The Software                                                                                          Under construction                                                                               

The Software Program is equipped with the help files "Introduction, Manual and Quick Steps".

  Introduction to the T.R.U.S.T.                              Tpoint Registration and Ura System Template                  {versions T53n/u/18b/36bc/54b/72b}

1st   Objective of this program is to administer the use of an object and the use of it's location.

2nd  Objective of this program is to furnish any collective initiative with a [classic] cost sharing administration. 

Imagine you play chess and would like to regularly meet other chess-players. Suppose you are the one to organize a chess players-club and are looking for a club-house to realize your goals. You would have a  number of participants, costs on the level of rent, power, kitchen, materials a.o. Costs which re-appear _most of the time_ every month.    You determine a fee for the participants to become chess club member, in order to be able to meet expenses of the club and club-house.

◄  Representing two of the Udai-Wa-Re objects, the button of Udai {referred to as BU ◄} and IGABA ◄  

    have been chosen as recognized articles. [and are used in the area where this program originated].
   The  IGABA is one of the products of Udai-Wa-Re  (see  or see   The Hardware images.
Chairladies of a local forum may however _in cooperative decision making with the three male of the local forum_ choose any two objects, suitable to their taste, insight and wisdom.  

Question 1      

      Where is the IGABA ?                        This requires an address.                                                

  Question 2                        Who has the Button ?   { BU }            This requires a person's name.                                                   



 The green cells [in C6 and C7] measure the start of [wordless] action. 

 [ a person is _for example_ working in the garden ]
The yellow cells [in C8 and C9] measure the start of action related to 
the centre [Dojo/shoza] and which may also be defined as speech.  
When the IGABA and BU are together, they represent the 'T'.  
The white cells [in C13 and C14] will turn purple once they are filled in 

and measure 'responsibility'. [ which belongs to the forum as such and

the forum's chairman in particular ].  

How to initiate the sheet is treated furtheron                                                       ▲top   


I walk with a IGABA and search for a man [because I'm a man] who is willing to show the IGABA to one of his friends (or someone of his gender which he trusts).                                                                                      I left my house at 14:11 hours and return at  16:15 h.   

You can note on the paper registration form:  Date 18/5   1411   1615   and mark it as  ∆  

∆ add

Ф centre


Fill in 1


∆ add

Ф centre


Fill in 1

Date ▼

Start ▼

End ▼


◄─ ║─►

Date ▼

Start ▼

End ▼
























Done. You worked for Udai.                                                                  Give this registration form to an Uragi [; the Ura bookkeeper] 

If you can / may fill in the program on the computer yourself, you note C6 with 1411 and C7 with 1615 and click the ‘Save-iT’ button, or any button with that colour.

I sit with a BU and talk to a man [because I'm a man] who is willing to think about freedom with one of his friends (or someone of      his gender which he trusts).                                                                             I sat down at 16:20 hours and we separated at 16:55 h.

You can note on the paper registration form:  Date 18/5   1620   1655   and mark it as Ф  

∆ add

Ф centre


Fill in 1


∆ add

Ф centre


Fill in 1

Date ▼

Start ▼

End ▼


◄─ ║─► 

Date ▼

Start ▼

End ▼





   Ф  ±
















If you are alone [with 1 conversation partner] you ask the conversation partner whether it was a positive or a negative conversation.    If negative you add a – behind the Ф , if positive a +.  

If you are not alone [with two conversation partners] you may decided yourself whether it was a positive or a negative encounter.

 Done. You worked for Udai.                                                                         Give this registration form to an Uragi [; the Ura bookkeeper]  

If you can / may fill in the program on the computer yourself, you note C8 with 1620 and C9 with 1655 and click the ‘Save-iT’ button, or any button with that colour.  

If you know your two-digit pi# [personal-identification number] you can fill it in too.                                ▲top   


Date ▼

Start ▼

End ▼



Date ▼

Start ▼

End ▼










    ===========  First entry   ==============   ▲▼ Your or another’s pi#                                      









                                                                              ============= Second entry =============== 

A more elaborated example.  

I leave at 13:11 hours to go shopping for the place where an IGABA is located. I buy flower, butter and eggs, spend € 4,80 and return to the place where an IGABA is located at 13:47 hours. I don’t donate the € 4,80 which means I want them back. The Uragi notes 1311 in C6, 1347 in C7 and € 4,8 in C10 and clicks the ‘Save-iT’ button. You come to the place where an IGABA is located at 15:10 and start to bake pan-cakes on request of a member of the forum. At 15:25  11 pan-cakes are served and sold for € 1,- each. after a reset. Your pi# / name is inserted [in respectively A5 or C18 / C5 and ‘Save-iT’ has been clicked]. 1510 inserted in C8, 1525 in C9 and 11 in C11 [11 x 1,- pan-cakes] and ‘Save-iT’.

The Uragi has to insert € 12,70 travel-refund your club gave to a person invited to give a lecture about what your forum decided was an interesting subject. s/He inserts ‘dsp’ in C5, an s in C12 and a + in C15. The € 12,70 is placed in cell G7 and booked as Varia (Tra)  [Variables/Transportation]. and ‘Save-iT’

A friend finds a number of products he wants to sell to sustain the place where an IGABA is located at 10:40 and estimates the time in which he was actually occupied with transportation to the place where the hand-over took place [post-office/market/doorstep] to 45 minutes.                                           C5 name and ‘Save-iT’, C6: 0, C7: 45, C11: 48 [€ revenue of sold articles]. and ‘Save-iT’.  

Thus we proceed and live our life, organizing every once and awhile a lecture, barbeque, party, get-together, or what we want to organize, at a place where an IGABA is located. When the ‘month’ has gone by, the DSP is calculated. The Uragi inserts ‘dsp’ in C5, on day  xyz.47 [in C4] and a ‘1’ in D18 and ‘Save-iT’.The costs are subtracted from the funds, the collective ‘income’ is divided over the ‘share’ holding participants according to the amount of time they participated in making efforts for the place where an IGABA is located.  

The system allows eventually to switch from payment in €,  to subtraction of Ura for occupying an area where an IGABA is located and subtracting Ura for the use of facilities and food, located there.  

Things like the AMUREIWAN-NU-DA-RA relate to Udai and can be developed once participants want to read something about Udai [] or learn something from an Udai-ka.  


Refer to the manual of the Tpoint Registration and Ura System Template [the Manual. tiff]  for all information concerning the use and possibilities of the program. Refer to to understand underlying principles and regulations.        End of introduction.        ▲top


 Manual to the T.R.U.S.T.                              Tpoint Registration and Ura System Template                       {versions T53n/u/18b/36bc/54b/72b}   

Open PDF
       Ga-Mé-uk-short.pdf                             Ga-Mé-nl-kort.pdf              
 Apo-i   &   Apo-A  registration form.                                                                 [open the Apo-i.PDF      open the Apo-A.PDF ]

English version as T54U36c (zipped)  [see note below]              Dutch version Files   [see note below]

                                                          Before starting the program set the security level in Excel of your macro to low                                            Voordat je het programma start wijzig je in Excel het beveilingsniveau naar laag.
In menubalk ► Extra ► Macro ► Beveiliging

The .xlsm is for Excel 2007. Configure in left upper button ► Opties for Excel ► Security center ► Settings for Security center 
► Settings for Macro ’ s  ► accept all macro. 

The .xls for Excel 2003. Menubar, ► Extra ► Macro ► Security.  Security level ‘ Low ’  

Version T54n36c is equipped with a 'safe to harddisk' reminder [computer crash security measure]
..... for when the program absorbes much new info and isnot closed/saved for hours in a row.

                                                                                       Initiation of the sheet:                                                                                   

The total of [left over] sums of last month is divided in three categories [Forum decision].
What is to be [re-] inserted as 'O' [ Forum fund ], what is to be [re-] inserted as 'P' [ Community fund]
and what is to be deposited as Ba-in [as 'insentive' to the collective income to the eminent cycle].

example:         Transferred from last month ► € 841,- Forum decided: 'O'►€ 250,- 'P'►€ 350,- Ba-in ►€ 241,-  

Open Excel [ verify macro security setting to low (see 'readme.txt' in the zipfile) ] and open the sheet.

place cii0 in C5, 0 in C6, 40 in C7, 241,00 in C11, hit Save-iT [or Opslaan], click reset.
place dsp in C5,  600,00 in C11, hit Save-iT [or Opslaan], click OK in 'Béko mi Dan'.
350,00 in C11, hit Save-iT [or Opslaan], click reset [or Store File].

your sheet is ready.

Insert 1st member [replaces Cii0] 
place i in C12 fill in column O20-O25, hit Save-iT [or Opslaan]

Insert expences [see/click B4 Quick steps in the sheet] 
place s in C12. fill in column G4-G9 correspondent to column G12-G17        

Under construction                  ▲top   




   Under construction                  ▲top


