CGI can then authorize PA and FI, to initiate specific Tpc-projects.  Not before. All women (Udai-ka-e,Udai-ki-a and even GABA-e and GABA-a) know, that this statement (I need more) is an 'insult' to     the male in the forum (...; they can see and: foresee) and that a woman, using it 'one more time than too often' can forget it to candidate for the position of Nkita when the elections come. Only women elect a Nkita.  Only men elect a CGI. (The U-ZA-I (thus women and men) elects PA and FI). Priority for women lies in the 'translation' to behaviour of the concept of 'Circle care', and can _as of the 4th of February 1995_ start, with a period of three years, to make conversations about the physiological consequences of this concept. Yanai said that there will be an exceptional drop in the birth-rates after the changing of the centuries and that the female section of the superior class in humanity may prepare to reflect about this. On the question how the 'superior class of humanity' can be recognized, he gave a puzzling answer; 'They carry a Goshimon', he'd said, and 'I will carry the 'T'', took it out of it's stand, and had walked out of the building saying: 'Come, ..Come to the 'T'..'. The specific 'I need more' Tpc-projects are meant to 'decentralize the rooting' in the SHO-ZA. That is: BABA-providing projects between the U-ZA-I and the local (SHO-DAI) environment are inserted into the maintenance Tpc's of the SHO-ZA. In some SHO-ZA's it works like this: A list of (volunteer) -KI/ -KA reports at external labor-agencies, searching for 'medium term' (;maximal six months) assignments, excepting 'whatever is available'. They can use the SHO-ZA; the NANA and the NINI as 'base' and 'earn' 1.2 Tp/h.   The BABA for transport and (-external-) food is considered 'investment', and is _for the first labor cycle_ supplied by FI; the Uragi-service. Investments are considered 'debts' and are not appreciated in Udai. Priority thus for the -KA/-KI is to return the investment as soon as possible.  The investment- quote is comparable, to what used to be called 'interest'. This quote is the average of three (local) banks, given as 'interest' on an 'open account'. Example: Bank 1 gives 3.6%, Bank 2 gives 2.8% and Bank 3 gives 3.0%. 'Investment-quote' (3.6+2.8+3.0)/3 is 3.133% (max. three decimal positions in Uragi-/ FI calculations). The quote stands for 28 days. An extended example: Investment: 1000.  Debt to be taken care of within 28 days : 1031.330. If the debt after 28 days is still open, the quote is executed again. 1031.33 + 3.133% is: 1063.642. This cycle can continue with a maximum of six months. Then FI can vote to 'DSP' confiscation on a pi# in the forum. A debt (1000), taken care of within 10 days has the same volume as the one taken care of in 20 days. It is in both cases 1031.330. Also -KI can invest.(;Same process). - We apologize to the Nkita of your forum that the expression 'taken care of' was used in an explanation related to BABA. Unfortunately ADA-I is still in development. -

....Ruben thought about it and joint the 'I need more' Tpc. Not because he's interested in the 1.2 Tp/h but because he likes the Nkita and because he understands. She needs more. Ruben is one of those 'strange men' that practically return their entire 'DSP' to the O.D.S.P-box, in the days after the distribution of it.  An Udai-ka-e once said that he should go to town, to buy new socks.  'Can do that next year' he'd said and gave her some BABA, to buy cigars. (... she didn't.) The Uragi-service doesn't keep a BABA  administration. They might give some advise, but leave it up to the members of an U-ZA-I, what to do with it. 'DSP' is distributed in an envelope, by somebody from the Uragi-service, that can do such.  Anyway, Ruben did have to buy new socks than a labor-agency  in town employed him in a three-month contract as interior- decorator.  Ruben gets 16 Dm net/h and is for 36h/week  employed, works 50h/week, and gets 20 Dm net/h for the overtime. (Labor-agencies do not know how to distribute labor.) It doesn't leave much time to Ruben to help NOAH and he is occasionally in conflict with himself, to justify his absence at activities for the 3T4. Nkita told the NINI-MA, to organize special dinners for the 'I need more' Tpc -KI and -KA, but CGI veto-ed it as discriminative  towards other KI/KA. These special dinners could therefore only be organized for the female 'I need more' Tpc-participants while Nkita used her right to insist.  PA promised to invite the male participants  to 'a drink' after the 'DSP'.   FI didn't say much and CGI went to the garden, with the 'T'. Was one of those situations again .... you know.

Apart from the 'investment' and 'the investment-quote' the Tpc indicates a 'time-period', Tp/h for 'in-activated' (the being 'in care of the KOI-NI'), Tp-use for Transport and a definition of labor-time.  This definition relates to the transport. (As the bus leaves, you started, as the bus returns, you stopped) or (if there is no bus), between announced departure and return (NINI/NANA absence/ presence) at the Tonegi- service. The form _developed by Udai-LAB_ foresees 72h and is filled out once (every 72h), delivered at the Tonegi-service, which (photo-) copies it to distribute it (within three hours) to the NINI-MA-assistant, the NANA-ME-assistant and the Uragi-service. The Need-More-Tpc contains a 'DSP'-quote. It is a three level percentage (;25, 50 or 75%), indicating which part of 'Rubens pay-check' will find it's way to the D.S.P.-box. There is no control on Ruben's information that he gets 18 Dm/h from the agency.  We will not start to imitate the classical; anti-social, economical system, in Udai.   Ruben is a man that can think and would like to be trusted. 'Signing a Tpc' is making a promise to do 'your best'. A YOLE value can be based on 'decency' once     there is space created for man, to provide the prove, that they are. Are willing; can be. Nkita's may know this,     ....already.

In Udai, we don't work on YAI-DA, but as we don't know yet one which day of the week it is, we do our things.  Future generations will know the services that will spent an hour to check the machinery in a factory, and then go back to a SHO-ZA. There is an 'overtime'-quote for a KOI-NI, busy on a YAI-DA. They will 'earn' their normal Tp/h raised by this quote. Examples of Tpc's could be sent from U-ZA-I/SHO-ZA (by Tonegi-/Uragi-service/NO-MA/Udai-LAB) to other U-ZA-I/SHO-ZA, stimulating local ideas, blue-prints and procedures. Yanai recommended in statement 83, of the Udai-reference book, to  'variety in a working / task area' to stimulate the dynamics in an U-ZA-I. Tp-contracts are 'short term' projects. Short  as 'this time'. Parting from the concept: 'Involve yourself in your spare-time_4h/day_ with others, in relation towards a target'. The 'spare-time' _4h_ is the root-block, of the Tpc. Labor in YOLE doesn't relate to another block than 4h per day. Those _now_ who don't know what to do with the 20 hours/day remaining should try to become 'creative'. As temporary solution, Yanai advised them, to start to learn.  Languages, music, dance, flower-arrangement, metal/wood or glass elaboration techniques, names of trees, birds, fish...  in such a fashion that they have something to 'offer' in a    SHO-ZA.  A misunderstanding of our era is, that collective knowledge is to be expressed by television. In a sociologic  sense, this is really a bit ... sad .... The principles of 'journalism ' are simple: 1- Talk about the past.   2- Run around the neighbourhood (_or get other people to sent you further away_) to gossip/ tell/ report about what went wrong where and who did it. As if I can help it that the Titanic went down ! and as if I am interested to know that an insurance company tries to get away with it.  Television makes  sense in a SHO-DAI, with a diameter of seven kilometres as  maximum range. Than a local station can inform you 1- What we are going to do tomorrow .... 2 - Where traffic jambs are or snow fell.  Apart from putting the 'T' in it's right place it's about time, to put the television in it's right place. Or upside down. The PAMA-SHI-KU can collect children around such a thing, with a video-device playing cartoons and such. The Nkita was told, that television radiation is dangerous for children in age-groups 1 and 2. That the radiation _as technological phenomena_ affects the biological sensitivity of the brain. As far as I remember, First Founder said this too. It's better to install a large aquarium in the SHO-ZA with (local) fish, to give youngsters something to gaze at.  And Ruben can explain _without cigar in his mouth_ what name belongs to what fish. Yanai said there wouldn't be a soul interested in the fact  that a 'seebra-tetra-guppi'  is called 'seebra-tetra-guppi', once the crisis 'calms down', and that merely NINI related animal will know an indication in ADA-I. For the rest creatures like dolphins will be left alone, to be dolphins and swim, in the ocean. 'Variety in task' means:  'become all-rounder'. The protectionism of 'standing' in  male can often be recognized with the statement 'have no time'. It is GA.  An unfortunate phenomena. Do you already know (mister president) how to fix a bicycle ?. Then please contact the PAMA-SHI-KO. He needs a volunteer to hold a bicycle during a demonstration for boy in age-group 2. It can become a HIMA-WARI (;ADA-I for school). All men can tell thus all men can teach. Project-leaders teach what is done + the why and how, to all interested. They 'earn' Tp/h,'students' use 0.25 Tp/h. Objective is YU-enlargement. The practical things are shown. Traditional economical thinking should be 'pushed' back, while efficiency does not measure in BABA-control but in time (;speed), accuracy and the ability to substitute. 'All-rounder' means ..... I'm invited by all (NOEN,NOAH,TONEGI,BUYIDO-NE,NINI-MA etc) to Tpc's and for the things I do not know yet, I relate to the PAMA-SHI-KU, even though I am in age-group 9. The PAMA-SHI-KU coordinates the use of the SHO-ZA as HIMA-WARI-location, where everyone can propose a lecture. The 'program' is made by NO-MA and PAMA-SHI-KU and presented by the Nkita to the forum. The 'program' is made for three months. 'Professional teachers' are likely to be 'unknown' in YOLE. The -KI and roles in an U-ZA-I know collectively, what is required to and for the HIMA-WARI/SHO-ZA. Technological additions, from Tpc's in research-institutes, sent or e-mailed to NO-MA and shared with all, to improve the YU-level. Those that are professional teacher' _now_ earn, as 'translators' (;1.3 Tp/h) and are invited to other Tpc's as well. 'Short' is one-, 'medium' is six 'DSP'. 'Long'-term is 'from election to election'. (13 DSP).  ADA-I for these terms isn't available yet. When there, it might define long-term even as 'a century', or more. It will definitely move along  with our ability, to come .... to the 'T'. Excursions, sight-seeing trips, collective swimming, barbeque, hikes in the mountain or forest, all know, project-leaders,  that earn 1.4 Tp/h, even if they renounce, to any DSP. Rejected DSP is divided in two. 75% registered under D. and 25% under O. The Uragi-service continues as if it was accepted.  

  Some Udai-products  

  1- Brochure (Printed in 5 ECU-languages)  ( 1 Dm/ 0.1 Tp)

 2- T-shirts with emblem                              (18 Dm/ 0.9 Tp)  

 3- Metal-Tchiyo in presentation box           (24 Dm/ 2.0 Tp)  

 4- (Hard) paper-Tchiyo + note-book             ( 9 Dm/ 1.2 Tp)  

 5- O.D.S.P.-Box                                           (34 Dm/ 6.0 Tp)  

 6- T-stands in different fashions                   (70 Dm/ 7.7 Tp)  

 7- Mutida (001),(002) Calendar                      ( 5 Dm/ 1.0 Tp)  

  8- ADA-I (1) Words & pronounce (cassette)   (15 Dm/ 1.8 Tp)  

 9- The first Udai-book                                   (to be printed with your help)  

10- Uri 1.0  Uragi-computer-program (disk)    (34 Dm/ 7.0 Tp)  

If something was forgotten, use the short-form to communicate  with your forum. - And thank you for your doing HAIE.  

 - * -  

 (▲ top )

     The Calendar of YOLE. - part I                                                                                                                        (First Forum)  

- Proposition from the Circle of NIYE to all Counsels -  

The Calendar of MU disappeared 'under the waters'.  

 The Calendar of YOLE -emerged- 'above the waters'.  

 -           Let us learn, to be grateful.            -  

As mentioned, ADA-I for day is '-DA',for month it's '-YI'. The 5th and 10th month received an indication, (respectively 'MAI-GO-YI' and 'OKI-TA-YI'). The other months, not yet. The 'month' (_as being defined with 28,29,30 or 31 days_), will 'disappear' in YOLE.  Time, in traditional calendars, was measured in relation to the seasons, and _later_ with connecting this system to astronomic observations. Time, in YOLE, leaves season to be season and stars to be stars, and relates to measurements in 'the economic system'. A difference between an Udai-word and a word in ADA-I lies in the fact that ADA-I doesn't change.   Udai-words indicate  something, in Udai; as 'DSP' and invite _across 3DP_ to a (international) process, where this concept will find it's place in ADA-I.  The word '-YI' corresponds with 'DSP' as block of 28-days, is _however_ not substitutional with DSP as concept. '-YI' represents a sequential number and 'DSP' a variable. 'MU-TI-DA' is a cycle of 4x13(DSP) is 52(-YI), and consists out of 52 three digit numbers, proceeded by a three digit number, as 'first MU-TI-DA', 'second MU-TI-DA','third MU-TI-DA',etcetera. 001-206 is thus: The first  'MU-TI-DA', the second 'TI-DA' (;in ADA-I correspondent to what used to be called 'a year'), the sixth '-YI'. ( Correspondent thus to what used to be called 'month' ). Week/day indications are to be added in a two digits number as 001-206-3 (;third YO-DA ('week')) and 001-206-35 (;5th-DA). The days of the week were mentioned to be: MYO-DA as first, OKA-DA,second, ISU-DA,third, KEI-DA,fourth, AMI-DA, fifth, OLE-DA,sixth and YAI-DA,seventh. Little below we continue with 'the calendar'. Equaly related to 'time' some additional remarks to the Uragi (-service). A '-DA' is based on 24 YU-RA ('hours') and a 'Tpoint' (in Udai is), 'URA' (in ADA_I). (see: Tpoint-labor-contract) which are 'announced' in 100% (1) or in 50% (0.5).  Indications on the terminal grow with pi# and 000-6-18.345   '-6-' is here 'the sixth block of 4h.' and indicates a 'day-cycle'; one of the six 'DA-TI-MU'. At 00.00 (;midnight), the 1-st (;'MYO-RA') starts. 'OKA-RA'(;2nd) starts at 04.00. The 3rd ('ISU-RA')at 08.00 . 'KEI-RA'(4th) at 12.00. The 5th ('AMI-RA') starts at 16.00 and 'OLE-RA' starts the 6th at 20.00 and ends the day. 'YAI-RA' does thus not exist as 'block'. It appears as expression used between an Uragi and KOI_NI as 'though scheduled: absent', and measures the period for a reduced-URA-quote in the Tpc (; Tpoint-labor-contract ).  

With this we could simulate a YOLE conversation and translate it to the conducting language of the circle of ECU ;

(KIi1): 'Tpc -DA ?'           - 'Working today ?'  

(KIi2): 'SI, Tpc -DA '        - 'Yes, today I'm working'  

(KIi1): 'AMI-RA ?'            - 'You start the afternoon?'  

(KIi2): 'NO, -DA OLE-RA '.    - 'No, today (this) evening'  

- or - (KIi1): 'Tpc -DA ?'    - 'working today ?'  

(KIi2): 'NO, ISU-ISU-RA '.    - 'No, on wednesday-morning'                        

 ( ISU-AMI-RA wednesday-afternoon, MYO-KEI-RA monday-noon )             

(KIi1): '-YI ?'               - 'All month ?'                                                          

(KIi2): 'NO, SAN YO-DA '      - 'No, (next) three weeks'.                             

  (KIi1): 'URA-YAI-RA ?'        - 'Tp/h & reduction-quote ?'                              

(KIi2): 'ITCH-NI-GO  SANSHI' - '1.25 & 30% (;of scheduled URA,if KI/KA can't work).  

Counting (in ADA_I) follows 1 Itch, 2 Ni,  3 San, 4 Yu, 5 Go, 6 Roku, 7 Tchi,8 Ha,  9 Yo, 0 Rei , 10 Shi  20 Nishi  15 Shigo  25 Nishigo  17 Shitchi  44 Yushiyu . 'Uwan' substitutes Itch, when indicating _instead of a number_ concepts as 'prime, first, main, hierarchy -/ organisation- top'. It looks like, and is approximately, how the people in the land of YEN communicate with each other. Instead of 'Tpc -DA ?'  'DSP -DA ?' can also be used but, as mentioned, these words  (Tpc and DSP) are Udai-words and no ADA-I.

Second additional remark for the Uragi, relates to 18.345 Day 001-206-35 Carl 418-0939-1441-00 Schedule 300-0-00.000 The first three digit (300) in use as 'service-indication' (as 100-NOEN, 200-NOAH, 300-TONEGI, 400-URAGI, 500-KOI-NI, 600-MAN-YA, 700-YU-MAN, 800-PAMA-SHI-KU, 900-HIMA-WARI, as 310-NANA-ME, 320-NINI-MA, 710-NO-MA, 711 Udai-LAB...etc.) 

Carl on schedule at Tonegi-service. For AMI-RA; 16.00h -or- 300-5 Present at 16.10h claiming (no witness needed), that he has to go to the KOI-NI dentist at 19.30h and is to leave at 19.15h.  The Tp-contract foresees a 10% YAI-RA without and 30% YAI-RA with KOI-NI (-service) confirm. At 19.05h Carl is gone. Tpc spoke of 1.05 Tp/h. On: 'schedule-confirm', the Uragi-service-computer calls 'all terminals',of all the services. Tonegi-terminal reads pi# 39-1441 in: 16.10h pi# 39-1441 out: 19.05h. KOI-NI-terminal reads pi# 39-1441 in: 19.25h pi# 39-1441 out: 20.20h. It deducts a YAI-RA of 30% If Carl forgot to pass his card under the scanner, at the KOI-NI service before the end of AMI-RA (;20.00h) the 10% YAI-RA counts.  People can simply learn to 'check-in' and 'check-out' in the SHO-ZA, as some do now with 'hello and goodbye'. If Carl didn't 'check-in' at 16.10h at the terminal of the Tonegi-service, the terminal 'confirm' tells pi# 39-1441 in: 19.05h. AMI-RA measured till 20.00h, Carl pi# 39-1441 'closed' as 0.5x1.05 Tp/h in the simple observation that 100% (1 URA) was not there. The three and a half hours 'un-accounted-for' would result in the YAI-RA as (3.5*(10% of 1.05)= 0.525.  Scheduled in 300-5 (the Tonegi-service) and not at 500-6 (the KOI-NI-service) a 'hello' of pi# 39-1441 there is not noticed as belonging  to the URA-calculation after 20.00h and the schedule would be closed on 001-206-35 as 300-5-01.05 for 418-0939-1441 Fortunately Carl did 'check in' at 16.10h and closes with 300-5-04.05   ((0.5+1+1+0.5)x 1.05)+ 2*(30% x 1.05)= 4.05 On the non-Uragi-terminals Tpoints (Ura) don't appear. The day indication as 206-35, the pi# as 39-1441-00 and schedules related to pi# ( visa versa ) as 320-4. The -KI / -KA goes to the Uragi-service, checks-in and can (at the desk) enter a 4 digits 'pin'-code (personal identify number) at which a pi# sheet appears for 05 sec, on a Uragi-terminal, with a 00.000 extended to the day, and a 000.0 behind URA. Example: Scanner scans the ('bar'-code) to 39-1441 and on Pin 3479 calls sheet 418-0939-1441-00  where the terminal shows ' 206-35-04.050  URA  017.2'. 'Quotes on use' plus 'manual enter on use', subtracted automatic from the URA; the totalized Tp/-YI, as the day changes.  

REIYONDA  'The zero moment' (economical term).

Gregorian November 13 at 16.00 hours or Tidara: x.y07-42-5

Relates to Uragi measurements, illustrated in Articles /products/objects are in a place.  Where they are.

Participants are in a place. Where they are.

At 16.00 hour, Tpu measurements can start.

Additional Reiyonda can be inserted by CGIs or Uragis (with consent of their CGI) according to the developments in the SHO-ZA, DSP, Tpu-calculation and such. Relate to the First Forum, for standardization purposes.

Note: 'Ownership-rights' don't exist in Udai.  

         The concept relates to 'location accuracy'. Something is there ► gets used ► is replaced to ► there.  

'There'  is a defined position.          

Observe the significance of the phrase 'What we subtract we will put back and once we made the righteous addition we can separate from what we will no longer use'.   page 101 of the book of Udai. [article on Stigma]


- Calendar YOLE -  part II

Below a 'MU-TI-DA' is printed. The first column indicates the TI-DA (year) and the -YI (month) as DSP 101. Six digits correspond with European calendars, as day-month-year. Two days are 'uncounted', indicated as 'MU-YAI-DA'; the 5th of May in a leap-year (;Mondial 'joy' and start of the next 'MU-TI-DA')  and 'U-DAI-DA', annual day of 'the festival of Udai'; the 8th of August. Indicated further, ADA_I correspondence with a starting-day of a -YI.  

  DSP on d/m/yy  as name           DSP on d/m/yy  as name  

001.000    050592  MUYAIDA           303    010794  

001.101    0605    Wednesday         304    2907  

      102     0306                         001.300    080894  UDAIDA/mo  

      103     0107                               305    2708    Saturday

      104     2907                               306    2409     

001.100    080892  UDAIDA/sa          307    2210

      105     2708    Thursday             308    1911      

      106     2409                                309    171294

      107     2210                                310    140195    

      108     1911                                311    1102

      109     171292                             312    1103

      110     140193                             313    0804            

      111     1102                                 401    0605  

      112     1103                                 402    0306       

      113     0804                                 403    0107

      201     0605                                 404    2907

      202     0306                           001.400    080895  UDAIDA/tu  

      203     0107                                 405    2708    Sunday  

      204     2907                                 406    2409    

001.200     080893  UDAIDA/su           407    2210      

      205    2708    Friday                    408    1911       

      206    2409                                  409    171295     

      207    2210                                  410    140196      

      208    1911                                  411    1102        

      209    171293                               412    1003          

      210    140194                               413    0704 

      211    1102                             002.000    050596  MUYAIDA  

      212    1103                             002.101    0605    Monday  

      213    0804                                    102    0306  

      301    0605                                    103    0107  

      302    030694                                                     and on   ----------------------------------------------------------   

The Counsel of a Circle can communicate to the First Forum of a Circle, whether the 002.101 (; the sixth of May 1996) will be indicated as 002.101 or as 001.101 as entrance to the Calendar of YOLE. The 5th of May 1996; 'MU-YAI-DA' (;002.000)  could be         celebrated better than 'MU-YAI-DA 1992' (;001.000). Yanai dedicated a song of hope and gratitude then, to the Chairlady.         

                                                                                                                       Yuroshiku onegai ittashimas                                  

 (▲ top )

  Organ gram  U-ZA-I.                                                                                                                                                       (Secretary)  

 Hierachy >  < veto-line.  

Counsel     First Forum     Tribunal.  

 CI-male    CI-female    

CGI                   NKITA        

male Chairman   female Chair woman

YU-MAN                                   MAN-YA                               PAMA-SHI-KU  

 (Effiency) Coordinater             (Market/Consumer survey)                 (Teachers)         

  Bo-Gi                          No-Ma                   Mi-Den                 Koini           p.s-KI   p.s-KA  

 (Physical training)  (Knowledge 'bank')    (Art/creativity)    (Health/care)  (Adult-teachers)

 U-Lab-De                                     Ada-Son-De                                 p.s-KO   p.s-KE

(Science/technology)               (Language development)                   (Children-teachers)


                                                                    (Warehouse division)

            PA                                                              FI     

 male (production/materialisation)              male (order/organisation)

   NOEN                 NOAH                    TONEGI        URAGI                                                  

  (Agriculture)      (Construction)        (Services)    (Tpoint-registration/administration)

Mar-Man                         Tra-Zen                          Nini-Ma                    Nana-Me 

(Marketing/Im-/Export)    (Transportation)             (Food-supply)          (Shelter-supply) 



                                KI -I                           KI -A   

                                                     KA-i                           KA-a                        


            children     KA-o                          KA-e

Project-leaders obtain in the Tpc's the right to veto too. In a meeting between Nini-ma and his or her assistant with the Koini, the Koini obtains the right to veto. In a meeting between Nini-ma,Koini and Nkita, the right to veto belongs to Nkita. Both Pama-shi-ku and Nkita can veto the pama-shi- -ki/-ka/-ko/-ke (independently). The p.s-ki the p.s-ko and the p.s-ka the p.s-ke. Thus not,respectively, -ke and -ko. Indicated are further the U-Lab-De (;leads the research / development section) and Ada-son-De (;translation-section).          A translator can assist to triangle conversation as fourth person. The translators earns Tp/h, and doesn't participate in the conversation. A woman can translate a male conversation and a man a female conversation.  

  Forms                                                                                                                              (U-dai-Lab Osnabruck/Germany)   (▲ top )

The images below belong to (paper) forms used at locations without electricity (= computers).                                                                 The indication Ti (was changed to Yi in august 2003 by First Forum; the scanned images may therefor confuse on the proper indication on Ti (=Yi)

From the inserted samples you could make some (master)-copies (copy some first, use one, to fill in some fixed numbers and copy   that one to work with). All forms start with a similar 'heading', asking for 'Tidara' (:Date/time,see p#31;'Calender'), your name and signature and 'trace', being your pi#, phone# and when you are likely and when you cannot be reached. Erase the non-confirmative by barring it out. Not filled in says: Not.

(NeedMore) COLlection sheet

Nemo/Tp-COL-sheet ('Tp-col')                                                                               NeMo/Tp-Col-S / URAGI-service / Tp/USE 0.1

The A4-master you'll find two samples of the same form. The 'Uragi-service' belongs to the Forum. It is 'the official one' for the Uragi-service/calculation. 'To your file' is for you. Recommended is to separate both at the end of a DSP or YI-period. Keep it with you or see to it that it is filled in proper to avoid confusion. The 'back-side' contains the SUB-sheet. Nemo/Tp is bared to a 'Need-more' or a 'Tpoint-labor-contract' under 'You can NOT reach me during (time-blocks)'. In (eg) YI:308,'need-more project' # 09.   COL stands for 'Collecting' (;indicated also as 'earning'). End-DARA could be translated to 'dead-line' / delivery / the last day foreseen to the project. NO-DAs are 'the days off',(NO)-RAs the time blocks where no labor is required. YI:___ needs to be filled in. If it isn't the form has no value. U/Du: is given in a percentage. It asks 'how many Tpoints do you wish to save for 'next months using'. 0% says: all points to be transferred to the DSP/BABA-calculation. DSPu: is given in a percentage. It tells 'from my Tpoints I contribute to next months DSP'. A 25% says 'a quarter of my income can be used for collective purposes'. BA/DSP in: asks for a currency. Three capitals (International quotation) indicate for example 'DMK' for German mark, 'USD' United States Dollar, 'SFR' Swiss Franc. (etc). TRAu: for each 14 kilometres (both-ways) a compensation of 0.1 Tp per day of active collaboration. These kilometres can be totalized per day or per TI. (Total km in TI dived by 14 and multiplied by 0.1 = ___.___ as COL).  Pi-in: is the 'Personal-identification-investment'; the money (BABA) you have put in a project, the date/time to whom it was given (role/pi#) and the interest (BABAu) in the percentage which lets this investment grow each 28 days. HIWA-DARA tells three days of maximum 8 hours schooling to the project-instructions. These hours are SUBtracted on the other side of the sheet. Sv#/Nm# and filled square for your scheduled labor per Tp/Yura (hour). In/Yura/Aw = In/Time/away. The Yaira is expressed in six steps of 15% each, with confirm. (1=15%,2=30%,3=45%,4=60%,5=75%,6=90%). Dived by three, without confirm (1=5%,2=10%,3=15%,4=20%,5=25%,6=30%). Tp/To is the addition to your 'credit' due to your activities, that day. U-1DA is the total of used Tpoints of a prior period (previous day) not subtracted yet to the Total URA. The +/- indicates whether you are in a ascending of descending period. (The outcome of Tp/To-U'1DA='+' or '-' to your URA). The formula on BABA composition tells what comes first in the calculation. UZAIRA is 'the collective produced amount of Tpoints'.  

(NeedMore) SUBtraction sheet


Nemo/Tp-SUB-sheet  ('Tp-sub')

T/Tpu: tells the total of used Tpoints on four categories being schooling (Himawari), food (Nini), shelter (Nana) and transport (TRAs)   A blank square says: 'none'. A crossed in says: 'one'. Numbers in a square indicate 'how often' the quote. Example: 'Nini 0.300' filled in '2' means: 'I took some-one with to breakfast'. 'Himawari 0.250' filled in '3' means: 'went to three hours of an administrated lecture'. In block 'Quotes & Notes' three lines for additional information. One can define vehicle with license-plate XN-39-NN as vehicle #1, 'sierra' as '#2' etc. After a journey 'Kms at key out' ask for the last three digits on the kilometre-counter in the vehicle. You used Km/14x0.1Tp in the vehicle of the Forum and earn Km/14x0.1Tp in the vehicle that you rented, borrowed or pay for and which doesn't belong to the Forum. The U-1DA above E.Tpu relate to a previous -YI and are likely the used Tpoints, after the DSPcalculation was made from the previous month (;YI). As with the COL-sheet, the SUB-sheet leaves space for the formal signature (or paraph), to transfer URA or U-1DA to the next calculation-period, where some-one signed for the role (Uragi) or the service (Uragi-assistant). The BABA-formula :[(Total Ura minus Total Tpoint use)] minus Saving=Tpoint to money. (Collective income{*} divided by the collective amount of Tpoints) multiplied by the individual share = money received to continue to exist until we can switch the concept of 'money' off and produce in order to earn the right to use. {*} 'Company results'/'profit of Udai-Wa-Re as company'. Only on the URA and U-1DA information the 'to-your-file'-version could be confirmed with paraph / signature from the Uragi or service. Confirm / sent / copy indicates it to be officially elaborated. The Tp/use of a sheet / form / article / service is calculated once; at the moment of acquisition.  

Baba-run ('BR')  


Baba-Run ('BR')

This form is the 'overall' cash-registration on expenses of either Nemo/Tpc-projects or Services for a 28-da cycle. As with other forms more than one application can be composed by filling in data-categories. In the case of a Nemo, there is space for eight personal investors, apart from the collective investment (FI-in) which is supplied by the Forum. Pi-in '1' (first) marks the amount, moment of incorporation in the total PI-in, the moment of exit of this money at 'Tida-out' and the growth (by adding the BABAu) to a sum under 'BARBA'. 'OUT-' marks a (rounded off to) round number of money on an item (a quantity of items) indicated by a key-word as 'petrol','food','DEN',etc. and totalizes this each DA. BABA/To relates to 'the obtained result', which belongs to the end of a project and 'comes in' at a moment. As off that moment FI-out (;FI-in+BABAu) is executed before the individual investors are 'outed' (;PI-in+BABAu in it's sequential order). 'Trans' relates to the person in charge of the distribution of the envelopes at the end of a -YI.  


Short Form to the Forum

Five categories (1-5).The '-O-' behind the number serves statistics and is filled if chosen. '5-O' asks for the pi# of the two witnesses to support your claim / protest. One can fill in pi#-s as far as they are made operational and as far as they are known.  

Available for Tpc 

Bar 'this/next' or fill in the -Ti-number. Classify your interest resort able to up to three of the nine categories and fill the -O-.  


The Udai-Ka application form.

        Notice the Tida which asks equally for the MU-indication.  


If your CGI doesn't  'like'  the design of this application form he can request the Tonegi to insert the main principles of it in your own forum's design.

Yugo image

This certficate will be shown to you once you can receive it 

                                                                                           Come to a T if you wish to receive a detailed explanation about the forms

Thank you for reading this all and hope you can come to the 'T' to study and apply some things.

        For questions..........ask your CGI.                                    Beko-mi Dan              ( Thank you )

(▲ top )        

return to 'The Writings'      


 The little care  

The little care

you've let me take  

of you  

came through.  

Thank you.  

The little here  

was oh, so near  

the real  

i feel  

to kneel  

beside you  

This little form  

could be a norm  

and with some time  

a wisdom's rhyme  

to give a face  

to grace  

The little care  

that you just took  

is written  

in that face  

we always look  

all ways  

Thank you.  

   mr. Teruaki Shirasaki and  Michealangelo Mayorana  


       Short Form to the Forum

+           :-----------------------------------------------------:   +


             Tidara:___-__-_  From/name:__________________________

     --      To: Role/Service Trace/pi#: ___-____-____-__ and sign

             ________________ Tel:_________________             

             You may reach me: All this TI-/YO-/DA.             

             Best on ___-__-_ Not during RAs ______

             1-O: Question.2-O: Remark.3-O: Proposal.4-O: Problem.

             5-O: Protest.Add #___-____-____-__ &#___-____-____-__                                                   







             Don't fill in the stroke below. It serves the service.

             In by Sv# ___ /pi# ___-____-____-__/ Tidara: ___-__-_

     --      Copy/Sent/to : Sv# ___ Role: _______ Tidara: ___-__-_         

             Note :_______________________________________________


+           :-----------------------------------------------------:   +    


       left 'incomplete sheets rejected/ USE CAPITAL LETTERS' pc 3457

       right 'Short Form to the Forum'  printcode 23457


       Available for Tpc /work

+           :-----------------------------------------------------:   +


             Tidara:___-__-_  From/name:__________________________

             To: Role/Service Trace/pi#: ___-____-____-__ and sign      --

             ________________ Tel:_________________

             You may reach me: All this TI-/YO-/DA.

             Best on ___-__-_ Not during RAs ______




             100     NOEN -O- Tpc Available for this/next -TI# ___

             200     NOAH -O- and can work on black squares,below:

             300   TONEGI -O-   YODA         DA            RA

             400    URAGI -O-  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4 5 6 7  1 2 3 4 5 6            -

             500   KOI-NI -O- .  O O O

             600   MAN-YA -O- .O   O O

             700   YU-MAN -O- .O O   O

             800 PAMA-SHI -O- .O O O

             900 HIMAWARI -O- Note:_______________________________


             Don't fill in the stroke below. It serves the service.

             In by Sv# ___ /pi# ___-____-____-__/ Tidara: ___-__-_

             Copy/Sent/to : Sv# ___ Role: _______ Tidara: ___-__-_      --

             Note :_______________________________________________


+           :-----------------------------------------------------:     +


       left 'incomplete sheets rejected/ USE CAPITAL LETTERS' pc 3457

       right 'Available for Tpc /work' printcode 23457




         TI:___ Pi# 4__-__           1 NU =   7.5 minutes

         DA:__  __-____-__           1 NU = 0.025 Tpoint (;URA)

         Aw __.__ In __.__           37 minutes= (37/7.5=) 4 NU

         1NU=0.025 1  2  3           38 minutes= (38/7.5=) 5 NU

         +COL+  RA 4  5  6

         -SUB-  YU 1  2  3           3=1 2 4   5=1 2 4  7=1 2 4

         __.___ NU 1  2  4             x x       x   x    x x x

                                     8 NU = 1 YU    4 YU = 1 RA

                                     1h 15min= 10 NU = 0.25 URA

                                     5h      = 5*0.2 = 1.00 URA


               Nu-cosu  Collect/subtract 28 days  


              Nemo/Tp-COL-sheet  URAGI-service          Tp/use 0.05

+           :-----------------------------------------------------:   +


             __________                       ____________________    

             Your name:_______________________& Sign     


             You can NOT reach me during RAs:_______



             Nm#____End-DARA:___-__-_ NO-DAs:__,__,__,__-RAs:_____

             TI:____U/Du: __% DSPu: __% BA/DSPin:_____.TRAu:0._/DA

                    Pi-in:______________brought on Tidara:___-__-_

                    to role/pi#:___ ___-____-____-__ BABAu:__.___%

             HIWA-DARA:__-_,_/ __-_,_/ __-_,_=EY:__(=)Tp/USED:_.__

             DA.Sv#-YU--RATp/Y In/Yura/Aw YAI Tp/To U-1DA +- E.URA

             ** Nm#-1234561.00 12.0016.00 RA% 00.00 __.___+-____._





























             ((EURA-ETpu)-DSPu)-U/Du=Tp-BA (DSP/UZAIRA)xTp-BA=BABA

             Don't fill in the stroke below. It serves the service.

             URA: ___._ to TI: ___ Signed:                    for:

             BABA ready on Tidara:___-__-_                    serv

             trans by pi#:___-____-____-__                    role


+           :-----------------------------------------------------:   +     


             Nemo/Tp-SUB-sheet  Uragi-service          Tp/use 0.05

        +   :-----------------------------------------------------:           +


             __________                     ______________________                  Tp| With

             Your name:_____________________& pi#:___-____-____-__                0.300 NINI

             TI:____ (Confirm to data on other side of this sheet)                0.500 used

                                        ______Quotes & Notes _____                0.800 x(#)

               Hima-wari __.__  T/Tpu   HIMA-WARI: 0.25/Yura .Info                1.400 NANA

               __.__  Nini      TRA-s   on front isn't calculation                0.250 HIMA

                  __.__ Nana _  __.__   TRA-unit:14 Km. Tp/use 0.1                0.250 WARI

                                 TRA-s  __________________________                Used Units  

                                   xxx  __________________________                Used Units  

                                   Kms  __________________________                Used Units  

                                   at;                       U-1DA                Vehicle #   

                                   key                       __.__                


             11________________________________________________.__        .       0.025

             12________________________________________________.__                0.025

             13________________________________________________.__                0.050

             14________________________________________________.__                0.100

             15________________________________________________.__                0.100

             16________________________________________________.__                0.250

             17________________________________________________.__                0.300

             21________________________________________________.__                0.500

             22________________________________________________.__                0.800

             23________________________________________________.__       _  __    1.000

             24________________________________________________.__                2.000


             26________________________________________________.__                Add to: used


             31________________________________________________.__                Additionals


             33________________________________________________.__                T/Tp|



             36________________________________________________.__       .









             ((EURA-ETpu)-DSPu)-U/Du=Tp-BA (DSP/UZAIRA)xTp-BA=BABA

             Don't fill in the stroke below. It serves the service.

             U-1DA:__.__ to TI:___ Signed:                    for:

             Calculated on Tidara:___-__-_                    serv

             Confirm/Copy/Sent to:________                    role


        +   :-----------------------------------------------------:             +

        +           :-----------------------------------------------------:   +

             BABA-RUN                                  Tp/use 0.05

             __________                       ____________________    

             Your name:_______________________& Sign     


             You can NOT reach me during RAs:_______

             Tpc/Nm/#:____ Note:__________________________________

             Sv#___ End-DARA:___-__-_ NO-DAs:__,__,__,__-RAs:_____

             TI:___ Fi-in:_____ E.pi-in:_____ BABAu:_.___% in:____

              Pi-in  in Tida out  BARBA  Pi-in  in Tida out  BARBA     

             1_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____ 5_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____

             2_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____ 6_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____

             3_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____ 7_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____

             4_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____ 8_____ ___-__ ___-__ _____






























             BABA/To_______ Tida ___-__ Fi-out ___-__ E.OUT:______

             (BABA/To-Fi'out)-EPi'out + (Fi'in+EPi'in)-EOUT=To/DSP

             BABA/To DSP: _________ Signed:                   for:

             Calculated on Tidara ___-__-_                    serv

             trans by pi#:___-____-____-__                    role


+           :-----------------------------------------------------:   +  


 UDAI-KA    APPLICATION        Date:__-__-__       (Tidara in: ___-___-__-_)

 ======================             dd mm yy                                


 Name:______________________ First name:____________ Born:__-__-__  Sex: F/M  

                                                          dd mm yy     (bar)

 Street:____________________ Nr:___ City:_________________ Post ID: ________  


 Phone:_____________________ Country:_____________________ Single:  Yes / No


 Profession:__________________ Diploma: Yes/No  Studying now :_______________


 Occupation:_________________________________________________ Since:__-__-__

                                                                    dd mm yy


 Children: first I second I third I fourth I fifth I sixth I seventh I eigth

      age: _____ I ______ I _____ I ______ I _____ I _____ I _______ I _____

 health *:  ___  I  ___   I  ___  I  ___   I  ___  I  ___  I   ___   I  ___

        * fill in V for:'very good',G:'good',B:'not so good' / H:'handicapt'






 Languages (circle):Understanding  Speaking   Reading   Writing  Correcting


 1 ________________:   ++ +- --    ++ +- --   ++ +- --  ++ +- --   ++ +- --

 2 ________________:   ++ +- --    ++ +- --   ++ +- --  ++ +- --   ++ +- --

 3 ________________:   ++ +- --    ++ +- --   ++ +- --  ++ +- --   ++ +- --

 4 ________________:   ++ +- --    ++ +- --   ++ +- --  ++ +- --   ++ +- --

 5 ________________:   ++ +- --    ++ +- --   ++ +- --  ++ +- --   ++ +- --


 Particular :______________________________________________________________

  abilities _______________________________________________________________

  or skills _______________________________________________________________


 Your Notes :______________________________________________________________

 concerning _______________________________________________________________

     health (as: diet- inabilities- allergies- invalidity-; special things)  




 I wish to become recognized as UDAI-KA of the UDAI-YANAI-SA and am willing

   to participate in activities organized by the First- and the Local Forum

   and can make efforts, that will help to fight the expenses of the

   organization as a whole.



   Place:_____________________ Date:__-__-__  Signature:__________________

                                    dd mm yy


      For not single: Partner,

          Younger than 18: Parent

   Consent  Parent / Partner   Name:_________ Signature:__________________



           Do not fill in the stroke below. It serves the service.      


 Tidara ___-__-_ pi#:___-____-____-__ / set on KA# __ ARC# ____. Copy/Sent    

 to role/service_____________________   Tidara ___.___-__-_ Paraf.          





     MU-TIDA  (001)


     date:          (MU )  TI-DA      Da or Day          month   year

     010592 No-Tida (000) 000-00   No-da or Friday    01 May     1992

     040592 No-Tida (000) 000-00   No-da or Monday    04 May     1992

     050592 Mu-Tida (001) 000-00 Muyaida or Tuesday   05 May     1992

     060592    Tida (001) 101-11   Myoda or Wednesday 06 May     1992

     070592    Tida (001) 101-12   Okada or Thursday  07 May     1992

     080592    Tida (001) 101-13   Isuda or Friday    08 May     1992

     090592    Tida (001) 101-14   Keida or Saterday  09 May     1992

     100592    Tida (001) 101-15   Amida or Sunday    10 May     1992

     110592    Tida (001) 101-16   Oleda or Monday    11 May     1992

     120592    Tida (001) 101-17   Yaida or Tuesday   12 May     1992

     130592    Tida (001) 101-21   Myoda or Wednesday 13 May     1992

     140592    Tida (001) 101-22   Okada or Thursday  14 May     1992

     150592    Tida (001) 101-23   Isuda or Friday    15 May     1992


     020692    Tida (001) 101-47   Yaida or Tuesday   02 June    1992

     030692    Tida (001) 102-11   Myoda or Wednesday 03 June    1992


     070892    Tida (001) 104-23   Isuda or Friday    07 August  1992

     080892    Tida (001) 100-00  Udaida or Saturday  08 August  1992

     090892    Tida (001) 104-24   Keida or Sunday    09 August  1992


     040593    Tida (001) 113-46   Oleda or Tuesday   04 May     1993

     050593    Tida (001) 113-47   Yaida or Wednesday 05 May     1993

     060593    Tida (001) 201-11   Myoda or Thursday  06 May     1993

     070593    Tida (001) 201-12   Okada or Friday    07 May     1993


     070893    Tida (001) 204-23   Isuda or Saterday  07 August  1993

     080893    Tida (001) 200-00  Udaida or Sunday    08 August  1993

     090893    Tida (001) 204-24   Keida or Monday    09 August  1993


     040596    Tida (001) 413-47   Yaida or Saterday  04 May     1996

     050596 Mu-Tida (002) 000-00 Muyaida or Sunday    05 May     1996

     060596    Tida (002) 101-11   Myoda or Monday    06 May     1996


     030297    Tida (002) 110-37   Yaida or Monday    03 Februar 1997

     040297    Tida (002) 110-41   Myoda or Tuesday   04 Februar 1997


       Day   Time    Block   RA

     00.00 - 04.00   myo-ra   1

     04.00 - 08.00   oka-ra   2

     08.00 - 12.00   isu-ra   3

     12.00 - 16.00   kei-ra   4

     16.00 - 20.00   ami-ra   5

     20.00 - 00.00   ole-ra   6



                               - * -