The Writings

You find here the (spelling edited) content of "Editions" in chronological appearance.            Even though the comments are many, the shape has been left intact.                                   Maybe because the comments were not really born out of Tchi (wisdom) yet.  

Ed  3 General Info/ Summer camp / Volunteers

Ed 15 Guide line to your Centre

Ed  4 Manifest / Forum phrases / Intro-Course  

Ed 16,17 & 18 San-Yo-Mi

Ed  5 3DP

 The First Supplement locates under 'Economy' and contains

Ed  5,6 & 7 Udai at a Sho-za

articles on  A-DA-I,  language in Udai                        

Ed  8 The Touch/ PAMA / About S-Y-G  

 Exam and other matters, 

Ed  9 O-I-C

 The Tpoint labour Contract, 

Ed10 Orlando’s meeting with Yanai

The Calendar of YOLE and

Ed11 ANI / 3.4 /Stigma /Alone / CGI Too

The organ gram of an U-ZA-I

Ed12,13 &14 The Tchi-Yo

Ed 19 Yesterday   Add2e#1

Ed 1  The Reference book of Udai

Ed 20 Tomorrow  KAINI-ABENA / Short notes & remarks / A day


Ed 21 Additional words to the Book

Ed 2  Words / Questions about the hierachy

Refer to   “What is new”   for recent additions.  




  General Info / Summer camp / Volunteers                                                                                               (▲ top ) 

U D A I - Y A N A I - S A.

UDAI started on August 29,1992 near Nice, on the French-Italian coast. As specific moment in time it becomes referred to as the Turning Point. Some thirty persons were involved in 'the third period of touch' of a person called Yanai; founder of UDAI.  A touch is an individual experience between two forces; the inner self and the supernatural, further described on page 37. Loaded with all sorts of information he could not justify his silence to remain; invited some persons and organized a first UDAI-ZA. (Place where Udai is done).                                   

Set to seek and mobilize sympathizers to participate in the construction of more UDAI-ZA-T-s _an object to return to, a point of reference; where gratitude is expressed and information is spread _ he formalized a way of human interaction by introducing a model of communication.  Proper explained in some of the articles following, the model consists in 'create twice a same amount of time for two persons of your gender and age group, present all a theme and examine the subjects by three basic concepts', known as they are as: Righteousness, Attraction and Intelligence.  

'Udai' can be identified as philosophy, as club, religion, political initiative, as an ideological movement and as idea. It is _likely _ all of  this and probably even more, while it doesn't trespass the reality of daily life as it requires only two participants, apart from one-self. Objective of 'Udai' is to find an effective and gentle way to do something against discrimination.  Many people are against discrimination, seem _however _ sometimes stuck in traditional ways of interacting. Some would like to find other things, which can be DONE, in simplicity.                                                                        

The article on the UCDVI tells little about the organization structure of UDAI. Mentioned are the 'CI' and the 'CGI'. They carry a role in an organization where four levels are installed. The 'highest'  level is made by 'the Counsel'. Then there is the First Forum; leading a collective of CI-s, which responds to decisions made by the members of the First Forum. As main group, we know the CGI-s. Although there are more names, the hierarchic line knows no more than four levels. It was the proper number in the compromise we had to make, to obtain an operational and functional organization, without recreating additional and not desired discrimination.

Thinking individuals address the audience would be a misunderstanding. We do not recognize such an individual desire in UDAI.  To realize the introduction course the First Forum authorizes persons, to address an audience and to take a position within the organization (the CI). The abbreviation has various significances. 'Corso Initiale'; Italian, 'Civilization Instructor'; English, 'Communicatie Informant'; Dutch (etc).

The Forum formulates phrases, words and (or) questions, that serve an inner comprehension of those, who chose to participate, like: 'Instead of collecting interpretations of abbreviations, we prefer to ask you, to develop a serious relation with these persons'. Such a phrase is translated, distributed and sent to CGI-s. Mentioned under UCDVI the CGI; 'chairman' of a local forum, likely a person known in the neighbourhood, assisted by two men and one woman. As forum they organize occasionally encounter for new participants, distribute words or questions as ... riddle .... with other in the initiative and _kind of _ overlook the triangle UDAI conversations. Time given and other aspect of a local-forum-program are explained in the introduction course. Participants choose CGI-s, CGI-s propose persons to the First Forum for the role of CI, CI-s choose members of the First Forum. Members of the Counsel are personality known in the organization, invited by the First Forum to overlook the entire organization. A person is chosen upon expressed wisdom and care. Participant placed confidence in a forum, which is theirs and can reject the CGI as well as the forum after a period of time, if inefficiency, in steering the group is shown. In another occasion the sketch of 'UDAI-YANAI-SA' as organization can be continued by a CI, to those who would like to know more about it.

Identify UDAI, if you're not satisfied, as an initiative like the ones as Amnesty International / Greenpeace. We seek to generate an international and local communication, inter culturally and inter racially, on the base of adding merely words. Words that _in time _ represent the comprehension of many.      An example of such a word is the word 'ai'. Presented in February last year, by the First Forum, it requires some effort to bring this to participant in a fashion, they understand and hesitation to use it among each other is set aside. We do not use mass-media while a television channel doesn't permit direct communication or individual encouragement. 'Internet' allows two-way-interaction, is however no substitute to emotional expression but still 'interesting'. A project to enter this system is foreseen and will be supported.

'Ai', as word, indicates a relation between an individual and righteousness (the U of the UCDVI). To be inserted between the 'Yes and No' of the sense of 'Good and Bad'. With (such) a word we shape a recognition, even an understanding, while with a new word comes the proper pronouncing, an acceptable _or questionable _ way to explain, and so on. Thoughts are mainly influenced by the inner research on what is right and what is wrong and choices are conducted by intuition or analysis, norm and experience. We say 'Yes and No'. In Udai, we consider it right to enlarge an emotive expression capacity and a synchronization among each other once we wish to express our sense of Justice or our recognition towards Righteousness.

It would be frustrating to you when you would meet two participant of UDAI, which understand each other with 'ai', while your inner struggle cannot decide between yes and no in responds to _only _ their smiling faces that observe you. Within this context we did set a local target, being the second symbol of the UCDVI, indicated also as 'Harmony'. Udai knows numerous sympathizers in (closed) data-files; UDAI-KA and UDAI-KI (open file). People who do not merely feel or know for themselves, they can do more but orient on the ideas (-KA) by own initiative and seek to support (-KI) on local and (inter) national level, the development of Udai. The formulated goal is the goal set by YANAI who may start 'the fight against discrimination'.

The First Forum phrase (of April) says: 'Let us not leave him alone'.               

                                                             - * -  

Interview with Yanai                                                                                                                                                              (▲ top )

(CI1): 'In August 1992 you stated 'the Great Gate is closing'. Could you explain this further ?'. Yanai: 'Said shortly before the Turning Point, to an Italian, I remember.  ......'The Great Gate' as concept represents a specific setting of an enormous amount of variable, a momentum in time corresponding to P2FD- registrations (see *1) of other observers. It represents a possibility to another plane, another phase in the climbing spiral of progress or evolution (see *2). Drawing a parallel, we could speak off an encounter between two persons of non-corresponding genetic races, observing the very first moment of them interacting. It may give birth to a genetic mixture; a race, which before did not exist. The physical encounter is merely one of many variables. Attraction, love, freedom of mantrax (see*3), intelligence, efficiency to survive, ability to give a culture to the child, reach a standard of living and so forth and so on, are other variable. They can also fear or reject each other and walk away. In 'P2FD' I found a sure day where the masses will know the desire, to proceed and unify towards a genetic homogeneous race. It might be useful to think at the significance and meaning of the symbols of the UCDVI, also in this context. Taking from this parallel the very first moment of encounter, calling it 'Gate', we can identify 'the Great Gate' as the moment, announced in prophecies, by clairvoyant and through other channels, in time which is proceeded by _what is described as _ 'the end of the times'. After this period of this so called 'end of the times', the setting of all variable is complete. The moment is there'. (CI1): 'You are saying that the Great Gate is the moment of what is called 'the final day' ?. Yanai: 'You might say that, but it isn't as dramatic as you were made to believe, with all the confusing states of comprehension and expression over the many centuries which expected this moment to appear.  In the parallel, at the very moment of encounter, something has to happen. Anything, either or either; something has to be.  Well, whatever happens, there is the consequence of what happened'.  (CI1): 'That means: we passed the Gate or 'the end of the time' and are here to talk (and read) about it ?'.  Yanai: 'The Great Gate as described passed indeed, but there is more to bring to the attention concerning this. We left the period of 'end of the times' and find ourselves in the FRA-time; the time of incubation of the New Laws. In this 'After the Gate period', the new laws _kind of _ whirl down on us, as written by an invisible hand in the depth of our deepest self. Things foreseen in P2FD concerning great revolutions and wars which contribute to the _call it _ dramatic aspect of the Final Day, correspond to deductible consequences of the changing of the pre-Gate Laws to the post-Gate Laws'. (CI1): 'Can you tell me something about these laws ?'. Yanai: 'Before 'the Turning point' (Aug-'92), we could classify the Laws as laws of the jungle. Intelligence manifested in the sense of time. Attraction in the sense of space. Evolutionary for both male and female were the When-(;time) and Where-(;space) questions. After the Turning point, intelligence manifests in the sense of efficiency. Attraction links to that sense which calls for freedom. Evolution will be conducted more and more by the How- and Why- questions. We reply within our sense of Justice _within our being Righteous _ towards a felt priority of questions and seek to answer to the laws always. With or without knowledge about them. The collective initiative or start in going towards the Great Gate was already made in the late fifties, of the 20th century. Further explained in the introduction course is the month of February 1962 where a specific energy was raised within the ecosphere. A linked group of people set in a complex pattern, all over the globe could be identified as the so called 'first'. Of 'the first will be the last and the last will be the first'. After 365 rotations of the moon (the moon-year) the 'Turning Point' was reached August 29-'92. Five months later (Feb-93) the new laws were introduced on a remote pantrax-level. (Edit:  see notes on the interior levels / introduction course). It will take some 45 months (till Nov-96) where the graduate effect of altering of driving questions will emerge from the masses.  In this context it is useful to add that the laws do not interfere with human chosen target, their questions making or opinions but merely push (us human) forward. Instead of creating more variety or difference in space righteous people will find more freedom and attraction in loosing or reducing, the interest in creating imbalance and discrimination, by asking .... Why ?.   Territorial questions and dispute will kind of freeze in the interest until righteous found their way in ... How ?. The question is no longer 'When to start / stop what Where ?'  but  'How to start / stop what Why ?'. Being not- synchronized with each other on the goal of life, or evolution as such _; a consequence of the pre-Gate laws _ discrepancy in opinions about the new laws may and probably will lead to a large-scale crisis after the FRA-time and both drifts as well as ignorance can still create lots of damage. So, the moment now is merely a very delicate moment. A crisis is not put out of the options yet. But _on the whole _ it is not, and was not, as dramatic as it seemed, or has been presented'. (CI1): '... In other words ..... we are in paradise now'. Yanai: 'No, we are not. We have access to eternity, when we answer the new laws correctly. We have the FRA-time to get organized. That's all. (CI1): 'And if we don't ?'.  Yanai: 'Then the quantity of people who can live by the new laws will be too small to find an eventual new race'.  (CI1): '.... You mean we would extinct ...?,.. like dinosaur.  Yanai: 'Dinosaurs were not human beings and are gone. Human beings have a choice and can decide if they want to stay'.  (CI1): 'Thank you for all you do and all you have done so far'.  Yanai: 'Thank you for all you do and all you've done so far.                                                                                              - / -                          

(1): P2FD; Past- Present- Future- Deduction. A way of vibration reading, also indicated as 'overall holistic capacity' or seventh sense.   (2): The spiral represents the mechanism of the opening of the vicious circle. (3): Inter-human obstacles as suspicion, prejudgement, indifference, fear,                                                                                                            - * -


Summer camp / Volunteers                                       

- I would like to apologize to the CGI, for brief space given and show gratitude for the notes he managed to make in short on this subject -

As this edition will appear it'll be nearly June, summer, leaving short notice for those with children and for the ones whom already planned their holidays to be informed of a desire of a Luxembourg’s group to invite others to their country within the framework of UDAI. Response on this publication could _however _ still provide a list of volunteer, willing to plan and realize an activity as a (or three) long weekends in Luxemburg, Italy or other to be chosen country. A First Forum phrase (3'93) states:' Matter does not matter, we matter'. A CI said upon this 'What others do or have done shapes or shaped our reality, which is not claimed by anyone. Activity as 'a walk in the forest' can be executed by all that are physically able to do so. It would be a discrimination not to be invited to for example a barbecue, just because you can be called to belong to a category of people'. As CGI, I would like to add that our little group is seriously interested in all sorts of justification of others, to reject the sharing of time and space with others. Like them we look for attractive program, presenting tips on ecologic food and behaviour, theme groups on different philosophies concerning  education, have a fitness, dance and musical program and so forth and on. 'UDAI' creates small-scale audiences where an interpretation of attraction, efficiency and justice can circulate in a manner we can find a way through the period in which we are, with a perspective. Yanai said, that in this phase only righteous with a developed norm will take the opportunity to 'start again', make UDAI their hobby and unite in growing groups. We would also find support among intellectual, but later. For the time being there is a small (;fortunate) group which used the creative ability to justify a change in behaviour and chose to redefine the concept of freedom as subordinated to the concept of care. They care. While waiting for a response to this publication, they take care in a new perspective, free and efficient on the local level for those attracted to the idea and develop an interest in what is 'Udai'.         

                                                                                            - & -                                  

(CI1): 'A reasonable question is the one after UDAI's financial aspect. As indicative attitude of those related to the 1st Forum; they chose a standard of living, that permits to lead a harmonious life. Most of them have acceptable jobs and some simply 'level' their income to their personal need and put a surplus at the disposition of the Forum. According to Yanai: 'Money as such will prove to be an inefficient, primitive tool within a _by computers driven _ administration of productivity and the justification of use(consumption)'.

On the local level we try to comprehend but don't understand the ones that contribute _in financial or non-financial way _ to the initiative, without a feeling. If it is not by a free choice, born out of an independent reflection, there is no addition; no substance or value.  For some 'money is matter'. But, also this book is matter. And as mentioned,'matter does not matter' in this phase.  Yet, 'T'-s are made, materials and things as stamps and copies, are paid for. Expenses for a 'T' are carried by the one who made it, expenses of a group are carried by the group, overlooked by their own local Forum. Overhead-division replaces imbalanced individual ambition. It's better not to act than to act in wrong ways (ai). We invite ('no matter what') managers to get involved and cooperate in the 'think-tank'; the forum. There is a lack. We all have questions and with those we communicate in a way, with a purpose, a perspective.   A 'T' can serve as target; 'Where is it ?' and 'When is the forum there ?'. It is time to sit down to this harmoniously and  move on towards tomorrow. Righteous ways remain a need for generation to come. (An opinion of a CI). The financial aspect plays _fortunately only_ a role by the ones affected by greed.  Yanai described greed as  'perverted aspect of the attitude to exploit space' which will be over- ruled by coming generations with the question 'Why ?' and considered as deviation of righteous behaviour'. It is important to dedicate much time in a _local _ forum to eliminate this 'trouble-maker' and to live by the principle: 'If nobody cares, I will, because I can'. I,Hesa/CI1, would like to add: 'If there's not enough intelligence around your 'T', take it to another corner of the Universe .... and start again'.                                                                        

                                                                                            - * -  

  The U CD V I              

       (▲ top )
















(1) Righteousness.                                

(2) To be straight; to follow without much mental intervention one's inner voice about what's right and wrong.

(3) The obedience to norms (;rules of behaviour) which are kind of melted within one-self.     

(4) To act according to what is sensed as being 'Just'.     

(5) Justice.       The Universal Law of Justice.         

(6) U of Universal, of Unification, of Ultimate.  


(1) Harmony.

(2) Two opposite forces connected to a unity of stabilized (;constant) balance.

(3) The state before the genetic division of a cell, indicating the original state of being.

(4)'The coming together' as objective, before the consequential separation, to return to 'the coming together'.

(5) Compilation.


Three principles carried by two concepts.     

                           ....A    , Attraction, YO,                     

                           . .        Love, Freedom,                      

                           -.-        Creativity, Order.                  

                          I....    , Intelligence, TCHI,                    

                           . .        Wisdom, Efficiency,                       

                           -.-        Functionality, Control.                

                          .....    U, Righteousness, (See above),               

                           . .        Justice, Truth, Sincerity,                 

                           -O-        Will to rise, overcome, climb.           

              .....                                    .....

               . .   The 'Good'      and      . .   The 'Bad'           

               -.-                                      -.-                        


              (1) Will.                                             

              (2) Life.                                              

              (3) Survival, Growth, Evolution.                       

               o  (the dot) ; Soul, Shinga, Observer, the Self.

               I  (the line); the Spine, Central nerve system.


Not only because there is no pronouncing for the UCDVI, we use the pronounceable UDAI. The letters 'D' and 'A' are here interpreted as ;   


The right side or the side on the right. As the shadow of what is known as RA; the eternal, immaterial Sun; the one 'which was there since the beginning of time', the super-natural.  The 'D' indicates the incomplete state of harmony; the connection.


    Is  .  composed out  of  three  main  .  lines.          

       . .    Intelligence                           . .    Attraction    

     .___.   Time                                   .___.   Space      

     .     .  Efficiency                             .     .  Freedom    

      .       The connecting, short line represents the link; bridge   

     . .      between Time and Space. The here and now, entrance; Gate  

   .___.     to the comprehension of the real reality.  

   .     .    (An example of 'real reality' is: 'You read this now'.)  

      .       Represents;                      .    Stands for;         

     . .            the Forum                 . .      the division         

   .___.        the platform              .___.     the separation  

   .     .       the opinion                .     .    the discrimination    

   .     .    Turned upside-down, the 'A' looks like the        

 ._____.     figure on the left and you can think about  

    .      what should be to develop it to the symbol             

      .       shown on the right.     


The place where people go to, to do UDAI is called 'ZA'.  Before we recognize a place as 'UDAI-ZA', we search for  an object called 'T'. It is as specific object, used to offer (small articles / fruit). An 'action-maker', to show  recognition, gratitude and unity.'T'-stands can be made by anyone.They can resort as official with the consent  of a CI or CGI. A 'CGI' is an elected chairman of a local forum. 'CI' are persons, assigned by an international forum, to introduce UDAI to other area. CI are not some sort of missionary, but persons who live a normal life; following their own destiny. They chose to work together with 'the international' as (temporary) commitment.

                                                                                      - * -                           

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Ed4 Manifest / Forum phrases / Intro-Course                                                                                                  (▲ top )

The manifest             original in Italian    (distributed since Oct-92)                            translation       


          Udai is a method of searching towards another way                    

      of doing without difference, imbalance and discrimination    

                        To see and to feel reality as


                                Free (Creative)         

                       Efficient (Needed-practical)                             

            with two persons of your gender & age-group    


Three persons of a same age group in one gender can raise one theme at least. Time to express oneself is divided equal. Three minutes a person is minimum, with twice the change of subject (in approximately 30 sec. each change) a session totals to ten minutes; Standard. If one person wants (or takes) four minutes, the others need to agree and become automatic also four minutes a person. Experienced -KI indicate with the right hand a multiplier by raising fingers.  Index finger is not used cause it represents the one (1x3=3).  Index plus middle-finger is two (2x3=6). Index-,middle-& ring-finger is three (3x3=9) and Index-, middle- ring-& small-finger are four (4x3=12). The sessions can mount this way from 3x3+1 (=10) to 3x12+1 (=37) minutes. Once three men or women sit down, they'll search an agreement on the time they want to do UDAI. It is considered improper (even impolite) to interrupt an agreement, which isn't either to be disturbed by for example a telephone. Once separated they show again available for other. Only PAMA-s (young girls) can move freely around 'the conversation', but do not interfere either. Other details in the introduction course of Udai.  


 Forum-Phrases                                                                                                                                                      (▲ top )

We would like to sent our recognition and thanks to the 'T'-groups of Freeburg (Swiss) and Groningen (Holland). They answered the 1st Forum question (1) of April in time. 

             1 'What were the names of the two guardians at the Gate ?'

We've found the reaction (2) of Antwerp (Belgium) original and good enough to insert it here as well.                  

             2 'If they walk around freely now, could you give us a description of their faces ?'   

The answer to 1 is 'GA and BA'                         (note 'GA'- Egocentrism.  'BA'-Arrogance.  ).

We brought the question 2  to Yanai; 'If the lady at the kindergarten cannot tell you yet, you should look in other faces'.     

The new question ((1)-May) of the First Forum;  'Is there dust, a city, a country or a continent under your chair ?'.

You can sent your answer to your CGI this time while we cannot invest  too much time at the secretary to sort, read and react on all the mail that is generated for this purpose. We have to pre-select with the help of the CGI and hope _yes believe _ you can understand. Here we, secretary, need to modify our slogan 'Take your time, but not (h)ours' to 'Find your time for (t)-his'.  And _as usual _ the 'between brakes' can be shifted in '3DP'.(See note (2)).

Overheard: 'Why do you get so overexcited if I can't tell you who told me. Can't you reflect about the wisdom of these words,       without knowing where they come from ?'.

Remark given to someone who said:' I cannot believe in all this';...'Don't, do it, don't believe it; make your own experience with it'.

Question; 'Is it correct that UDAI is to be done with members of the same sex ?'. (Three female/male talking).                   

Answer:   'Yes, otherwise it is not UDAI'.       (Ask your CGI).                                                                                                        - / -

Note (2): 3DP: Three - Dimensional - Perception; kind of Udai-word game. (see Edition 5)      - * -  


Interview with YANAI                                                                                                                                                          (▲ top )

(CI1): 'You said this to be your last interview for the time being. Can you tell us why ?'. Yanai: 'This kind of publicity is like throwing a stone in the sea without  interest or concern whether you have hurt a fish. Can you tell me about reactions or encourage CGI-s with a piece of paper like this ?. Many are taken out of their balance by person they intent to help and feel pressed into the role of policeman. You and I can better invite a CGI for a beer. That might help him better'. (CI1): 'But we're interested in what you can tell us and believe others should know this too'. Yanai: 'What would you like to know ?'. (CI1): 'Everything you want to tell us'. Yanai: 'You cannot build comprehension that way. I'm sorry'. (CI1): 'Than tell us how we can build comprehension'. Yanai: '.. That requires knowledge about the immaterial structure of the universe. It would be a dangerous arm in the possession of those that cannot say 'ai' (see above). I will not. (CI1): '.. But withholding information isn't Just. It is discriminative'. Yanai: 'To your understanding.        You've raised at least three different themes in one question and your agitation obstructs the growth of your comprehension. The first theme concerns the ethics of  distribution of knowledge ... Is it a reward for (non-) discriminative conduct, should it serve to support the righteous, individually in their  quest or is it to be used still as dominating tool in battles between the greedy (?). The second theme asks what would be Just. To my understanding it would be just, to listen to the question.  The individual question shows where a person is at (or which pantrax needs addition).   Pretending 'Yushi' (*) will answer questions the same way as 'Genshi' (*: classification of being) would be as silly as pretending you're the parent of your parents. Caring parents will not blame a child for asking nor force it to formulate questions it is not ready for. ... Such wouldn't correspond with the Universal Law of Justice .... at all. The third theme concerns 'the desire to tell everyone'. Combined with both other themes you prefer to accuse of discrimination to obtain .... I cannot call that 'responsibility towards Justice'. (CI1): 'It's my responsibility as interviewer to find a mixture of questions, to help construct an opinion which may lead to a comprehension'. Yanai: 'You chose to raise other themes.  What is the subject you would like to get at ?'.( CI1): '... We're not glad that you said this would be a last interview. .... I want to know; .... we want to know'. Yanai: 'And believe that I will tell you .... what ?. You try to convince me that I should tell you something'. (CI1): 'Not, if you have nothing left to say ... or really do not want to'. Yanai: 'You back off and should not. We'd better find one of your or my friends and work this out further'.(CI1): 'Can we finish this interview first ?'. Yanai: 'If you want to'. (CI1): 'Is there a moment where you would be willing to organize a seminar about the immaterial structure of the universe ?'. Yanai: '... And with whom would I share the responsibility ?. .... You can bring this question to the Counsel. If they decide it can be given, it will be given. I'll raise the subject in the First Forum but will vote against it. I can show you a mere shadow of the power in this subject by putting a condition since you ask for it. Once I hear the word 'ai' in a supermarket and sense recognition between those who used it, I'd change my vote'. (CI1): 'But that might never be ... there's too much suspicion concerning UDAI. Nobody understands. We need your help'. Yanai: 'Ai'. (CI1): 'Is that a yes or a no to the invitation ?'. Yanai: 'An invitation ?'. (CI1): 'We've put our confidence in you. ... I don't believe you can play around with something as serious as our sincerity. ... Will you help ?'. Yanai: 'I think you should call me criminal to the Universal Law of Justice if I would fool around with sincerity and apologize. Yet, you are  wrong in putting confidence in me. I'd consult you to have confidence in the Forum ; they are worth it. I _as individual as such _ am not. ..... Would it help you to know, that the First Forum knows what you talk about and shares your concern ?'. (CI1): '.. Well,.. I don't want to bring the subject to me as person. It's beside the subject of this interview'. Yanai: 'You are authorized to address an audience with the introduction, are you not ?'. (CI1): 'Yes, I am'. Yanai: 'Do you comprehend the significance of the words, concerning the interpretation of Justice on the Yushi-level ?' .(CI1): 'There the sense of Justice manifests in a sense of conflict'.Yanai: 'You repeat what you've read, to show me that you understand. Do you also comprehend this ?'. (CI1): 'I think so'. Yanai: 'I do not think so'. (CI1): 'I do my best to avoid any conflict'. Yanai: 'I don't. You wanted an interview and forced me to separate from people I was with, to be here alone with you and your machine (edited: tape-recorder). You chose a common, dualistic way of interaction between you an me, where you can't do anything else but defend your sense of Justice while to you it is the right way to make an interview. You  leave me no choice. I cannot find harmony in your way, like this, and  wait until it's over. I consider the product of our acting merely an effort to keep things on the Yushi level. You on one, me on the other  end of duality and later a piece of paper on one and somebody reading  on the other end. Always Just, but always a conflict. And where is the gate to this circle ?'.(CI1): ' our 'T'. Yanai: 'Indeed. That's where the linear address stops, cause if you and  I are there, per definition, there will be someone missing.  And that  would be .... discriminative'. (CI1): '....I see'. Yanai: 'What else do you want me to tell you ?. You want to be told that the First Forum studies the problems of linear communication between   'T'-groups and finds it complicated while there's no technology available to disable the handicap ?. Traditional interview have hardly any value during the FRA-time in a collective evolution of harmony. Or do you believe we can share joy with someone who hides deep within a television-chair, to feel part of a reality that is locked behind the door and that someone is afraid of, to encounter ?. There are problems to consider in the First Forum but, the number of UDAI-KA-s is slowly growing and we might even come to organize the festival of UDAI. (CI1): 'When will that be ?'. Yanai: 'If not in August this year, then in August next year'. (CI1): 'Could you characterize UDAI as initiative for us ?. Yanai: 'No, I can only  do UDAI, with you and one of your or one of my friends,... why ?'. (CI1): '.. Because we feel confronted with so much disbelieve, suspicion and find UDAI ... difficult to explain'. Yanai: 'You find it difficult to leave the Yushi-level. In your conditioning most of your ways are conflicting.   You can lead a much better life on the Genshi-level. You can live a life of choice by offering ... choices and grow so deep in 'TCHI' (wisdom) and 'YO'(love) if you'd alter just a few of your conditioning. Why don't you ?. It's understood by most CGI-s that you try'. (CI1): 'I'm not really complaining about myself and think you bring this conversation back to a _my _ personal level'.Yanai: 'The only person I am _in my auto-limitation _ authorized to complain about is ... myself. Where can I find so much, to set myself free of than in ... myself ?. And if I manage, I can freely show myself to you,  than you are the only human being in my real reality at this moment. .... I did show you, I didn't like it but bended to your will or need. Yet this entire setting under an umbrella called 'interview' is a little.... unreal to me'. (CI1): 'It is unreal to me, not to be able to find your help in this attempt to get to some publicity'.Yanai: 'You're confronted stronger to the conflict you've organized. It seriously would be better if we'd go now to a friend and continue this talk, don't you think so ?'. (CI1): 'I don't need a friend to continue this conversation. I'd like to  apologize for the anger that indeed is generated by this apparent conflict .... Would you describe UDAI as a philosophy ?'.  Yanai: 'No, I wouldn't'. (CI1): 'Many people think it's a religion. Is it a religion ?'. Yanai: 'No, not really'. (CI1): 'Than what is ... UDAI ?'. Yanai: 'I know that some people use the word sect'. (CI1): 'Is that what it is ?..........Why do you smile ?'. Yanai: 'In Germany 'sekt' indicates also a version of champagne and I'd have nothing against a glass of champagne to celebrate the initiative taking a shape in reality. ... Would you ?'. (CI1):'.. Well ... no, but would you define Udai as sect in the other significance given to that word ?'. Yanai: 'You start to look like a politician. ... Do you really believe constant quarrel about which word 'knocks-out' what initiative will help to repair for example the ozone layer ?. If those, who seek to cooperate and start projects like _indeed _ the ozone-project, are to be discriminated as 'sect', then let them take courage from the Dutch Geuzen.(edited: the word 'geuzen' was an insulting nickname (;scum) used by a Spanish occupant to indicate a group of people who did things that had to be done, for the welfare of an area). (CI1): 'But, don't you think, publicity would help this ozone project ?'. Yanai: 'If it would be the only project in UDAI, yes, but we would better do fund-raising for the World Wild Fund, or Greenpeace, if they would have such a project'. (CI1): '.... But why don't we get out into the open, like those organization ?. We waist so much time'. Yanai: 'Each and every individual of the period after the FRA-time can be characterized in 'being' and doesn't run after impulses on 'what am I supposed to do'-questions.  Whatever is done, will be classified as 'efficient' and 'born out of a free will'. It is the initiative of UDAI to do something against discrimination, but if the infra-structure of UDAI loses contact with every day's reality of good, bad and ai people, no project can ever be lifted and the ones who made an effort in the  ozone-project are simply set-aside as a bunch of dreamers. ..... I think that if the Counsel finds the time ripe to go out into _what you call _ the open, it'll be the moment where we've collected enough confidence to assume we can make it, without too much conflict.  Then UDAI turns from being 'a sect' to 'a company' and takes care of serious projects, which concern the entire planet. It is up to our children to say what they want to say. However, wouldn't it be better to hear children say that 'your worries were in vain' instead of being set aside (discriminated) as one who could have helped to avoid the (their) situation ?'. (CI1): 'Will you stay involved in the First Forum ?'. Yanai: 'Of course I will. Can we go and see a friend now ?'. (CI1): 'Thank you for all you do and all you have done so far'. Yanai: '.... Are you leaving ?. ... Goodbye then .... and .... Thank you.'.     - * -  


Introduction course.                                  Consequences for -KA and -KI.                                                           

       (▲ top )      

If someone takes contact with the secretary, he/she is automatically considered for the status of 'UDAI-KA'. This has no further consequences and we proceed as follows:  - Inform the person on all questions raised and invite him/her to make another contact with the secretary after a _by the person chosen _ period of time.  - Once this invitation is taken, ask for address and phone number and sent the application-form for UDAI-KA. (See sample at the bottom of the article in the economy section) This form asks for details on profession, health, hobbies, languages    spoken / understood and such. - If the form is sent in following detail are carried into a computer: first and family name, Male / Female / Couple, age and telephone number. The rest of the form is set into an archive. - Members of the Counsel and First Forum obtain access to both archive and computer-file. CI-s have access to the computer-file on UDAI-KA and UDAI-KI, CGI-s on the file of UDAI-KI.- Those who wish to contact another participant in UDAI can ask the secretary to sort first name and phone number of the nearest Udai-KI. - UDAI-KI were UDAI-KA before they passed an exam in the months after the introduction course. Appling for this test they expressed a will to be of help and _if passed_ they obtain the status of voter. Transfer from KA-file to KI-file (;status) cannot take place without an exam. - UDAI-KA cannot find their family name printed in any publication of UDAI, UDAI-KI can, nor can anyone _not even in the hierarchy _ use the UDAI-KA file for any purpose. It is 'closed' and serves as entrance to the introduction.     

If members of the hierarchy wish to organize work-groups in certain areas or invite specialist to specific themes, archive and -KI-file  help to find the right people. - Return from the KI-file back to the KA-file is possible, by sending a request to the secretary. If the person changes his / her mind again, assisting another introduction is required to find oneself 'back into the active'; KI-file.

People working with computer and archive promise the First Forum not to give out information to others than participant in the hierarchy. - Change in procedures have to be discussed by CI-s and CGI-s, yet no altering can take place concerning 'files and archive'. If an individual found some people interested in UDAI, an introduction can be organized. Interested could ask for the application to UDAI-KA before the course but do not have to. If they carry their name in, after this event, they are asked to fill out the application afterwards and filed as UDAI-KA, also when they enlisted to help. They can apply for the exam after attending the 18 basic lectures.   An introduction is held for 3x4= 12 persons and takes one (satur)day, from 09-12 and 13-18 hour. A CI is available following day to answer questions and to help to plan follow-up meetings. The accommodation for the CI is to be organized by the group. UDAI-secretary refunds travelling costs, from their location to and from the group. Interested are asked to bring a  note-book and pen, while the information isn't printed yet in all languages. The introduction may be charged for to an equivalent of 45 Euro (55 USD). There is no material return of this sum. It serves different projects and overhead-costs of the 1st Forum and the organization as such. Listed as UDAI-KA or UDAI-KI, all UDAI-activities are free to participate at. We (;secretary and CI) need to ask permission to your CGI to charge for other things. Interested in a relative new area;  remote from other groups, need to be informed of a question the CI will present quite soon at the beginning of the course. The group is asked to chose two men and one woman to assist the CI. If these persons are found the male carry the roles of 'P' and 'O', the woman can carry the role of 'Nkita'. The role of P and O are for three months, the role of Nkita is for fifteen months and belong to the Forum. After three months the group can vote for a more 'definite' Forum. We admit persons as of 28 years to the status of UDAI-KA but do not recognize persons younger than 35 for the status of UDAI-KI. In all situation a signature is required on the UDAI- KA-form. Being 'off-age', an UDAI-KI can be chosen to participate in a forum.  UDAI-KI are responsible for own behaviour and as member of a group 'CGI', 'P' and 'O' do not share this significance given to the role of 'Nkita'; She is kind of co-responsible of the behaviour of the members in the group. It can be called true, that some forums make a mess while other are a bless.   It is such for the time being and we have to be tolerant, patient and constructive if we want to get through this phase. (..... What can we say but ai, ai .......).                                                         

                                                                                                           - * -   

Since we publish the last _(?)_ interview with Yanai, we feel invited to explain some terms of that conversation which are better explained in the introduction course. The 'pantrax' represents a line, coming from _some _ two and a half centimetres under the navel, going to _some _ 10 cm above the fontanel. The beginning (navel area) knows many esoteric indications (; manipura chakra, secondary soul and other). The 'end' (which isn't an end really) is indicated as 'Usido' in UDAI, also known as sahasrara chakra or as 'dot' on the (Japanese) hito-('human') -ideogram. The centre nucleus of the immaterial field of a body (;the 'soul', 'shinga', 'observer', 'the Self' etc.) can be situated anywhere upon this line. From the outside, we cannot see or guess where it is. Normally it should be in the head, where  it can be stationed or located in three main areas. In the Yushi-(moon) Genshi-(earth) or Super-Genshi (sun)-area.   A person's welfare, health  carrier, etc is influenced (or created) by this _sometimes alternating _ position.  We can deduct from the behaviour and from the kind of question, on which pantrax-level a person is situated and develope insight, how to stabilize him/her (;'to find satisfaction') there, encouraging their evolutionary progress.      

          - * -          





    3DP   Three - Dimensional - Perception.                                                                                                                            (▲ top )      


         Important mechanism : 

A- Anker-swing.

B- Sound fixation to scripture.  


C- Pantrax-identification.                  

    o    -  Usido   

A: The ankerswing corresponds to the      I     -  Reflection       


    -  Verification  

     between   'I' (masculine / left side)    and       'A' (feminine / right side)  



                   Tchi / respect / Father 

           Yo / forgive / Mother  

                            'O' (male/left side)   and   'E' (female/right side)      



                     Daihi / strictness / son   

   Daiji / distraction / daughter  

B: Sound fixation to reproducible form (scripture); Which sound corresponds to what letter, ideogram or other symbol. Similar to        phonetic writing yet, importance given to the velocity of sound production.                                                                     

C: Pantrax - identification: 'Where does a letter / symbol go to on the 'T' and what significance do we give it'.      

3DP develops a way of thinking suitable to the timeless, period after the FRA-time (see page 4). It also enables individual to grow in P2FD (vibration reading).  If we want to establish (install) a civilization that permits each and every individual an equivalent 'right' and opportunity to live an unselfish life, _purpose of First Founder _ we may as well give that individual something to do for the rest of his (individual) existence. Otherwise s/he might get bored immediately without creating such a civilization. Fact is, that it requires some courage to make UDAI operational or understood but when a person conceives the idea, the problem is gone. To make '3DP' more clear a small conversation is used to illustrate things. The ones who understand one or more computer-languages can grasp this probably a little easier.  


Person A says to B  (1) : 'How are you ?'.  

            B says to C  (2) : 'I am fine'.  

            C says to A  (3) : 'Thank you'.  


          (2) 'I AM FINE'/ IAMFINE/ I-AM-FI-NE/ I-A-M-F-I-N-E     

          (3) 'THANK YOU'/ THANKYOU/ T-HA-NK-YO-U/ T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U 

         Decomposition of (1); The single letters stand for;       

  H : Balance. Fire - left, Water - right, Time - connecting line.  

  (vertical) Father - son   Mother - daughter  link: sincerity  

 O :(as page 16) Studying young man. Total, complete, all round, everything.  

 W : The relation between O and E, that is: young man & young woman, the future, the descendents, their wanting. (For those who    understand this:  27-7-left-8-7-27-right).  

 A : Mature woman, orientation in space, location, recognition, memory.

 R : Stimulus, engine, push, motion-maker.  

  E : Playsome young woman, female energy, direction towards, take.  

 Y : Yushi, Spine connection to U (of the 'UCDVI'. above)  

  U :(see UCDVI)        

A second interpretation rises from the combination of vowel - consonant;  

 'HO-WA-RE-YO-U' stands for:  

  HO: Balance - complete brings to Stop / End.  

WA: Future - maturity  brings to Harmony / Compilation.  

   RE: Stimulate - young woman brings to take.  

  YO: Completation on Yushi brings to choose - Genshi.  

    U:  (see UCDVI).  


Freely interpreted, HOWAREYOU says here: 'Interrupt what you are doing and bring your daughters to some righteous choices'. (; Circle care ).  


Decomposition of (2): 

    I :  (see UCDVI).        

   M : Similar to W in it's opposite: old man and old woman, the past, the ancestors, their achievement.  

 AM: Can spin to MA _back to_ AM: orientation on the right side of the elder mother. Related to the verb 'TO BE'.  'To' brings to father. related 'to come', 'Be' goes to son. 'Son' has to be before he can come, daughter needs to take before she can have.      

    F : A complicated 'T' symbol. Indication of the Super-genshi-level and the Genshi-level on the A side or D of the UCDVI and links to the E as well as to the L, indicating respectively: all three levels & only the Yushi-level. As within the K symbol, the vertical line     represents the pantrax and all intervention on the pantrax has it's own significance. The K is a connector between the A on the right  top and E on the right bottom; both female. 'KA' stands for mother -daughter where as KE stands for daughter - mother. We don't use the inversed K (' ') as symbol in the alphabet and would have to imagine it swung around the pantrax, to understand I and O as       indication of (respectively) the father - son - and son - father -relation, somehow written wrong, as KI and KO    

  FI: Brings 'the will' to the right side of the level beyond the Yushi-level. With 'the pantrax swing' it becomes I  ; an important sound  related to the question to become.     

   N : An important symbol indicating an established order, passing from O to I to E to A. Interpreted as: 'ignorance to wisdom to motion to care'. The previous significance (Unity) still stands although the letter U (see UCDVI) overtook the position of 'N' in this context.  

  NE: Has the validity of question to verification.  

  Looking at (2) we could merely find: a location definition. Combined with a finger on the body, of the person (who said this), we might even know on which pantrax the soul of that person is likely to be. (;Longs, heart, stomach etc).  

 Decomposition (3):                                           

   T : Time, Target, Objective, Goal. 

 HA: Balance - Attraction brings to JOY swings to YO  . YO-  is an extended composition of YO (Love), as responsibility towards a part of the right - side inquiry to E. J would be the same towards O on Y. 

 NK: Has the validity of conclusion on the female side on the level of the voice.      

 YO and U are looked at above.

  We (the secretary) would call (3) 'the more positive sound'.            Now: What about you ?.(W-HA-T-A-BO-U-T-YO-U).  


In general we could recommend a setting after the vowel - consonant and separate the consonants to independency. 

The AIOEU is (;better) UOIEA. In case of doubt try the pantrax-swing; inverse the letters, but re-inverse them immediately afterwards (example AM- MA -AM) otherwise your reflection will be conducted into another field. When there is a T in the phrase most significances change  due to some interconnections. The U does not appear on the 'T', or in a peculiar fashion (ask your CGI). The i appears as a little dot at the centre of the top-circle.    


3DP can be played in UDAI, as long as a _for example _ German wants to make friends with both a Taiwanese and Congolese to express the unity towards YOKO civilization. An Australian can invite Mexican attracted to a Jordanian. '3DP' may be considered the root of all scriptures and languages. It's likely to give a woman something to explain while the man watches a 'T', drilled in the park one quiet afternoon.   In this, the order is indeed  male-'T'-3DP, female-3DP-'T'.It relates _as said _ to the development of an ability to reflect in the timeless, raise the inner degree of evolution, conserve a mental stability and search for .... what ? W-HA-T or T-AH-W or was it T-A-U or T-A-O, which is definitely related to ZEN also known as .... but now we have to do the dishes.  


How to position a sound to a place on the 'T', may eventually make you a master in UDAI. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal,from up to down or down to up, left to right or right to left, with horse-jump or without, it is a remarkable revealer.  

Something belonging to the 'T', given by YANAI for the difficult years that lay ahead of us, to encourage and develop non-discriminative conduct between I&A,O&E,I&O,A&E,I&E and A&O as correspondent to the i of  U. A statement from the secretary, we would have to ask you to believe and a statement unlikely given by the First-Forum (we assume).  


'Ok ? or is you kO ?'                                                       //    OK   YO  

    brings to                                                                   //        S.   

                                                              OK-RO-SI-YO-U-KO               and is on the 'T' :      //    RO   KO  

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  The COUNSEL states: 'Exclusively with the consent of your CGI and the confirm of your NKITA you can do 3DP alone'.    CGI and Nkita carry _thus _ a responsibility for your mental stability.  The secretary doesn't advise you neither to play with 3DP in your mind nor to do it on your own. (Do not).  

   - * -                                                                                        ▲( top )        





  The Touch    

                                                                                                                                                           ▲ (top )  

'Touch' _as word _ is taken from the French 'Touché', sharing a similar meaning in the English verb 'to Touch'.                        Pronouncing (-T'oe'sh-) is French, while the soft characteristic of 'touch' rises better from the French than from the English word.       -  Let's look at the map and realize a gap between the things we see and what it turns (out) to be .-


--- usido        

   I       A



--- soul  observer  

  O       E



--- voice verbalizing 


--- heart  feeling   


--- corda 

Taking 'the person' to look at you, the . (soul) finds itself between A & I and E & O. If you look at the persons back the . (soul) finds itself between I & A and O & E. Taking 'the person' to walk ahead, we follow, that means we'd look at the back of the person and would have to speak of I.A instead of A.I. Important for the proper order in the definition and description of what is left side and what is right side. he First Forum took the I.A order. Thus I is left- & A is right-side. Head and heart know this ordering, that is, for the heart: Upper-left- side I+, upper-right-side A+, lower-left-side O+ and lower-right-side E+ , I+ : Imagination / Recognition - A+ : 'Tying down' / Keeping O+ : Dreaming / Phantasies - E+ : 'Longing' / Searching. Usido, voice and corda do not know this order but there could be words connected to the corda; left: rivalry & competition, right: jealousy & sexuality and centre: possessivity.

More words can be connected to the pantrax yet, it wouldn't be correct, to write them horizontally. It would be misleading. At the centre of the corda 'sincerity', at the centre of the heart 'truth', at the voice 'clearness', the soul 'righteousness' & at usido '(  )'. All these words are written vertical. _Important_.    

Back to the explanation of 'the Touch'. 

At any randomised moment of your life, you orient on something. That is your soul, you, shinga, the observer, the self, the 'self-within the self', the final eye; ... you. 'The centre-nucleus of the immaterial field' is a definition, more adapted to external explanation, yet, in this article about 'Touch', we use 'observer' and 'soul'. 'Observer' to indicate the pantrax-mantrax connection, 'soul' to indicate the corda-usido / usido-corda connection.  The states of being concerning your conscious, being asleep or alert, do not interfere with this 'permanent-orientation on something'. We can state that one of the mechanism of nature is the one corresponding to the law of survival, the mechanism that stimulates _forces _ to survive. The soul is submitted to this mechanism constantly, as the body is submitted to gravity. That constant. You cannot only, you also do, orient on a great number of things, in a _most of the time _ rapidly changing sequence. Schedules, feelings, correspondents to your believe, desire, what others may think, what to do to avoid loosing your job, whether a tooth needs treatment, parking-ticket, dinner, quarrel .... your soul is dancing in your body as a virus in a mainframe computer ..... constantly. As it becomes too much, you feel you have to scream and if that doesn't help, you call it stress, orient on vacation or a movie to relieve yourself, in meditation, prayer, yoga or you remember your parents taking a quiet walk in the woods and ... decide to go back to nature, where you orient again and again on something.    Such is life.   We already knew that, didn't we ?.   This mechanism of orientation plays a fundamental role in our being. It makes us successors among each other and thus we correspond to the law that forces to survive. As 'observer' I search to be more smart, faster, fewer misunderstood or at least left alone _without damage _ to my own interest and ambitions. Inside of myself, when I'm on my own, I return to myself and lock you out to prepare a next move. I will survive. It is my attitude and you can say what you want, my life. My parents told me ..... son, make yourself somebody than nobody else will. And, if I am fet-up with you, I orient on them than they knew best. Yes, my parents did give me their best. I didn't like the religion I was brought up with then, as youngster I already understood they believed more in money, than in ethics.  I found my father's ethics very interesting but, he told me I wouldn't  be able to make a living on that.   After all, if you ever want to get married, you do need money.  

The orientation of this person isn't chaotic but very common. The soul orients not on the self but searches its position between other  'survivors' where it's kind of forced to find the attraction in the corda. That is, s/he needs to make money and can only do this as a competitor. He would like to share his life with a woman, yet needs to have, then 'having' provides the position. He'd like to become a parent, as his own, orients on sexuality, experience a partner and children as possession and is likely to hunt after more money and more sex.  Such .... is life.

If we would examine the waves and pulses of nature, we can easily describe a peak in an experience someone can make with the word 'orgasm'. 'Turbulent wild sweat of high ecstasy'. A pulse all seems to be done and everything seems set aside for, vows are broken, sincerity muffled away in hypocrisy, companies corrupted by affairs and endeavours of middle men to finally please a woman. Great philosophies made by little men to find some shelter for a night. Without putting it to discussion we organize children to go and learn mathematics, French, German or Spanish, learn them which name belongs to what substance, article or creature. Believing some 120.000 words will help, the soul can imitate 'the doing' of the successful and, once graduated from school, connect him-/herself to an environment in which we change discussion partner after living up to answer standard-question as 'how-are-you ?' with standard answers. ... Survive. The 'self' feels  things 'to be right' or things 'to be wrong' and orients on something else, to find the confirmation or the modification of ..... norms.   Without 'norms' no guideline on what to do or how to act / react.  

We searched to establish an acceptance here, on the phenomena of orientation and describing an aspect of reality, we found some 'normality' in orientation on the corda, where a peak of a wave in nature is known as 'orgasm'.  As we grow older or as our parents gave norms at an earlier phase, we disconnect slowly from the importance given to this phenomena and orient on things like values in architecture, poetry, intimacy and others. Here 'orientation' could be described as orientation on the heart, where we're more interested or attracted in finding out _or sharing _ what we call 'Truth'.  Once a soul disconnects here, once a or 'the' truth is found, the person might again orient on the corda or he/she may orient on the level of the voice. This depends on a not marked line in 'the model' which runs horizontally straight across the chest from armpit to armpit; the pantrax-level of 'wanting'. If the norms at that time permit a soul to act / react, according to it's findings on the level of the heart, he/she can go or come to the level of the voice and express clearly what is and what is not .... true. 'Orientation on the soul' provides other question and can be an initiation on an interest on what would be Just. That is to say, the person would verbalize less, feel a greater need in his/her heart to find out and would _kind of _ neglect the corda and start to loose all sorts of things others give a great importance at. The reflections wouldn't be  understood and it looks as if he/she returned to the  I+,O+,A+ and E+, yet he/she doesn't search 'the truth'   as before, but starts to review, remember, analyse all sorts of experiences, looking for .... Justice or justifications. 

At such an inner-orientated, contemplative inquiry the 'observer' may experience a sudden clearness, an unexpected discovery as addition to the 'insight'; the comprehension.  

It is what we call 'Touch'.  A moment in which we may experience what (  ) wants. The connection lies on the pantrax, as of the level of the soul and relates to a kind of 'constant-orientation' on what would be 'the right' thing.  

As we stated that the pulse on the level of corda, pantrax lower-part, can be identified with the word 'orgasm', we can now draw a parallel between this 'material' pulse and 'Touch' being an 'immaterial' pulse of nature'.  

One might find substitutes to the word 'Touch', in languages and scriptures. Only those who experienced one know what they will always look for .... again and again.  It is not said that you need to be equipped with more than too many words in your mind to experience this.  It is only required to carry a serenity of the heart up to the level of the soul, in other words, try and relax, find some peace of mind and carry an equivalent in curiosity  and quiet interest in the contents of a potential encounter. The 'Touch' can manifest in others as excitement, energetic boast, as happiness thrill or _if you are lucky _ as a tremendous puzzle. It is the interaction between (  ) and an individual and something individuals can search for, all the time. And, what's true, it can be searched for with others, without any discrimination. If you've never heard about an 'orgasm', you wouldn't know what to imagine. Many, many people never heard about 'Touch'. They don't seem to know what it is or how to react, ignore, frown or interfere with negative comment. And this, while this phenomena is all over the world, every day, in thousands and thousands of situations. (  ) seems to call us .... home, but we do not seem to understand.                                 

Well, you have read this article and maybe you can find your way to a SHO-ZA or an UDAI-ZA, a Mimatsuri or a 3'T'4.   And if you don't, you know about the 'Touch' now.

Be gentile with an other. Show your care ... give them time to come back to their mental stability, after a 'Touch'.  They need that.    

                                                                                           - * -                              


      PAMA-s                                                                                                                                           (▲ top)    

Statements made by the chairlady of the Tribunal indicate, 'something ought to be done'. Careful observation demonstrates that in the sociologic transfer of values and habits boys are treated differently than girls. We do not want to encourage this, in UDAI while such differences lead to imbalance and will _in time _ create (again) discrimination between men and women. Male as well as female are both invited in UDAI, to 'short-cut' the Law of the strongest, in a fashion that _in time _ their sense of Justice can emerge in their social behaviour. A training useful in regard towards a rising new civilization.   Verbalizing differences between male and    female is not wise, yet creating more taboos wouldn't be right either. Regarding actuality, we can easily state that we live in a transition and that in a social / cultural sense many situations prove to be out of balance.  

Male correspond in a same fashion  as female concerning a sensitivity towards Justice. Yet, describing an order, we already chose to follow and, mentioned in the article about the Touch, this order starts with 'I' and 'A' and is 'the same' for male and female. 'I' is dominated by the hard laws while 'A' is influenced by the soft laws of nature.  We could classify 'the law of the strongest' therefore under 'I' and would have to balance it with another law under 'A' .... 'the law of birth - selection' or 'the law of choice' or  'the mechanism of race - regeneration'.  

Indications, which can be substituted by 'the mechanism of discrimination'.  

In another occasion the delicacy of what's described as U-A3-A2-A1 line was mentioned. Everybody knows about the law of the strongest, yet, we have a hard time; fight _caused by this same law _ to strengthen the U-A-line mainly since we didn't incorporate 'order-freedom-attraction'  in a comprehension of 'how to continue'. Once we have found the 'short-cut'(UDAI) we knock the mechanism of 'strongest' off and should consequentially re-examine it's counter-part under 'A'. We can discover then, that O; boy and E; girl need additional care and attention concerning both 'strongest' and 'discriminative' behaviour and Yanai indicated the E as up most important, that is to say, girls need to find the social - cultural conditioning to learn to care about .... everybody.  

In Udai, we call these girls: PAMA-s.                                    

 - * -  




  Talking about S-G-Y                                                                                                                         (▲ top)    

                                            U                                                     Designed (indicate as 'map') is 'an individual head'.            


Vertical USGYI are indication on the pantrax, 'O & E'  


situated in the skull, 'left & right' relate to left-  


and right-side of the neck. The asterisk (*) stands as  


'dot' on the I should however be projected upon the Y 


As in the 'UCDVI', this I stands for 'spine', the 'dot'  


represents the 'soul'. In this we will use a small 'u'  


instead of an asterisk where we talk about I1-I2-I3-U  

   left        right

and U-A3-A2-A1. Small'u'than: 'soul'. Large'U':'Usido'.  

In a forum we assigned someone to the 'I3'-position, as 'P' giving him _indeed _ all the 'power' within the T-group, another person to the 'A3'- position, as 'O'; reference towards all concerning 'order / organization'.  

As given by the First Forum, the I-u-U (pantrax), is filled in by representative of the black race, thus, a CGI would preferably have beautiful eyes and a dark skin. The I1-I2-I3-u line stays, as before, entirely in the hands of the yellow race, thus, a 'P' would preferably have  beautiful eyes and yellowish skin. The u-A3-A2-A1 line is scrambled. A3 belongs _as before _ to the 'mixture'-races, but don't worry, they have  beautiful eyes too. Recent change concerns the position of the white race (A1) swapped with the red race (A2). Consequence: the white race lost it's attraction in it's freedom and is therefore sent to the position of 'responsible behaviour' up to February next year. The red race gains attraction due to a considered, reasonable maintenance of the A2 position. Another consequence was verbalized by CI3 saying: 'we might have to prepare a deposit for thousands of tons of white meat, for after the FRA-time'. I didn't agree but wanted to show you, how serious  such a decision of the First Forum is potentially to be. Taking an additional look at person 'P'or'O', we can find the same 'map' back in them, as individuals, so, this map has it's validity  for everyone. We'll take a closer look therefore at person 'X'.  An additional remark concerning the role of Nkita. The First Forum didn't express her to belong to a specific race. The question about her   characteristics was answered by Yanai with 'O .. WEE'. In general we leave it up to women to elect the one they consider ... 'the best' and hope to be allowed to work together with a woman which comprehends, how to teach PAMA-s to express 'circle care'.  

Person 'X'.  Not defined as fe-/male, nor specified in age. The question about age is another subject. The Forum prepares a proposition to the Tribunal concerning 'age-groups', consequential limitations / authorization related. In this body-age '18'    seems the moment where 'x' becomes 'X'. Which sort of mental test and what sorts of exams would have to be passed, to be admitted as 'X' requires an intensive collaboration between the Counsel, First Forum and Tribunal. But _as said _ it is another subject. Person 'X' can be a soul on S, on G and on Y. Within the order of KAMI, nature, Y would quietly live Y's life till Y experiences something for a reason as unpleasant or dissatisfying. Y starts to search to 'repair' this 'imbalance', re-orients first on someone, then on another and finally on the one, who gives the necessary advise, how to repair 'the imbalance'.  

The adviser becomes perceived by Y as 'friend' and a link is made between Y and friend. As often as Y has a 'problem' (imbalance), Y goes to ... G. G doesn't really experience Y as friend, but as someone claiming time and attention and with whom G needs patience and tolerance. G has G's own 'friend', who doesn't _ever _ seem to be deranged by the kind of problem Y confronts G with. G likes G's friend and wouldn't dream to take Y with, to ... S. Not only because G is kind of embarrassed also because G 'knows' Y and S are not alike.    Unfortunately Y and S are alike regarding G. Both (S&Y) are active and undertaking on the mantrax (social interaction) while G is more active on the pantrax (inner research) and expresses on the mantrax all aspects concerning 'a lust for life'. A main distinction between Y and S is the inner velocity of recognition and comprehension. It may take hours before a Y makes a choice, where to go. An S can take such decision in a few seconds. On the other hand, S can reflect months on things that concern a personal situation and _as the environment starts to believe S forgot about it _ take a decision that not even a mastodon can move.  A Y takes some minutes to decide about personal situations and the environment hushes Y's decision down as impulsive even though it can be as solid as concrete as well. Both S and Y are concerned with 'seems to be' and 'might be' questions / statements, while G doesn't spent much time on 'seems and might' and takes a more defensive / offensive (mantrax) position in 'it is or it is not'. The main thing appreciated from an S is 'the advise'. For the rest they  lead a rather dull and isolated life. Some 43% of S-souls can be found in science, 28% in the upper-classes of universities, 13% in  upper-classes of large industrial-companies, 9% in monasteries, 6% in esoteric (spiritual) movements and 1% as 'wondrous wanderers'. Then they dedicate to art, sometimes music most of the time to writing. Practically all are dependent on another person when it comes down to their clothes, the exterior presentation and other mantrax aspects, normally given into the hands of their partner.  

An S does not marry a G and a G can not marry a Y.  Even if the S-G friendship lasts, G will have to come to S or (_it is possible _) S has to go to G. Same counts for G-Y. Let's look at a G in this context. 'He' falls in love with 'she'. He: G, she: S. (-If you don't mind I'd like to quote a nice phrase from Gael Tsume: 'Love is the call of (  ) through another soul, but, do not make the other soul your God then you might risk to loose a friend'. Gael-). The situation causes inner friction to G, something S is not aware of at all. If S accepts G as a partner, she could only do so in an attempt to kind of destroy / corrupt deliberately her inner ethics over a rather long period of time by conscious chosen actions like getting drunk or taking drugs, starting to lie and growing used to that, and so forth & so on. It will not make S a G but, if G searches to improve his inner ethic in paying more attention on the small things he does or becomes  more accurate in his estimations on things, the S-G connection may even last for years. G can do the same towards Y but would have to 'corrupt' himself with 'heavier' things whereas Y might improve her ethics with a serious attempt not to give so much importance anymore to sex and/or money or (preferably) both. These _artificial _ bridges exist all over the place and it is these persons choice. Balance in a harmonious sense will not belong to their partnership. That can only appear between Y-Y, G-G and S-S. So, the question is ... 'who is G and who is not ?'.

Well, this is not 'the question' during the FRA-time. If you may share your time (and space) with a partner, you may share your time and space as good as you can. If you still don't understand that you are asked -not to orient on the other gender - than we'd have to ask you, to start to read at the beginning of this writing again.  Do not believe this to be unreal, it is as real as you are _reading this now _ and if you take a break in reading, you will orient on something else. We are confronted with the 1, the timeless. The (  ) and we need to find each other in a way. So, a bit of collaboration isn't the worst thing to offer. (.. I, Carlos/CGI .. thank you). As male, I can only make an attempt to describe differences in S-G-Y male. Not in female. * Might be that the secretary invites a Nkita to write about female S-G-Y. Propose this to a CI *. So, I will continue about G and Y. G can be characterized by 'abundance', or at least, that is in G's 'target-setting' a very important element. Both O and E questions seem to be more important to G than to Y, that is G cannot live without a firm definition on 'Who am I' and measures it in 'Look what I have'. While Y will tolerate much easier to be someone, others do not have to know and measures in more realistic way what Y has and can afford. G live in society as 'middle-class' and Y as 'the great rest'. In the model, the I1-I2-I3-u-A3-A2-A1 line corresponds to locations in the head, to places where immaterial matter / energy (;plasma or fluidity) interacts with matter (bio-brain) and at which places a sense is 'born' or from  which a sensation sprouts. 'Intelligence' as word has a meaning, as well as 'Attraction'. I1 and A1. I1 or A1, as words wouldn't have a meaning. I1 has to be proved or shown and A1 to be found or experienced. Pure (pure) intelligence connected to pure (pure) attraction touch an usido as two different forms of immaterial radiation, sent out by (  ). In the introduction we have drawn a parallel with sunlight, on the material side of KAMI (;nature), being composed by electro - and magnetism- waves. 'I1A1' is perceived at the usido and split in I1 and A1, where I1 enters at the left top of the 'skull', whereas A1 'comes in' at the right side of the 'scalp', not in a two-dimensional _flat _ way as we tend to visualize things on paper but in a three-dimensional _circle _ way. In the model I1 gains 'importance' at the I2 level where Intelligence is transferred to 'Efficiency'. We could add descending conceptual words  between I2 and I3 like 'functionality, reliability, accuracy', and other. Words that subtract their meaning to the ways to organize and give a shape to our products or actions. Efficiency _as word _ related to Technology or 'the-way-how'. Yanai said 'A high technological development is a most dangerous treat to children (of KO*) who don't know circle care' We need to develop and share a 'knowledge' (technology) how to get the message across that YOKO will know a technology, much 'higher'  than Gyakuho yet it will not know any guns and rifles, simply because they will not be produced.  The 'descending' word order between I3 and u (*/=/you) can be characterized by words that subtract their meaning to nature, more than society I3; Power, control, discipline, strictness,.  

All in I3 is search for by Y, to obtain it, by G, to keep it. S doesn't appreciate to be bothered with I3. Once G orients on I2 and becomes acquainted with the contents of A2, G can leave I3 up to Y. Y can then go or 'climb' to G, if the correct, inner balance between Y's I3 and A3 is found and maintained. It's worth it _so to say _ to seek this balance while, once found, the 'soul' or better 'the nucleus of the immaterial field' will find itself precisely on the pantrax and will 'slip' unto the G- or S-level. Further than S is during one's lifetime not possible and, if you have, please do go and see a CGI, then he would like to get to know you. (-Among others, it is indeed this particular passage, described as 'going through the eye of a needle'-). It can be done in longer term analysis of ethics and consequences, in own and collective behaviour, related to all connected to I3 and A3. It can also be done at a SHO-ZA, though you'd still need some mental stability related to an ethics concerning I3 and A3, if you show up at the UDAI-ZA. We can give you many words, the 'Touch' will help you inside, to sort them out.

In our present world practically everything is oriented upon the I-line. 'Economy' as word is not forgotten yet has an equivalent size as 'Technology'. As far as I know, there is a substantial article about 'Economy' available at the secretary. I'll continue therefore with the u-A3-A2-A1-line. What is said for I3 as 'nature-oriented' and for I2 as 'society-oriented' can also be said for A3 and A2.  A3 stands in the forum for 'O', a masculine-position concerning the circumstances in which we find our self collectively. It has been permitted by the Great Counsel of U; the ones Yanai seeks to respond to. In person 'X' the A3 finds itself on the behaviour, female / soft or right-side. As variable set in 'Order' in the Forum and 'Standing' in person 'X'. Descending words from A3 to 'u' are hygiene, politeness, kindness. The concept of 'clean', but then in an ethical -that is sincerity-protective sense, is an addition to 'hygiene', which looks at toenail and kitchen-floor. 'Standing' relates to property and an inquiry concerning 'Standing' looks at what's done and how; on what ethical ground, it is done. Profound _or: longer term _observation will provide an examination of norm and values concerning sexuality. All relates to A3.  u-A3 is: the weak-line. The collective 'wound', obstructing an individual (and thus collective) evolution. A line which needs a most delicate as well as solid correction. Repair of this line can only be constructive once we manage to develop a social skill and courage to interrupt our speech and act, once we found someone needing care, giving that person some time and space, while others wait for the end of your speech. Regardless and with both feet on the ground. Such little actions are signal providing to those who have not  heard of the point, the 'T' of YOKO and of SUZA yet. And if we cannot   (or don't want) to speak about it, we can ask ourselves whether we are already at A2 or whether we're still struggling with A3. The development of this social 'indifference' towards a situation and a skill, to recognize a person in need has priority. And within a reasonable framework of understanding, it can always be  explained to those surprised by a sudden or short interruption of your speech.

A2 stands for: Freedom, loyalty, dignity, creativity. 'Freedom' is like the word 'God'. As soon as someone is confronted with these two words, unpredictable and sometimes strange behaviour can come forth from the person.                     - To be continued -

                                                                                                   - * -                                                                                   (▲ top)  

Note on the situation.                                                                       

Editions# 5,6 and 7 dedicate to the SHO-saga, not only to explain 3DP, also to give you the (passive) opportunity to take part in UDAI. We'd like to point at page 20, line 20-21 and ask you to imagine this situation, transfer it to what you may recognize as your own and examine B in the context of 'did /did not' do 'the-right-thing' in line 21. This 'interaction-sample' illustrates Carlos/CGIs explanation concerning a necessity to develop a social skill to repair the U-A3 line. He mentioned the substantial article which relates to 'Economy' and a request for publication is brought to the First Forum. It may (likely) appear in the following months. The budget for the editions is lowered. And we would appreciate support. (Please specify such transfer as 'S' in a bank-account transaction).  

'Foreseen' on page 5, this years summer camp will (likely) be next year. Assistance is given to T-group-encounter in weekends in different places. Information at the Tonegi-service or your CGI. The question 'kore-wa T des-ka' has not been answered yet.  We assume the question isn't understood cause no signal other than the return of a clock was given. - A very mysterious situation -. If we ask again it might be considered 'impolite', something we cannot really accept.  

Advise asked came from Yanai asking: 'Did the clock tell you at least what time it is ?'. Hesa/CI1 said: 'FRA-time' and Yanai replied with: 'O boy, then we have to hurry'.                                        

To those who didn't familiarize with 3DP yet, the comment: 'The higher you climb in 3DP the more 'simple' statements become, while the sound composition itself contains a treasure of information'. We'll come to some First-Forum phrases in a next article.  

Then an important news: The secretary of the UDAI-YANAI-SA is looking for another building to obtain a more suitable office. We'll publish the new address in a next Edition. ( Financial support can still go to the bank indicated on cover sleeve; in this there's nothing changed ).    Thank you for all you do and all you have done so far.                                  - * -            


       ANI                                                                                                                                                 (▲ top)   


'So, you want to talk about Udai and bring it in relation with family, as subject'. 'Yes'. 'Who are your family ?'. 'My father and mother, both in good health, my eldest brother, married and his wife has four children, my sister, divorced with three children, my second brother with his wife has two children, then there is my uncle, my fathers older brother who ..'. 'Good,... Do they live in an area where you can meet them in one day ?'. 'In what way ?'. 'Well, they are, where they normally sleep. You rise, maybe a little earlier  in the morning and set out to visit them, for at least twelve minutes  before you go to the next. How complicated or how easy your schedule or tour will have to be is up to you to find out. I'd like to know how many  would you be able to visit, before you return to sleep in your own bed'. 'Who do I look at ?'. 'All'. 'Well, if I calculate cousins and nieces then I can get to a real number'. 'You are male, ..... so ?'. 'Would that mean that if I was female I'd look at female relatives ?'.'In the same order as a male looks at his male relatives'. 'Okay,... so I just look at my brothers, cousins, uncles and father. Lets  see, I would be able to visit at least four .... Two I am not sure of to count with or not'. 'Which ?'. 'My aunts and my brothers son'. 'Small or mature ?'. 'Aunts son is mature and my brothers son is just a little boy'. 'The little boy counts with, once he is mature. Your aunt her son does not'. 'Why not ?'. 'Off-line, not on the track; there is a woman in between'. 'Ok, so not counting the little boy yet, the number I could visit is four'. '... Good, Now install the ANI-line'. 'Which is ?'.'Oldest, older, younger, youngest, .... goes by age'. 'So there are then uncle, 72, father, 70, brother, 39, cousin, 39'. 'An ANI-line thus with five votes'. 'Five ?'. 'You have to count yourself with, of course, so uncle, father and you;   uncle has veto. Brother, cousin and you; brother has veto'. 'And if my cousin would be 41 ?. 'Then he would have the veto. The veto goes to the oldest of the three'. 'And my eldest brother ?'. 'Why couldn't you visit him ?'. 'He lives in Australia'. 'That is too far for longer term emotional knowledge concerning things that live in the reality of your family. You can call or write him, surely, to get his opinion, but he does not vote with'. 'And if he comes to visit us ?'. 'Then his P2FD- ability allows him to take his place in the ANI-line. If uncle, father and he found the triple-ai, he can vote'. 'What if my cousin says something and all agree ?'. 'Would be alright, wouldn't it ?..... Would be 'Harmony',  but you'd still have the problem, that nothing would be decided'. '.... Okay. Now a situation where my brother says something, upon which my father agrees and my uncle does not'. 'You think your father would be willing to explain or try to convince his and your brother off their misunderstanding ?'. '.... I don't know'. 'Your brother could turn to you and take your voice to his uncle, if your father only tries to be stubborn or important. If you, your brother and uncle find a triple-ai, it is decided'.'.... So, that's the ANI-line in UDAI ?'. 'Yes'.'And if I were female, it would run over mother, aunt, grandmother etc'.'It would'. 'But this means that there wouldn't be a connection between my sister-in-law to my mother or my sister'. 'No, there is no connection that way. It counts also for the eventual case, where your sister marries. Her husband would not be on the ANI-line    with you, your brother, father etc'. 'I see, .... ANI-line stop as soon as there is a bridge across someone of the other gender'. 'Correct'. 'Suppose I was ..... female and my sister does not want to come with me to my mother. ..... They justify this as some sort of an emotional incident. What is to be done ?'. 'Intermediate. You go and see your mother. She could refuse or accept  your sister to come. If your mother is willing to vote, you can go to your sister. Ask her to come if she is older than you and tell her to come, if she is younger than you'. 'And if she doesn't ?'. 'Go back to your mother and indicate another female to vote for your sister'. 'But if there are no others ?'. 'What do you mean 'there are no others' ?'. 'Well, aunt or female cousins live to remote or do not want to ?'. 'Apart from the fact that you are looking for a theoretical exception _something we do neither encourage nor appreciate in Udai_ the assumption that there wouldn't be an aunt, grandmother or other woman available taken as data, your sister could turn to the B-ANI-line'. 'Not to a male in the family ?'. 'No, not to a male. .... ANI-lines only meet in parents. Your brother and his wife can _in unanimously _ veto decisions from either male or female lines, once it concerns children that grow in an emotional relation with them, as parents. The children can _thus _ also be adopted or formally assigned, are not classified as mature and may at all times call upon the couple indicated _or not _ as 'father and mother'. A couple which is the root of the children's emotional development. If your brother and his wife can't agree, they can call upon the Nkita. If there's still no harmony after her intervention, your brother can call upon 'P' and 'O' of the forum. In case your brother's wife vetoes that decision, Nkita and CGI decide for both your brother and his wife. That decision is binding'. 'Now suppose I went to live in Australia, with my brother, we wouldn't be able to vote in Udai-ani while we would only be two male'. 'ANI-lines are specified with two letters put in front of the word. The R and B. There is however no distinction, both R-ANI as well as B-ANI counts for female as for male. We talked so far about R-ANI, a line known as 'blood-line' historically emphasizing male whereas in Udai we also know and respect the female counterpart of this line. ....The 'blood-line'  thus of women. Now let's look in fact at a situation in which you'd go to Australia. The R-ANI ('blood-line') would consist of your eldest brother and you. Too short. You could propose to your brother to compose the B-ANI and, if he does not, compose it yourself, with the people you get to know. You compose it the same way as the (R) ANI-line, 'rise a little earlier to visit friends, colleges, acquaintances and those with whom you grow into an (emotional) relation with', measure the amount of names, order them in age according to eldest first, older second, you third and younger fourth and you will have a B-ANI-line, with which you could relate as if they were your family'.So both men as well as women can have both lines, B-ANI and R-ANI, consisting always out of members of their own gender'. 'That's right'. 'There's no priority for me to relate to the R-ANI ?'.'Well, of course not. It depends entirely on the subject you want to decide things about. Family matters are family matters. This is so. It would be a little strange, if you invite the employer of your brother, a friend on your B-ANI-line, to push your brother off the potential he has to veto a decision on things you try to push through. I think it'd be justified if your brother would call on his uncle, afterwards, and gets the decision  undone. If your family wants to decide things for you and your B-ANI-line they could do so. Nobody however on the B-ANI-line has to feel involved in those decisions and you might have to explain and may even loose some  friends. Both lines are there to permit you to take a place, to be involved in society, in Udai. The subjects that are voted upon relate to practical things, like barbecues or a weekend in a summer cottage at the beach. Things related to your family are your things with them. .....Do you still have questions in regard to Udai and family ?'. 'No, not for the moment. ...Thank you for the information and for all you do and for all you did so far. ....Thank you very much.'       'We thank you too'.                                - * -                           


       3.4                                                                                                                                                 (▲ top)  

In the introduction of Udai 'seven'; as number (7), indicates a relation between the earth, as planet, and the universe, as 'womb of care'. 'CARE' in this context as binding force between TCHI, wisdom and YO, love. Care as the maturity of I, the will of the child. 'Three' relates to 3 inner levels (;in descending order: S sun supergenshi, G earth genshi and Y moon yushi). Yanai's information provides a possibility to visualize 'a soul' as an immaterial 'atom' containing three minuscule dots, receptive to the three basic forces (;TCHI-YO-I,(I as 'will')) in the Universe. At a Touch; the contact between the individual 'will' with (  ), this 'atom' may 'swell' in 'volume'. Cause can be (  ) 'appreciates' what an individual constructed as inner intention or deducted of (  )'s WILL, after gathering information in the elaborating mind. It's possible that (  ) sends out an intense signal through this immaterial 'atom', as a directed wave, towards another soul in order to bring the individuals together. 'Three' is the_important _ number concerning the 'immaterial mathematics'. 'Four' is the number related to the 'material mathematics'. Four extensions to a body, four corners to a square, North, East, South and West (etc.). The 'T' is brought to earth to respect a universal order. That is the reason why a 3'T'4 is a weekly event.

'3.4' as a guideline refers to the spiral of time.      Comprehensive in:

a / Three seconds. four minutes              aa / Three minutes. four hours.

b / Three hours. four days                       bb / Three days. four weeks.

c / Three weeks. four months                  cc / Three months. four years.

In showing a 'T', you could see in (a); first three seconds, reactions that justify four minutes of your time. Between the third and fourth minute you can decide to go to a next meeting with that person, giving (aa) or, to continue the conversation after the fourth minute with an additional three. Once you spoke seven minutes, the person can 'claim' four hours of your time/space.   During the third and fourth hour you could decide to leave the person or, to give him next time (a) or (b). In this way persons can 'climb into your life' in an ascending or in a descending _universal _ order. Between the third and fourth year you can decide to 'move away' or keep 'forever', as memory, while enjoying the relationship whenever you see him or her.                   

                                                                           - * -             


       The Stigma      

 ▲ (top)

On behalf of some men from First Founders mission a man from the land of YEN asked the First Forum questions, in regard to 'the stigma'. (See the upper-part of the A of UCDVI; the upsidedown V), which stands for 'division, separation, discrimination'. No change could be made in regard to this universal symbol. Even though 'the level of WANT' was considered 'reached' (in February and May 1993) there are not sufficient sign of preparations for the civilization itself. The T-plan of YANAI is not that far developed that we see 'T's at street corners, subways or hillsides, yet. The one that was 'taken into the shot' of a television crew is a fortunate exception. Congratulation to the man who managed to get that arranged. The stigma cannot even be considered to be taken off. It is decided that survivors of the time after the FRA-time will know this symbol pronounced as 'o-shi-zum-ari' and will know with which 'T'-line, the wound of humanity was repaired. In February we may consider the proposition to the Tribunal, to reduce the time known as 'okitai' from 10 to 8 minutes. For the moment, both Counsel as well as 1st Forum consider the A2-sign weakly respected by especially the white race. Fortunately the discussion subjects are now 57% money, 31% matter, 8.1% the collective production of misery and 3.9% feeling. (A positive increase of 0.3% on feeling in relation to last months reading). The First Forum asks the representatives of the black race for their understanding in informing that the A3-sign will be changed _as of the 30th of October _ to the sign of 'Correct desire' in the white race while remaining in 'Order', for the local Forum and 'Standing' for an individual. There are no additional changes made at a SHO-ZA and the procedure to express righteousness in gratitude remains as normal; Don't distract others once you've entered the SHO-ZA. Walk in a straight, linear line to the greeting-place first and greet (  ). For Udai-ka that are not so well informed yet, (  ) is called 'SU' by First Founders men. Udai-ki refer to (  ) by raising their left index finger, pointing at the usido, leaving it up to other to give (  ) names. Once you greeted (  ), turn in a slight inclination to either the left or the right, toward 'the image of prosperity'. You can ask the name of this image once you are there. Show your affection in a smile or with some words if it is on the right-side (or u-A-line), show your respect in a node or with some words if it is on the left-side (;or u-I-line). Then turn with the same inclination back, rest for a moment, in silence under (  ) before you turn  to the 'T'-stand, representing 'the Laws', smile if it is on the right and node if it is on the left. If you want to express words, choose your own. The stigma has two legs and the 'T' three. To come from GA-BA to HAIE-GA-BA the laws ask one thing and if you do not know yet, any Udai-ka will be glad to tell you, that it is the absolute elimination of all discrimination, before the separation can be taken away, to come to the 'division' of a unified planet with one single civilization.  The main Laws are the laws of 'P',I3,'O',A3,'E',I2,'F',A2,'I',I1 and 'A',A1. If a 'T'-stand is empty, you could say 'Thank you, Yanai', turn to (  ) and remain a moment in silence and turn around, to ask somebody 'korewa 'T' des ka ?' or 'where is the 'T' ?'. If the 'T' is in the stand, you could also say something, turn back to (  ) remain a moment in silence and turn around to ask permission to a member of the forum whether you can take the 'T' out, for a walk. If you find their reaction discriminative be grateful, you start to think in a better direction with your potential to think in 3DP. When it is   discriminative, explain. The first verifier in Ai-reflection checks anything first to its correspondence to the laws. 'P'and'O' on Yushi, to start with. If there is something discriminative about it, it cannot be considered 'clean' and thus it cannot be called in 'O'. There you can  search for some friends and find out, what little practical thing you can do, apart from expressing your opinion, to make it part of the 'T' (target) plan of your local forum, which seeks to connect your (group) activity in the larger 'T'-plan of Yanai, conducted by the CGI, the CI and the First Forum. An element of 'T'-plan relates to what is called 'The Shift'. It consists of the accusation by means of .1 obtaining permission from local inhibiters to modify the area and .2 a purchase of specific areas in order to obtain an area as large as (;but not to be confused with) Indonesia, an isle-group. There the first model accommodations can be build as well as the production lines of expansion and maintenance, initiated. The minimum number of inhibiters _of YOLE_ to start with is huge and known to the hierarchy of Udai. Once this number is reached we will go there. The First Forum indicated the 30th Oct'96 as date where required and reached number will be pronounced. For this reason we recommend to deposit your pi-number, regularly, in the ODSP-box of the 'T', to enable to keep an official count of participants to the initiative. The 'Great Shift' will be a difficult operation to materialize but it is indispensable for YOLE as civilization.  Some things in relation to the 'T' itself. Udai-ki know the phrase, related to the moment where a 'T' is taken out of its stand; ' What we subtract we will put back and once we made the righteous addition we can separate from what we will no longer use'. Know the action related  to the moment where a 'T' is set back into its stand. Use the O.D.S.P. envelope/ the one without letter (short-form) for communication with the Forum. You cannot simply grab the 'T' off its stand, unless you made it or unless you are 'hierarchy highest present'. Two persons can take it out (day or night) without having to ask permission. They will not take it out during the collective reflection after the 'word-time' at a 3'T'4. Beside that, CGI/ CI (if present) and the man who made the 'T', can take it out at any moment whatsoever. This signal, then, stands for 'We will go and do. .(something else).. now'. Permission is asked to 'P'/'O' and or Nkita. They cannot give this, unless you have 'earned the right to use it'.(These directives were given by Yanai, himself). The articles about 'economy' & 'the jurisdiction of effort' can give you a better idea, what we intend with 'earning the right to use it'. In brief it relates to behaviour and we could say that you 'earn', when you live up to the expectation of Nkita (first) and the Forum as such (after). More important elements in their consideration are 'Can we trust you, to carry a 'T' in regard to our children ? Are you reliable ? What about your sense of responsibility ? Are you able to respect, not only the 'T', but also the _precise _ indicated moment where it is to be back ?'. Once you carry the 'T' you are free to do with it what you like. The 'T' is not a 'sacred object'. It is your freedom that you can use, as child. If it gets a scratch, 'P'/'O' might have some paint to make it look decent again. An official 'T' is solid in its construction and you wouldn't be allowed to carry it, if you'd mean harm, to others. So, don't worry. Enjoy the time given to you by 'P'/'O' and or Nkita, as well as you can and respect the moment indicated to return it to them.   

The suggestion made by a visitor of the land of YEN, on behalf of some men related to First Founders initiative, to sell 'T's has upset two of the members of the First Forum. A 'T' cannot (yes; you read cannot which equals to will not and may not) be associated with 'economical thinking'. It cannot be bought, sold, rented, etc/alike. The only three verbs related to a 'T' are 'to make - to use - to respect'. It can be made by realistic, practical men, which know the difference between a hammer and a nail and it can be used, by anyone who received the permission of the forum, to use it. If you want to respect either Yanai or Udai, you can make one and start your own experience. That is your free will. Once you meet someone carrying a 'T', you will know the person tries to fight discrimination and you could find friendship. It isn't easy to see who fights ignorance and who fights discriminations in a supermarket, you know. If you see a 'T' some place, make friends with the ones who are there, they don't mind. They probably understand you immediately.  There is no money to be thrown upon this friendship. We share the words from CI1, who defended some men of the land of ECU to the upsetting incident brought to the members of the 1st Forum by this man from the land of YEN. He said 'Grateful we are and grateful will our children become for all the sacred objects, you have brought to the lands of ECU. We can continue to brush our teeth with sea-salt, while First Founder advised us to do so. Second Founder however would advise you to wash your mouth with soap and give you two blue contact lenses so you can cross your eyes better, to the red eyes of your children'. We think this particular man of YEN came to understand, already during his visit and encourage him with our gratitude, for all he has done and all he will improve and, if he'd be discouraged, we apologize for the incredible amount of potentials in misunderstanding each other and truthfully express our willingness, to overcome the mountain that lies between triangular thinking and economical thinking. We verbalize our intention to endure in patience (and peace) until you understand that 'money belongs under the 'T' once it is taken out of the soil in which it stood'. Coins and paper belong to the Earth but, before you know a thing about the value of an unselfish act, you can quarrel your head off, and 'the Stigma' will stay on a planet with the GA-BA level.

- * -


       Alone                                                                                                                                           (▲ top) 

I would like to share the following conversation with all of you: He had turned to a friend, took him by both ears and said: 'Alone ?!, do you really believe the Lady of the Tribunal wants to live alone in a next civilization ?' 'She's a woman. Why do you as man, speak about a woman ?'. 'She's the Chairlady of the Tribunal, man, the only woman left in Udai, to contemplate about once it concerns the development of ethical insight'. 'No exceptions ?' 'Non whatsoever. ..If you don't believe me, you go and ask Nkita !'.  'Oh, yeah, don't use the word 'believe' too much no more. CGI said it is measured in the need and expressed in the desire for 'tomorrow'. 'Well, I can't imagine that you think KO* should live alone in Yole'. 'No exceptions (!)... or do you want to verbalize the difference in degree and significance of 'solitude' between a man and a woman ?'. 'You mean there is a difference between the way it is perceived, defined or sensed ?'.'... A word as 'pain' has a completely different root in a man and a woman ... not comparable'. 'Well, now you begin to talk about 'pain'. You were talking about  solitude before'. 'Okay ..... vote. Which word ...alone ? ..Ai'. 'Yes, but then in relation to 'solitude'. 'No, I will not. ...Udai is our business. If you want to talk about pain or solitude, ... fine with me. ...but then in reference to you, or you. Not in reference to the Tribunal'.'.... In an ethical sense, as significance of space; where; Yole relates to women. Not to men. If a woman says 'here', a man can but the 'T' in front. 'There' is decided by the woman. 'When' is decided by man'. 'You deviate in the subject of 'man-woman-relation' and I call for an end to this conversation'. 'He's right'. 'Can I return to the ethics of 'alone',.... as man ?'.'Yes, as man .... ok'. 'Alone means something completely different to men than to women'.'I do not understand you. Why do you constantly relate to women in your thinking ?'. 'Isn't that what we do it for ?'. 'What ?'  'The endeavours of a man are always made for a woman'. 'No, for YO'. 'Yo is love, love is A, A is mother, endeavour thus for woman'. 'Well,....yeah, but Udai gives an opportunity to man to learn more about the feeling of the father to other man, just like it learns more about a wisdom of the mother probably, to other woman'. 'We are asked not to disturb this learning process in each other. We are considered 'not ready' by 1st Forum and Tribunal, to 'mingle' like we used to do. Beside that, if we have to bring the first selector law of nature under control,['under control' has been edited to: evolve past] it'll be most definitely a task for men, or do you think that women should break the law of the strongest, ..... for men ?'. 'As far as I'm concerned, let them do their best in bringing the second selector law of KAMI under control. Then both genders have something to do'.'.... Anyway CGI said, that Yanai had said, that the apparent eternal quarrel between 'the man' and 'the woman' about 'what would be Just', might obstruct our collective evolution, once it comes down to bring these laws under control' ['under control' has been edited to: evolve past].'...... For the training of respect for both 'the father' and 'the law of Justice' we are not referring to 'women' for a while'.'... I know'.'.... What an incredible thing to start'. 'What ?'.'.... The 'fight against discrimination' is actually the struggle to  bring that first selector law under control'.'... Not at all, 'fight against discrimination' searches to obtain Harmony, by including someone else in the conversation'.'Yeah, ... might be .... but to start such a thing'. 'All alone'. 'All alone, ... Just like First Founder started'. 'All alone'. 'To some compositions of character, personality, pattern of experiences and 'training of life' a word as 'solitude' isn't comparable between_already _ two men'. 'Sri Mayorana used to say to Yanai: 'If you really came to what you believe to be 'the end of the line', the end of your strength, the last bit of your willpower, and you fall to your knees, hoping that you may die, that is the moment to recognize yourself. The one thing to accept there is the understanding that it is ..... normal. Once that specific  recognition is made the moment came to redefine TCHI and YO'. '.... Masochistic'. 'Cruel'.'.... Hard'.'Not at all ! Words that don't belong to the movement. ... How hard is it to take the 'T' out of a -ZA, to put it in the soil, under the sun ? many meters did you have to move ? .... Can you relate such a small shift to the Great Shift and measure yourself to be ready ?'. 'Solitude is only a passage for a man ..... towards a greater TCHI. Different it is for a woman, in space, then YO is her element. Can you imagine what it would be like for a woman not to find ... another. Not to find the connection with ... child, the future of life ? ... It is different ... I tell you'. 'I vote for ending this conversation'. 'Yeah, ... you do refer to female ... too much. ... I feel you are not interested in what he calls 'alone''.'... I cannot stay attracted either, you do in fact try to link to some sort of justification that I start to search for a woman'. - The conversation ended -                                   - * -                           


       Our CGI is someone too                                                                                                                   (▲ top) 

My name is Rodriguez Dali _no relative of Salvador _ CGI, related to CI2. He is _like most CIs _ a remarkable man and I'd like to tell you about his meeting with two gentlemen. As examples show we search to reproduce a conversation the way it was held. This doesn't mean however we always tape them. For abbreviation I call the gentlemen KA1 and KA2, with respect. I presented them to Orlando early September, as Orlando came to visit us at El Pardo near Madrid.

(KA1): I am Eduardo, ..I represent the circle of Jesuits, engaged with studying spiritual movements.

(KA2): And my name is Giuseppe Maria, ...consul assistant of the Institute of Foreign Trade and Relations.

(CI2): Orlando Tanzi, musician and CI in the association Udai-Yanai-Sa. For the occasion I will be Udai-KA with you.

(KA1): Thank you.

(KA2): We would like to ask you some questions.

(CI2): Can I ask you first whether you mind if I call you Don Quichote and Sancho Panchez ?

(KA1): ....Ehh... is that necessary.? ....a joke ? ...maybe...?

(CI2): No, ...I'd like to identify in being your mill.

(KA2): Well, mister Dali warned us for the unexpected in this meeting. ehh.. We did come to talk about Udai-Yanai-Sa and want to talk with you about 'levels of civilization'.

(CI2): So, mill for me ?

(KA1): I don't really understand this. ...Why do you find it useful to relate to the story of Quichote and our being here ?

(CI2): To see how you react on what you call misbehaviour.

(KA2): I see, makes part of the ideas of Udai ?

(CI2): It is an introduction for me to get to know you.

(KA1): But we already presented ourselves.

(CI2): A nice name and a title or role that claims me to believe you are important enough to talk to doesn't supply me at all with knowledge about you.

(KA2): ....I see what you mean. ..Is actually kind of you to scrape of a  surface to provoke us to show ourselves.

(KA1): Well, I find it very unusual. Is it standard in Udai ?

(CI2): There is no standard in Udai. There is a stand in Udai and the stand stands there. - He indicated the stand -.

(KA1): Mister Dali said I couldn't visit you alone .....why ?

(CI2): You didn't ask him ?

(KA2): No, he didn't ask.

(KA1): There's no relation between the Institute of Trade and our division which studies spiritual movements.

(CI2): There could be, it's always early enough to make friends.

(KA2): Reason why we are here, is to understand what Udai defines as 'civilization'. Can you give us an idea about this ?

(CI2): I think talking about toilets would also make sense.

(KA1): Toilets ?!.. you mean water closets ?

(CI2): Yes, toilets or do you think they have nothing to do with a civilization ?

(KA2): Well, in the aspect as a condition to measure a level of hygiene. ...of course. A high level of civilization must have a high level of hygiene.

(CI2): The word 'high' is a measure, of length. Hygiene a need. Many rules concerning how to organize some standard in the way to deposit or re-utilize excrements has something to do with an attempt to create an order. The toilets as we know them is one of the potential answer to a question. Not granted as 'the best' to serve a future agglomerate.

(KA1): The emphasize on Order requires much control.

(CI2): No, ...the search for 'clean' produces freedom.

(KA2): But you still need many people to see to it that all remains in order.

(CI2): Well, ...not at all. Once the study group has given advise to the steer group construction on 'how to go about with excrements', you yourself would be the one who may see to it everything remains in order. Unless you want someone to stand in front of a place, you call toilet. If there'd be things out of order, it would mean a study group gave the wrong advise and a construction needs revision.

(KA1): You talk like an architect.

(KA2): You try to say that toilet, as subject, refers to the way Yole will be organized ?

(CI2): One could say that.

(KA1): But there are different ways to deposit excrements.

(CI2): The study group can study to find the best way.

(KA2): Standard for all ?

(CI2): If you want to study one single human being to discover all the universal principle and needs of this being, you could understand, what Yole will be based upon. It is what we study in Udai. You and you study me. That is in order and enough. You and me study him. That is powerful thinking and righteous action.

(KA1): I'd call it efficient thinking.

(CI2): Not allowed ....'powerful thinking'. Otherwise it isn't in order. Matter of respect ....We have to respect the right order.

(KA1): ...... Of course.

(KA2): Is it true that there is a strict separation made in Udai between men and women ?

(CI2): 'Ai'. During collective meetings we follow a kind of separate code. What an individual does is the individual's business. We ask to respect but do not interfere, if a man wants to talk to a woman or a woman wants to talk to a man. We seek to shape a different way of interaction and try, to modify our understanding ...together. Keeping it cosy ...there is however the limitation not to touch the body of a member of the other gender. We had to take this measure as precaution but, it is a temporary one.

(KA2): Mister Dali said Udai meetings look like receptions.

(CI2): Good word for it. Yes, we search to give as much space as we can to an individuals sense of Justice in our meetings. In a _what we call _ box-conversation you get the situation where everyone 'jamb' in parallel seats, looking at a considered interesting person, which uses time to express things. Everyone can say afterwards 'good' or 'not good'. If this person would not speak but would merely express emotions, changes are still quite large that an audience says 'not good' and wouldn't come back. Different reaction can be observed in an audience that listens to a male or to a female speaker. To express obedience and order all rise when a speaker says 'rise' and all sit down when a speaker says 'sit down'. We don't do this _in this way _ in Udai. First, all forum members are present and only two, 'P&O', alternate in speech and explanation, at table and screen, as if they talk to each other. CGI and Nkita listen, study reactions of all sorts or simply watch the audience. They only interfere when things 'go wrong' to their opinion. If a CGI stands up, 'O' or the CGI can say: 'Stand up' and only the men in the audience stand up. If 'P' or the CGI says: 'Sit down' all men will 'sit down'. If the Nkita says:'Stand up' all women stand up and if she says: 'sit down' the women all sit down. We do not only express order this way but also give an interpretation to a higher ethical conduct.

(KA1): ...Remarkable.

(KA2): Interesting.

(KA1): You stimulate people to slowly get used to another norm, while leaving them the freedom to choose the themes they want to talk about themselves.

(CI2): Mister Dali probably invited you to the 3'T'4 next Thursday. I will be there too. We could continue to talk then.

(KA1): Excellent.

(KA2): I hope to see you there.                                                           

(CI2): Thank you for your visit and gratitude to mister Dali.

(KA1): Goodbye.

(KA2): Goodbye                                                                                                    

   - * -                                                                                         



 ▲ ( top )

Body map

                               ▲ ( top )         





The measure of unselfish money.                                                                                                (Johnathan/CGI/Bussana Vecchia(I))

Doesn't exist. 'The measure' exists.  'Un-self-interest' exists and 'Money' exists.  A question here relates to the verbs 'to want & to need'. Let us draw a parallel and look at a baby. A baby doesn't speak but produce sounds that give access to mother's milk.    The verbs 'to want & to need' come later and relate to the free market principle indicate to belong to the law of the jungle and existent far after the initiation on the collective target of levelling the income. The defining of 'need' and 'want' can be called 'justified'. Is what a baby wants the same as what a baby needs _and _is what a baby needs the same as what a baby wants ?    No, there are different verbs, so; there is a difference. Both verbs can be used by one single person. The identity. 'I' as person need and want. 'Want' relates to the I-O line, is masculine or left side. 'Need' relates to the A-E line, is feminine or right side.    Balance roots _as always _ on the pantrax, the U-(sgy)-u line and relates to 'the justification'. For the time being we don't refer to I2 & A2 as 'Efficiency - Freedom / Responsible behaviour', but look at 'I3 and A3' as 'Power and Standing'. Justifications of 'to want and to need' thus in relation to I3 and A3. Parting from 'O' therefore 'want power, need standing', from 'E'  'need power, want standing'. Such statements remain empty / or dead / if nothing is done. Statements would become useless and make therefore no sense. There is no sense in justifying nonsense while nonsense isn't practical and (in Udai) not needed. Thus: I act. And the environment reacts. Then I think and measure. A baby doesn't measure but stops to drink. Satisfaction seems the word between need and want that unites and stops both. A baby starts to cry on an impulse and someone ('long time ago') invented the word 'hunger'. Speaking people (;not babies) might have the experience that ignoring physical signals results _sometimes _ in unpleasant situations. A person for example that doesn't eat once hunger is felt might faint and fall and even bump the head. Borderline between wanting and needing, lies parallel to exterior / interior and the free economy principle roots in an interior needing and exterior wanting. I do not talk about what I need but about what I want, hoping and assuming that intelligent beings understand that I actually do not really want     but need. Confusion is so well spread that you are considered 'abnormal' if you show an interest in what another might need. Such person is not used to someone interfering in the norm and could    actually show aggression. (or worse: take things for granted, with ridiculous statements about  someone who is not there, that 'wants' ). Not looking at this vulgar expression of arrogance but at ones being 'unfamiliar with being confronted' to persons showing preventive skills and survival ability in offering things to eat, before you faint, observing the aggression of 'not having said you wanted to eat',a smile of wisdom may rise in the satisfaction you could have made in the learning about 'the value and validity of un-self-interested action'. Please know _and remember _ This smile can never be taken from you. We can virtually renounce in Udai to the ability of others to understand the unspoken example of un-self-interested acting. Too many people are too stupid and too used, to justify sincere, truthful and just behaviour in a most arrogant direction, pretending their GA to be the justification of such behaviour while being unable to respond it. Conclusion is: 'Do not hurt yourself'. Go along with the actions of other Udai-KI, parallel. Then it will be alright. The chance you meet somebody able to think in an un-self-interested way (;3DP) is still rather small. The majority of people cannot think in a fashion that observes you from the context of what you might need and can wait years, to see you faint of hunger. It is their level of civilization and they seem to want it, like that. They didn't need to develop the expressive capacity, of feelings. That wouldn't have been _and still is not_ : normal. We cannot call this 'Just' _in Udai _ and therefore we do not call this 'Just'. Needed is much simplicity and much more action in the SHO-ZA. The great wheel of encounter has to be set in motion, under a beating hammer of time, slipping away. In motion as it was, several months ago.    Chances of coordination have been made extremely small by men that don't need to show what they want and don't want to show what they need, hiding behind their ignorance. This vulgar womb claims pithy but sorry am I, to seek to help them, in their need. How difficult things were, they will never know, yet, if they continue like this the quantity of children that will pass will be _indeed _ too very low. If men wait until other men break down (or faint), to stand there with an opinion, they will have to learn to think differently. It could be reason to renounce, to everything, including 'sacred object' and 'T'. And the ones who have, should cry like a baby. Mother nature's milk ran sour and 'there is news'. There is a man with the authorization and the knowledge, to protect, but he can also cause plagues (like Mose) to take us to Yole. Men however wait for treats, pressure, proves and examples of power. They cannot do without the law of the strongest, want money I don't have and do not need to make a contribution. Another question, then, to them : 'Korewa HAIE des ?!'. Should I ask this to those, that do not even know, 'Where the 'T' is' ?

 - * -


A short chat                                                                                                                                                   (from the secretary)

(KI1): 'Rather strange article of Johnathan, don't you think so ?'

(KA1): 'Yeah .... what did he want ?'  

(KI2): 'Ohhh, I guess he just wanna to say that Bussana needs support. That we should help with a financial offer if we want things to continue'.

(KA1): 'Well, if that's all'.  

(KI1): 'I don't think that is all, but I will make a donation'.

- End of short chat -                                 - * -  


      KAINI-ABENA                                                                                                                                       (The Tribunal of ECU)

▲ ( top )       

     KA-I-NI          ABE-NA

 masculine        feminine  (agegroup 3:   14-21 years).

Four years before and three years after your exam, you will know a person of your own age-group, yet, a stranger to you on your 14th birthday.  It is someone you would like to insert on your BA-NI line, thus, not a member of your family, born in the same TIDA {(..x).y..-..} as you are.  You shall know each other in the relation of KAINI (if you're male) / ABENA (if you're female).   Share your life, thoughts and studies, dreams and emotional intimacies. In the ABENA relation (the two girls) search, as the two boys in the KAINI relation, to incorporate as 'room-mate', a girl, as the boys search a boy. With a successful passing of your exam, you obtain the freedom of choosing members of the opposite gender to construct your sexual experiences.  You do not share this right of freedom before this moment and will therefore not participate in activities of the kind.   Inviting a member of the other gender to the (your) twin (;ABENA/KAINI) relation cannot be.  After your exam, your KAINI/ABENA partner can _in a platonic way (;thus: 'YO without sexuality')_ be considered as: your husband / wife, until you are 21.  What he / she says about your sexual ambitions are statements, as important to reflect about as words from the forum.  Yanai said it to be wiser to your development, not to search too fast to commit yourself to the role of parent.     Not before you separate formally from your KAINI-friend /ABENA-girlfriend, which is, when leave the age-group 'three'; on your 21st birthday. The first _one of the two_, who has this birthday, dissolves the KAINI-ABENA relationship and status.

      - * -  

Short notes & remarks


     So start the day with greeting

        You set yourself in sa-zen on the carpet. Seventy cm from  your T-stand. Wait a moment, to collect yourself and bring your hand-palms together (in front of your chest). Bow by bending to your knees. Return to sitting straight and clap one time in your hands, than bend back to your knees.

Pronounce following phrase if you are male:

 'BEKOMI IATAI KANSHA EDAN OKADA,YANAI,MUNA-MA-IN' and add your own Christian and family name and obtained status as

 'KA-O'/'KI-I'/'PA'/'CGI'/'FI'/'SHO-DAI-KU'/'CIi+nr'/ (etc).

          following phrase if you are female:

'BEKOMI IATAI KANSHA EDAN KEISHU,YAI-MAITRE-MA-IN'and add your own Christian and family name and obtained status as        


and add words born from your own feelings and thoughts.

Return to sitting straight, clap twice in your hands, bend back to your knees and return to sitting straight.  Stand up and make a small node before you step back.

Greet in the morning, before you start your day, and in the evening, before you go to sleep and greet when you come to the SHO-ZA and before you leave the SHO-ZA.

Collective greeting is used with families and ceremonies. At the family-greeting, father sits on U2, mother on A3, ANI (the first son) on I3, ANE (the first daughter) on the Kanai (a3) of the mother and other children on a (;from left- to right) parallel line behind.

         (-How to greet at ceremonies will be shown to you by a CIa.-)                 

        CGI (U1)                         NA (U3)               

                   PA-YU (I2)        FI-GO (A2)                      to CGI                              

         PA (I3)   FI (A3)                              to  NA       

CGI & NA rise simultaneously to take other position

 All bend simultaneously CGI & NA clap three times

PA & FI join the second clap with one

         After        CGI's 'Bekomi Iatai kansha edan Okada Yanai'            NA  adds 'Keishu'              

 (muna-name and yai-maitre-name are not used here)

CGI: christian & family name as well as 'CGI'      

NA : christian & family name as well as 'NA'

 CGI's words of thoughts and feelings.   

NA's words of thoughts and feelings.

All bend simultaneously   CGI & NA clap four times

PA & FI clap two  times  (at second and third clap)   

CGI & NA rise simultaneously to take their previous position.

All bend simultaneously. All rise, node and step back.  

- * -                        

    The clapping represents:  three principles & four levels   

- * -                        

Note from the Counsel of AFRI:

There is no blood related to the 'T'.  A man has lost the right to touch it, as has his first born son, for seven age-groups.


      Words CGI to marriage:  

'Let us hear the words from these,who promise to deepen their friendship and grow, in companionship. Let us hear the words of the commitment, to stay together and take care in all the senses that are pure, for a child that may be born with them.  

Man: I'll become a man for a woman that will make many girlfriends for me and will not make love to another woman till --(woman's name)----'s child is born and will not leave the UZAI without her, until the child is free.  

      Words NA to marriage:  

'Let us hear the words from these,who promise to deepen their friendship and grow, in companionship. Let us hear the words of the commitment, to stay together and take care in all the senses that are pure, for a child that may be born with them.  

Woman:  I'll stay a woman for a man that will make many boy-friends for me and will not make love to another man in the following twelve months, to come, will be the mother and follow to stay with him, until the child is free.   

                       - * -                       

Words for a YAI (representative of three):  

KI_U_NO   PA_I_U_FI_MI  DAN  NA   U_I_YU_TCHI          +          KI_U_NO   PA_I_U_FI_MI  DAN  CGI  U_I_GO_YO  

we do not compare when NA is satisfied                      +          we do not compare when CGI is happy              

                       - * -                       

MIUTA     song                                   

TCHIYOREI : The song to make a sense  



 the wrong identity is not two (but one)  

 the right person connects the truth, neglecting (forgiving)  

  gratitude searches the true stability of the recognition  

the negative past and carrying harmony into the future  


       it is good to hope for the arrival of a member of the hierarchy to your area  

- * -

  - The choreography of life's order in an environment.  

            I (man) A (woman) C (child) o (boy) e (girl)    

            I                                                 IO-ZA           

       1Co A                                IO-ITCH-ZA     AE-ZA

                             1Ce                                                       AE-ITCH-ZA

                        2Co  3Co/e  2Ce                        IO-NI-ZA    IO/AE-SAN-ZA     AE-NI-ZA

              4Co/e                                                 IO/AE-YON-ZA

- * -

Other short stories , notes and remarks.

     - Useful explanation of 'UDAI';  

"Shouldn't be too difficult to understand my friend. Someone invented the word 'monologue’, in which they make a speech. Then someone invented the word 'dialogue' in which we seek to tune in with each other and then there was some- one, to invent the word Udai (for triologue), with which we make a step in evolution .... Shouldn't be too difficult to understand".      - * -  

Yanai went to a performance of a European Kaibuki-company. He left the show after three-quarter of an hour calling it 'not an offence to good taste' and went to a SHO-ZA to look at a picture of one of his friends.        -*-  

Children ran outside the house, one dark evening, to see a comet in the sky. The last ray of the sun twinkled colours to its tail.      Some of the children became excited and begun to run around.   A boy went  to his father and asked what it was, that he had seen.  The father smiled and said 'The comet was a man, I would like to call my father'.             - * -  

I promise

never to speak about the liquid diamond that descended in his head nor about the revealing quittering colours  within it.  

never to speak about this liquid diamond, time and border less, in which we all will live during the next phase of our evolution.  

I promise also, never to write about it,  again.

- * -

Great news: The ODSP-BOX doesn't need to stand at the end of your life.      It stands in the SHO-ZA.   - * -  

We meet twice a week; once to absorb more of the theory (on tuesday) and (on the asked day) to assist a member in labour       required to realize the goal / project of this member.   - * -  

Refer to the introduction       The seven arts of origin;  1 music /2  dance/3  geometry (architecture)/4 cleansing  (with energy/ with matter )/5  encounter (searching the touch)/6 numerically/7 sound to word  - * -  

Remind me to tell you about: -  The money saving principles of Master Kubo, -  FRA-time regulations between men and women,  -  Obligation / child / unfree / educational pressure. Justifications on the Y level.-  That 'The law of the strongest' is to be replaced by:  'The mechanism of respect'.     (because it can be). -  Yanai's conversation with his mother.    - * -  

So you want to call yourself 'emancipated'.....and who pays the rent of where you stay ?...ah...your friend does...well, as long as you cannot use a 'KA-ZA' with the Tpoints you collected, you contribute an equal amount as your partner to the costs of the place you stay at.  Otherwise it would be....a discrimination, wouldn't it be ?.  - * -  

      He must have felt like a bird under water, as a fish on the

      land once he became invited to work there, to make 'a stand'


'He walked with a T-stand through a street and a person came and asked what he was doing.  'I use this' he said, and as       the person wanted to go into a discussion, he asked whether he could argue about the shoes they were wearing'.  

'Speak your mothers language,  if you want to live in harmony.

             Study English, if you want to live with the European.

             Learn Swedish, if you want to live in Sweden and

             Educate ADA-I, if you want to live in the future.                                               Beko edan Ismail T.  


       A Day                                                                                                                                                                       (Ruben CIi12)

▲ ( top )       

Goodmorning, let's have a talk, the global situation requires it, and I am truly convinced, that it could be a usefull talk.  First of all, it's very likely that I do not know you. That may be considered already as; some sort of handicap on my side...Sorry....I can't do anything about that now. First I would like to write this article and second,   I'd like to read it to you and THAN I will have some time left, in which we could communicate more directly and more intimate, where we could try to show a real interest, for each other.

An inquiry _likely_ to provide the same basic information; You try to deal with a problem, that can be recognized in most; the difficulty to create 'a fair level of living'. A consequence of a system known as 'economy'. In other words, you would like to be generous but don't have the means.

You know,... I've been watching ... but let me close my eyes now, for a moment, and describe you. The way I imagine you to be.       First you are a human being ... and now I'd have to specify already in you being male or you being female. That is already a difficult distinction ... and the assumption that you are a human being is also a little absurd .... I admit, .. such a definition requires a comprehensive description of 'what is: a human being'.    Well .... with all philosophy aside ...... you are there _I hope_ and listen to the voice of a person who reads this to you.  Possibly it isn't the voice that belongs to the writer of this article and that is to some modern minds (_maybe to your mind_?), a puzzle. 'How can someone read something aloud that was not written by that person ?'. Is it plagiary of another's opinion ?; where is 'the originality' of one that reads, a freedom of modification; aspect of creativity ?.  How 'free' IS the reader to deviate from the text, add some comment or even explain ?. Where is the flexibility ?.  (Northern-)   European are _in mind and mentality_ not used  to someone reading something aloud.   Be it written by the person or not.   Excuse me please, for generalizing.  It is 'normal', to read something for yourself, justified under the spell of 'I am interested'. 'Your interest' is related to 'your benefit', an increase of potential to survive, habit that you will have to maintain, but not a habit by which your        altruistic development should be overruled. If that would be, you can be defined as 'GA' and do not obtain the right to eat with us.  That might have enormous negative consequences for you. Especialy when you need to eat. Collect information ..... Where is the bread ?; I am hungry. How to avoid someone eating this bread ..... by not telling where it is.  Read the papers to collect information on stock- market -shares, cheap offers, transactions and materials you might use, to improve your standard of living.  Don't tell; act before another does ... otherwise the bread might be gone .... normal. In the development of mass- communication in forms as television, radio, postal distribution of news and advertisement, an attitude of 'don't tell' is rather poor, yet 'overdosing information' results in a disconnecting mind. All persons are 'well informed' about the horrors and stupidities of our world. The mind starts to annulate, reject, the additions concerning this aspect. It wants to remain 'healthy'; status needed for surviving, obligation towards 'being functional'.  

So why make a temporary creative modification in starting to read something to someone you don't want to trust in being able to share bread with you ?....Hm ?... Why should you do this ?.  

Well, I can't say why you should have to do this .... all I can tell is that I am _or have been_ member of an association of people, that took 'the words' of some men serious. That I was _and excepted to be_ called: 'yokoshi', someone, belonging to a _kind of_ tribe, known as Levi. In another occasion also indicated as 'seedpeople'. Now (1996) also indicated as IATAI, in an initiative called Udai.  IATAI......maybe a word you would translate with 'rainbow-people' or with 'universal-people'. Yet you ought to be able to understand, that on a planet with something like: 250 different languages, we don't need a greater dispersion, but a bunch of connecting terms in a language, between nations. Terms chosen by people, who want (....and wanted) to make a change. People that find (....and found) 'stability' in new words that define.   Words in a multi-cultural and in a multi-linguistic world that needs 'an order'.  Words to continue to give a meaning, with which we can continue to understand each other, also created for the future.For Turkish,Danish,French, Polish, Brazilian,Dutch,Letlandic,English,Vietnamese,Corean,Indian and other children in Rome,Paris, London,Hamburg,Marseille, Barcelona,Amsterdam and in your neighbourhood.        

Altering words can confuse, yet might be justified, where it improves the construction of a consensus between people on: how to go about with their future.      

For the time being I still (ofcourse) react on someone calling me 'Yokoshi', while it corresponds very much to what is called Udai-ka.  It is a choice I've made. Than I need to know, who I am; what I would like to become. Freely have I chosen 'not to react' on someone calling me Dutchman, than I am a friend of the world and willing to permit children to live on a planet without borders.  As I can choose a word I'd like to express myself with, I can choose to react, and participate in 'being there'. BEKOMI.

- * -








      Questions about the hierarchy of Udai.                                                                                             (from the secretary)  

▲ ( top )       

There is only one useful question so far concerning the remark made in E#3p2 where it says: 'a 'T-group' can reject their Forum and their CGI (in time)'. That is correct. (;Things written in the Udai-editions might be called 'correct'). After an introduction three persons are invited to the roles of 'P','O' and Nkita in a group, to come to create a Local Forum. The CI will 'stay around' for three months, where the group has time to orient on the expectation of First Forum, Counsel and Tribunal which _in brief _ come _presently _ down to 'invite as many people as you can and find interesting and attractive ways to fight discrimination.   Inform others after questions others (auto) generate'. That's the main line. If an elected CGI starts off as charismatic but becomes dull and dogmatic or stiff, after the opinion of UDAI-KI in the group, these Udai-KI can do two things. 1- Form an additional (new) group. 2- Address a CI of their intention to organize a premature election. A CI can consent or veto such a step . After three months the CGI is chosen and the CI replaced. The initial program of Targets presented and the group is 'independent'. Twelve months later a first check-up is made. If the group presented in their initial program a target (like e.g. 'reach a certain number of participants within one year') all know after the year whether the target was or was not made. A local forum member can serve a group for seven years, across six annual elections. After these years he can continue as member of the local Counsel. She can continue as member of the local Tribunal. (If he/she are asked to do so, by the local Forum, of course). Once elected and once a person promised a group to take a role in the Forum for one year, the person is assigned to do so, in good and in bad mood. They can only step down from the forum with the consent of a CI.                                   - * -                           


   Notes and Questions                                                                                                                       (Secretary/Referendum Group)  

-  Above is inserted 'the brochure of Udai'. A mental entrance to Udai and reminder of things. In the loose sheet, at the end of the book, you can find an additional brochure. You might noticed that two lines were made, where you could fill in the phone number of yourself or of your local forum. You are equipped with sufficient information in this book, to set off and format your own 'T' group. If you are 'smart' you (recto)photo-copy the brochure first a couple of times, without a phone number _prepared for eventual changes _ and then start to copy the one with a (by you inserted) phone number, to have material to start with.   Hopefully we will ever meet at the great festival of Udai : Don't get hurt, take care and thank you for your help. Thank you. Sincerely.                                                Thank you.  

- The question concerning Yanai ('does Yanai pray?') has the following answer 'ai'. We, the secretary, cannot because we don't want to, go back to the duality of 'yes and no'. You are free to insert a 'yes' if you pray and a 'no' if you do not pray. Yanai might study both (maybe for some years) to grow insight; find out which would be 'ai' and express his feeling in the contemplation with you and your enemy, as a friend.  

- Then, two example of referendum questions, as mental stability test of participants in Udai. Please, deposit your pi-number and answer in the nearest O.D.S.P-box.- Observe the design & choose (only) the best answer -  

(◄1 )  A : First Founders men and Second Founders men, on their mission.    

          B : The historical Quest to set things 'straight' that have been wrong.     

          C : Two Udai-KA discovered the location of the 'T', in Luxembourg.

          D : Language course to get familiar with the traditional YEN attitude.       

          E : Correct example of AI behaviour in the combat against GA and BA.  

Second Question in the referendum to measure the mental level (Sonen/Attitude) of participants in UDAI.      

A : A person of Italian origin and on 'the adverse road'. The inversed spelling of the third conjunction of the Italian verb 'Avere' (;to have) .... proves it.

B : An image related to the first phrase of statement 118 of the Udai reference book ('Universal Justice doesn't know punishment yet it dictates with iron fist the consequence of human behaviour').  

C : Someone expresses 'a gratitude' for a discriminative conditioning, received in education from a woman which cannot explain the term 'circle care'.  

D : Creative person expresses the AI-thinking in the wrong way around, faces the consequence of adding the 3DP of 'H' (;balance between father son and mother daughter) too early and _probably _ without consent of her Nkita.  

E : A female Udai-KA tries to distract or attract, seduce or interfere with a male Udai-KA which studies the severity of the laws of   justice and the strength of the law of the strongest, at that moment where the  male Udai-KA tries to develop his emotional expression capacity in regard to other male. Unfortunately, the male Udai-KA solved 'the problem' in the wrong, rather drastic way.

The image below doesn't belong to the referendum. Thus, you're (really) free to interpret it after your best thinking and we (;the referendum group) encourage you to find the maximum number of people, that share your formulation and explanation of what this image expresses.  







Dear Brother,     

1 nov 1993

So, you get a little older. So do I. The day before yesterday 38. Time to take care of children. Father's visit to you will supply us with the knowledge on 'how things are' with you all. Even though it doesn't show, I'd like to express and conserve an affinity to you. A mutual recognition of independence is 'fun', yet, any support on moral, emotional and financial level shouldn't fade unnecessary.      

Without going into details you might know your brother had a _kind of _ remarkable life so far, although he would say that it would only start, as off today, in the slogan 'tomorrow start the next years of my life'. Twelve years am I now involved in an initiative 'to the foundation of a next civilization' called 'Mahikari' and as difficult it is to step out of your skin, it is to step out of your conviction of life. ..& Why should I ... ? The man who started 'Mahikari' received a mission called 'Sumeigodo'.... A mission that was meant to reach statement 142 of the reference book. 'Udai' opens a door to a continuation of this initiative while 'world wide bubbling about God', might become a serious obstruction- to people that would like to share the initiative concerning 'a   next civilization' from another optic or angle and might be ready to participate in a civilization that permits each an own conviction of life. So, I came to a 'T'. A _as Germans say_ ... 'denk anstoss'. And when they finished thinking, it will still stand there, as reminder: no more discrimination.  

'Life' continues. I'm financially 'broke' after two (you cannot imagine how) difficult years. Maybe next year, I may compose an 'allowance' from a revenue to 'the introduction course' of Udai. But for this I would need to ask permission. The rest is put in the combat against discrimination by means of introductions, theme evening, 3T4 and 'fishing with a T' for people with a developed norm, that can help. Maybe I go with a German and Italian acquaintance into a theatre production, next year.                          

Promise me some 'feedback'. Most 'tanebito' are 'too flabbergasted' by what they could do outside the SHO-ZA that they don't do anything. .... Say 'Hello' to your dear wife and children and please keep (a copy of) the editions for yourself so we might find something to talk about, if neither of you would have something left to say.                                     

- * -

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